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1、,1. Confucius is the greatest philosopher and educator. He is the founder of Confucianism. Many of his ideas are quite valuable even now. For instance, he believed that one should be kind to others. “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”. “Harmony can be promoted despite the dif

2、ferences gentlemen have among themselves.”,As a result , it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that people are different for the purpose of safeguarding the harmony and stability in society. In terms of education, he maintain that students should be encouraged to think independently. While student

3、s study their textbooks to acquire knowledge, they should learn to formulate their own opinions.,1. 分布在江西、福建和广东地区的土楼是客家人的民居,每一个土楼都是一个封闭的社区。 Tulou or Earthern Towers, which can found in Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong, are the residential buildings of Kejia Chinese and each of them is an enclosed commu

4、nity.,客家人的祖先原是黄河流域的汉族人,他们在1900多年前陆续迁移到南方。 The ancestors of these people were Han People living in the Yellow River valley. They started to migrate to the south over 1900 years ago.,为了防御匪盗和野兽,他们修建了形同堡垒的土楼用于居住。 They built fortress like earthen towers so as to( in order to ) protect their families from

5、 bandits or beasts. 土楼有圆形的也有方形的,可能高达十几米。 The towers are round or square in shape, measuring over a dozen of meters high.,一个土楼住的下几十户人家,几百口人。2008年7月,福建土楼正式列入世界文化遗产名录。 One such tower is able to hold dozens of families with a total of several hundred people. In July 2008, the earthen towers in Fujian Pr

6、ovince were formally put on the World Cultural Heritage List.,舞狮是中国一项历史悠久的民间表演艺术,至今已有 1500年的历史。 The lion dance is a traditional folk performing art with 1500 years of history. As a traditional folk performing art, the lion dance has 1500 years of history.,狮子是百兽之王,而且在佛教中寓意吉祥。 Lion is the king of all

7、beasts and it symbolizes blessings in Buddhism.,古人相信舞狮可以驱邪纳福,因此喜庆节日都喜欢带鼓敲锣,舞狮助兴。The ancient people believed that the lion dance could drive away evil spirits and bring blessings so that they liked to perform lion dance with beating drums and gongs in celebrating festivals.,舞者身批形似狮子的服饰,踏着音乐节奏,模拟狮子的各种

8、动作跳舞。 The performers are dressed in clothes in the shape of lions and they imitate various movements of lions, dancing to the rhythm of music.,舞狮集武术、舞蹈和音乐于一体,如今在中国和世界各地尤其海外的华人社区发扬光大。 The lion dance is an art that combines the elements of martial arts, dance and music. Nowadays, it has achieved great

9、 prosperity in the world especially in overseas Chinese communities.,围棋是一种两人棋类游戏,起源于中国,约有2500年的历史。With 2,500 years of history, Weiqi or Go is a board game for two players and it originated in China. Weiqi or Go is a board game for two players and it originated in China about 2,500 years ago,围棋的棋盘上有纵

10、横各19条线,构成361个交叉点。 The board has 19 horizontal lines and 19 vertical lines to form 361 intersections.,围棋双方在无棋的交叉点上轮流放置黑白色棋子。 The two players take turns to place black and white pieces on vacant intersections.,落子即不能移动,除非被对手的棋子围住吃掉。 Once the piece is placed, it can not be moved unless it is surrounded

11、and captured by the opposing pieces. Opponent,最终的胜负以棋子控制的交叉点多少决定。 The final victory is won by the player whose pieces control more intersections.,围棋对弈规则简单,策略战术却变化多端。 The rules of the game are simple but rich in strategies.,世界上多个国家和地区开展围棋运动,以中日韩的棋手水平最高。 Weiqi is played in many countries and regions a

12、nd the best players are found in China, Japan, and South Korea.,中国的戏剧历史游久。 The Chinese opera has a long history.,诞生在北京的京剧是中国流行最广、影响最大的剧种。 Though Beijing Opera originated from Beijing, it is the most popular and influential opera in China.,京剧在形成的过程中,受到北方方言和风俗习惯的影响,又吸收了许多地方戏的精华。 In the course of its f

13、ormation, it was affected by Beijing dialects and customs and it assimilated the best from many local operas.,中国由于地域辽阔,各地的方言不同,地方戏多达360多种。 Due to the vast land and various dialects, there are a great variety of local operas, numbering well over 360.,其中,粤剧用广东话演唱,风格独特。 Among the local operas, Guangdong Opera is unique as it is sung in Cantonese.,粤剧主要流行与广东、广西、福建南部一带,以及香港、澳门和海外华人社区。It is poplar mainly in Guangdong, Guangxi and the southern part of Fujian, as well as overseas Chinese communities Hongkong, Macao and the rest of the world.,


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