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1、Section C Listening and Speaking,Writing,Further Reading,课堂互动探究,预习多维感知,写作专题突破,Section C,预习多维感知,.词语翻译 1be based on _ 2consist of _ 3join sth together_ 4in the name of _ 5take part in_ 6abide by_,7torch relay_ 8the opening ceremony_ 9the closing ceremony_ 10struggle for_ 答案:1.基于 2.由组成 3.把连在一起 4.以名义 5.

2、参加 6.坚持,遵守 7.火炬接力 8.开幕式 9.闭幕式 10.为而拼搏,.根据课文“Facts About the Olympics”选择最佳答案。 1The five rings on the Olympic flag stand for _ at first. Athe union of the continents. Bthe five gods worshipped in Babylon. Cthe five best athletes of the host country. Dthe five most developed countries in the world.,2Th

3、e Olympic torch first appeared in the _ Olympics. A1928 Amsterdam B1932 Los Angeles C1936 Berlin Dnot mentioned,3.We can conclude from the passage that_ A.the Olympic motto was developed by Coubertin. B.the Olympic torch is lit in the host country. C.there was no Olympic oath at the beginning. D.gol

4、d medal was awarded to the first place winner in 1896. 答案:13 BBC,课堂互动探究,1.seek (sought,sought) Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort .(page 11),观察理解 1) They sought shelter from the rain. 2) He sought his doctors advice. 3) The th

5、ief sought to deceive the police,but in vain.,归纳拓展 1) v寻找,追求 seek for/after sth: 追求 seek out: 找出 2) v征求,请求 seek ones advice: 征求某人的意见 3)v.尝试,试图 seek to do sth: 试图做某事,现学现用 翻译填空 1)He found it worthless to _ fame. 他发现追求名声是不值得的。 2)The prisoner _ _ escape from the prison,but was caught by the police. 罪犯企图

6、越狱而逃,却被警察抓住。 答案:1) seek for/after 2) sought to,2. base Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort.(page 11) 观察理解 1) You should base your conclusion on careful research. 2) the vase falls off a lot because the base is too small.,归纳拓展 1

7、) v以为基础 base.on/upon.:把建立在的基础上 be based on: 以为基础 2) n基础,基地,根基底部,现学现用 翻译填空 3)The story is _ facts. 这个故事是有事实根据的。 4)The newlybuilt_ was attacked by the enemy. 这个新建的空军基地遭到敌机的袭击。 答案:3) based on 4) air base,3. original These rings originally represent the five gods worshipped by in Babylon.(page 11) 观察理解

8、1) The original inhabitants in South America were the Indians. 2) The young painters works are wellreceived because they are very original. 3) The original edition was different from the new one.,归纳拓展 1) adj.最初的,原始的 2) adj.有独创性的,新颖的 3) adj.原作的,原本的,现学现用 翻译填空 5)I must change the _ plan for lack of mon

9、ey. 由于缺钱,我必须改变原来的计划。 6)The invention was so _ it was awarded the first prize. 那项发明如此新颖以至于被授予一等奖。 答案:5) original 6) original that,1.原句展示 All the following facts are about the Olympics represent the idea that Olympism is a philosophy of life,exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of

10、body,will and mind.(page 11) 所有下列事实都表明这样一个观点:奥林匹克精神是一种将生命,自我提高,以及将身体、意志和心灵结合起来的一个平衡的有机整体.,句法简析 句中that引导同位语从句,作idea的同位语,that只起到引导从句的作用,在句中不担当句子成分.能跟同位语从句的名词多是一些抽象名词,如:idea,fact, promise,thought,hope等抽象名词;引导同位语从句的除了that还有:when,where,who,whose,what, which,how等. There is no hope that their team will win

11、 the match.,现学现用 翻译填空 1)He broke his promise _ he would lend his money to me. 他违背了自己将要把钱借给我的诺言。 2)The thought _ well go on holiday in Hai Nan makes me excited. 一想到我们下周将去海南度假我就十分激动。 答案:1)that 2) that,2.原句展示 These rings originally represented the five gods worshipped in Babylon.(page 11) 这五环最初代表了在巴比伦受

12、人崇拜的五位神灵,句法简析 句中worshipped in Babylon为过去分词短语作状语,修饰前面的名词gods。如果被修饰的名词或代词和分词之间是被动完成的关系,用过去分词作定语,如果和分词之间是主动进行的关系,则用现在分词作定语。如: The man standing at the gate is my uncle.,现学现用 翻译填空 3)The students in our class like to read the novel _ _ Luxun. 我们班的同学很喜欢读鲁迅写的那本小说。 4)The boy _ is LiMings younger brother. 躺在树

13、下的那个小孩是李明的弟弟。 答案:3)written by 4)lying under the tree,写作专题突破,【策略探究】 每个人在自己的生活中都有自己所喜欢的一项体育运动,而描写这项体育运动可以分为以下几个步骤: 一、首先介绍自己所喜欢的体育运动是什么,是如何接触的这项运动,比如通过和朋友在一起玩,或者通过电视媒体或者报纸的宣传等等;,二、介绍自己为什么喜欢它,以及它给自己的生活和工作带来了什么样的影响或乐趣; 三、评价自己这项体育运动的感想,或给周围的人提出建议。,【典例展示】 假如你是李华,经常从事一些体育活动,而恰好学校英语角就My favorite sport 进行征文活动

14、,请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文投稿。 要点:1.介绍一下你所喜欢的运动项目以及你是如何喜欢上这项运动的; 2你最喜欢的运动员是谁; 3你是如何提高这项运动技巧的。 注意:1.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 2词数:120150。,【范文借鉴】 My favorite sport Of all sports,basketball is my favorite.I became interested in basketball when I was very young.Once when I was watching a basketball match on TV,I was fascina

15、ted by the athletes skills.So I decided to practice basketball everyday.Also I think playing basketball can healthy and energetic.,My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming.There are two reasons why I like and admire him.For one thing,he has excellent skills in playing basketball and I enjoy watching him play;for another,he has made great contributions to charity and set a good example for us. In my spare time,I often play basketball with my classmates to improve my skills.And I often watch basketball programs on TV.I believe I will be an outstanding basketball player in the future.,



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