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1、0清代以来东北西部草原的开放与开发中英文对照Since the opening and the development of the grassland in the western of northeast China in the qing dynasty 东北草原包括东北三省的西部和内蒙东部的赤峰市、哲里木盟、兴安盟和呼伦贝尔盟的草原。它位于我国温带草原带的东北部,也是欧亚大陆草原区的东侧边缘。东北草原根据自然特点(气候、地理位置、地形、地貌、土壤和植被等)可分为 3 大片草原:科尔沁草原(哲里木盟、赤蜂市、辽宁西北部) 、松嫩草原(吉林西部、黑龙江西部、内蒙兴安盟)和呼伦贝尔草原(呼伦

2、贝尔盟) 。东北草原的突出特点是水草丰美,生活在东北西部草原地区的少数民族依赖肥美的草原长期过着“追逐水草”游牧生活。直到明清时代,东北西部草原地区仍然是“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”的景观。但是,清代以来,随着蒙地的开放和草原的开发,草原植被遭到破坏,草原退化、荒漠化和盐渍化日趋严重,草原开发付出了沉重的生态环境代价。Grasslands in northeast China, including the northeast three provinces of the western and eastern Inner Mongolia chifeng city ZheLiMuMeng

3、 XingAnMeng and surveillance of grassland. It is located in the northeast of temperate grassland in our country, is also the east edge of savanes Eurasia. Northeast grassland according to natural features (climate, geographical position, topography, geomorphology, soil and vegetation, etc.) can be d

4、ivided into three large tracts of grassland, the well-kown horqin grassland (ZheLiMuMeng, bee city, northwest of liaoning province), songnen grassland (west in west jilin, heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia XingAnMeng) and hulun buir grassland (surveillance). Northeast grassland prominent characteristic i

5、s to reveal, live in the prairie regions of ethnic minorities in the western of northeast China relies on a fertile prairie grass chase nomadic life for a long time. Until the Ming and qing dynasties era, grassland areas in the western of northeast China is still days maturity, wild boundless, wind

6、blow grass low see cattle and sheep of the landscape. But, since the qing dynasty, as monte, opening up and development of grassland, grassland vegetation destroyed, increasingly serious grassland degradation, desertification and salinization, grassland development paid a heavy environmental price.

7、http:/ http:/ the opening and the development of the qing dynasty monte 清代东北的西部草原地区,属于蒙古游牧区。对于这个蒙古族聚居区,清政府实行了盟旗管理体制。所谓盟旗制度,是在蒙古族原有的氏族部落基础上,参照满族八旗的组织原则,在每部之内以旗做为军政合一的基本行政单位,旗设札萨克(旗长) 统率全旗。旗下设佐,每佐旗一般拥有 150 丁。相邻的部旗,编组为盟,设盟长一人,一般均由盟内旗长中产生。清政府在东北西部草原蒙古族居地设立了哲里木、伊克昭、卓索图三盟,地范含从呼兰河中下游以西、嫩江下游地区起,向南直到古北口、喜峰口的

8、广大地区,共分 14 部、26 旗、901 佐。清政府将蒙古各部“编入旗伍,安插牧地,赐以牲口”。各盟旗均有其游牧区域,“凡疆理,各识其山河之名而表以图,以定其游牧,无山河则树之鄂博”。这些牧场属于国有,称为“蒙地” ,由清政府赐予蒙古王公占有和使用。在清政府实行封禁政策后,蒙地也列入封禁区,禁止汉族流民进入蒙地开垦耕作。清廷为了保证军马的供应而在东北草原的南部的大、小凌河流域还设立了两处官牧厂,即广宁盘蛇驿牧厂和锦州大凌河牧厂。这两处官牧厂以养马为主,长期保持骟马 10 群、骒马 24 群,牧养军马 13600 匹的蓄养规模,由兵部管理。此外,清廷为了保证皇室需要还在今彰武县境内设立以蓄养牛

9、羊的养息牧牧厂,额定蓄养红牛 4000 头、黑牛 1000 头、羊 1 万只,有蒙古牧丁 1190 人,由内务府管理。虽然清政府对蒙地实行封禁政策,流民的进入和土地的开垦均受到限制,但是汉族流民始终没有停止北上西进的步伐,农业垦区沿着柳条边西侧不断向草原扩展。乾隆十三年(1748),土默特、喀喇沁两旗境内查出流民私垦草场 247 500 亩,清廷虽然宣称今后严禁再行私垦,但对已垦土地仍准流民继续佃种。Western grassland region of northeast China in the qing dynasty, belongs to the Mongolian pastoral

10、 area. For the Mongolian areas, the qing government to implement the management system of the flag. So-called flag system, is based on the Mongolian original clan, tribe, refer to the organizational principle of the manchu eight banners, to flag as a military and political unity within each basic ad

11、ministrative units, flag set Zagreb Isaac (QiChang) command QuanQi. Its set, each flag general has 150 d. Adjacent flags, grouped into au, shall have a capable and is typically http:/ http:/ by QiChang inside the union. The qing government set up zhe in prairie Mongolian settlements in the western o

12、f northeast China in three au wood, YiKeZhao, zhuo sortu, van contains from the hulan river, west of middle and lower reaches of nenjiang river downstream region, the south until the vast area of gubeikou, XiFengKou flag is divided into 14, 26, 901. The qing government to Mongolia flag into wu, past

13、ure, given to cattle. Each flag all have their nomadic area, all constructing principle, general in the name of table to the pieces back together again, to decide its nomadic, no was the tree of the bayan obo. These farms belong to the state, known as the monte, occupied by the qing government to gr

14、ant the Mongolian maharaja and use. After the qing government adopted a policy of banned, monte is also included in the sealing box, han Chinese migrants into the monte reclamation work is prohibited. The qing dynasty in order to ensure the availability of our army in northeast grassland in the sout

15、h of the big and small LingHe basin has also set up two official husbandry factory, namely, quang ninh plate snake yi jinzhou DaLingHe livestock husbandry factory and factory. The two officers shepherd factory is given priority to with a horse, long cut 10 group, mare 24 group, feed destrier 13600 h

16、orse raising scale and management by BingBu. In addition, the qing court in order to ensure that the royal needed within today ZhangWuXian set to retain YangXi livestock husbandry of cattle and sheep factory, rated morality of red bull, 4000 head, 1000 head of cattle, and 1000 sheep, 1190 Mongolian pastoral butyl, managed by the office. Although the qing government to monte



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