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1、0,青岛滨海学院精品课程 英语精品课程 孙敏副教授,1,慎与修辞,New lesson i. The representation of the main contents of Chapter 7 (展示本章重点)本章重点:修辞学在英译汉时的使用:译文要明确无误;翻译要讲究“语工”;行文要文约而事丰;叙事层次要分明;文顺字顺,承上启下,自然流畅;选词要适当,用词要得体;恰当运用汉语四字词组;保持原文的修辞方法,灵活运用译入语的修辞方法。,2,ii. A study of the translating techniques in detail: Part One 理论,一、译文要明确无误 二

2、、翻译必须讲究“语工” 三、译文力求文约而事丰 四、叙述层次要分明 五、文从字顺,承上启下,自然流畅 六、选词要适当,用词要得体 七、适当运用汉语的四字词组八、尽量保留原文的修辞方法,或灵活利用 译入语的修辞方法,以增强译文的力量或效 果。 补充材料:几种常见的英语修辞,3,一、译文要明确无误,试比较下段文字的两种译法: 原文1: Even Mr. Lincoln was mocked as country yokel, but saved the Union and still presides in marble on the edge of the Potomac (波拖马可河). 译文

3、1 想当初,不是林肯先生也曾被人讥笑为“乡巴佬“么?而他却拯救了联邦,至今其大理石雕像仍然雄踞于波拖马可河畔呢! 译文2 甚至林肯先生也曾被讥笑为“乡巴佬“,可他是联邦的拯救者,迄今波拖马可河畔仍然矗立着他的大理石雕像。,4,二、翻译必须讲究“语工”,请欣赏下列佳译: 1Next dreadful thing to battle lost a battle won. 战败最惨,而战胜仅次之。(钱钟书译) 2Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on his continent a new nation, covered

4、 in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 八十七年前,我们的先辈在这个大陆上建立了一个以自由为理想,以人人平等为宗旨的新国家。(许渊冲译),5,3 Thus somehow shades that lay half of a parting was juggled away. 这么一安排,离愁别恨总算变戏法似的变掉了。(杨必译) 4The glimmering shades that lay half asleep between the door of the house and

5、 the public highway were a hind of spiritual medium, seen through which the edifice had not quite the aspect of belonging to the material world. 宅门和公路之间,都是隐约朦胧的树影,远远望去,似乎人鬼异世,这座旧宅也不属于这个世界了。,6,三、译文力求文约而事丰,1It is no use doing what you like; you have to like what you do. 爱一行干一行不行,要干一行,爱一行。 2No admittan

6、ce for passengers. 游客止步。 3It is easer to marry than unmarry. 结婚容易离婚难。 4One cant be too careful in matters like this. 在这个问题上越谨慎越好。,7,5If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the beat interest. 倾囊求知,无人能夺,投资知识,得益最多。,8,四、叙述层次要分明,

7、即按照汉语语言习惯,该先说的先说,比不拘泥于原文的语序;该采用意合法的采用意合法(Parataxis),不必死抠原文的连接词语;语篇要贯通,尽量避免前后脱节或语言梗阻。如: 1Mammoth(庞大的) complexes of cities are developing in the area of the East Coast and the East North-Central states, on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, and near the shores of the Great Lakes. 在美国东海岸一带,中北部偏东的几个州,太平洋和墨西哥湾

8、沿岸,以及大湖湖滨附近,庞大的城市群体正在崛起。,9,2The prime minister suggested that the trading pattern should be diversified, that composition should be rational, and that export of labour forces, joint ventures, processing with supplied materials and tourism should be further developed. It should not be confined(限制) to

9、 the mode of barter(易货交易). 这位总理建议,双方之间的贸易形式要多样化,结构要合理,劳务输出,合资企业,来料加工、旅游,都应得到进一步发展,不应局限于易货贸易。,10,五、文从字顺,承上启下,自然流畅,1Spring has no speech, nothing but rustling and whispering. Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streamers, and in its sweet re

10、stless seeking! 春天没有语言,只有湘枫低吟,春花怒放,春叶茁发,春水奔流,春天欢腾地、无休止地追逐着,这一切比语言要丰富得多。,11,2My old friend Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down to the country. He had no sooner returned than he bou

11、ght a fine house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer it rained continuously and it was often bitterly cold.,12,哈利逊是我的旧友,侨居地中海多年,近返英国。哈早已梦想在英国本土退休,迁往乡间定居。归国伊始,便买下一栋清雅的别墅。可是刚一住下,就抱怨起英国的天气来;原来当时虽说炎暑未尽,但阴雨连绵,寒冷彻骨。,13,六、选词

12、要适当,用词要得体,主要指翻译要考虑原文的文体特征、作者的风格特征,以及所涉及的人物(如文学作品)的性格、年龄、受教育的程度、社会地位等特征。 请大家仔细阅读下列句子,找出其文体特征: 1Tourism for Development旅游促进发展(广告用语)(语言精练),14,2Subject to the Contractors responsibilities and liabilities under the contract, the Contractor shall bear the amount of the retained liability (excess) stated i

13、n Appendix 12 in cases where the Contractor is responsible for the loss, damage or injury. 在承包方应对丢失、损坏货损伤负责的情况下,承包方应根据本合同规定的承包方应负的责任和赔偿义务负担附件12中所说的残余赔偿额(即超额部分)。(法律用语,严谨规范),15,3Do not fret because of evildoers. Do not envy the wicked; for the evil have no future; the lamp of the wicked will go out. (

14、The Old Testament, Proverb 24) 不要为作恶的心怀不平, 也不要嫉妒恶人; 因为,恶人终不得善报; 恶人的灯也必熄灭。 (旧约箴言24),16,4 A “wise man” is one who hears the overall situation in mind, puts the general interests above all and grasp the major issues. 所谓“贤者”,就是要顾大局,识大体,抓大事。(政论) 5. The dark Blue Ridge Mountains in which I well, great-hip

15、ped, big-breasted, slumbers(睡眠) on the western sky. 黛色的蓝岭山,那是我居住的地方,它像臀丰乳高的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下。 (散文),17,6”What does gay mean, Mom?” a seven-year-old boy asked his mother. “Why do you ask, Ben?” “Because I heard it on TV. They said God is going to pu-nish all gays with AIDS.” “GAY是什么意思,妈妈?”一个7岁的男孩问他的母亲。

16、“你怎么想起问这个呢,本?” “听电视上说的。他们说上帝要用艾滋病惩罚所有GAYS(同性恋者)。”(口语体),18,7. The two sides of the brain are not independent even though they have different jobs to do. 脑的两个半球尽管功能不同,却并非彼此无关。(科技用语) 8He felt s continual impulse and craving and greed, something like a serpent gnawing into his heart. 他感觉到内心有一种永不休止的冲动、欲求和贪婪,就像毒蛇噬咬着他的心。,19,七、适当运用汉语的四字词组,四字词组在汉语中特别活跃。在翻译中成功运用四字词组,可以使译文生动、形象、有力。 请试用四字词组翻译下述例句: 1. The policemen went among the villagers in disguise and saw if there were straws in the wind. 警察身着便服到村民中去查访,看看有无蛛丝马迹可寻。,


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