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1、,1. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD took the people of Pompeii by surprise. (P36) 公元79年维苏威火山的爆发令庞培城的人们大吃一惊。Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. 竟然提拔她当销售经理,这让每个人都感到意外。,surprise, the town was seized by them. A. Taking in B. Taken in C. Taking by D. Taken by 【解析】选D。句意:由于受到突袭

2、,这个城镇被他们占领了。take. . . by surprise“突然袭击”,主语the town与take之间是动宾关系,因此用过去分词作状语。,take. . . by surprise 使吃惊 (1)in/with surprise 吃惊地 to ones surprise=to the surprise of sb. 使某人吃惊的是 (2)surprise/amaze sb. 使某人吃惊,2. I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic . (P38) 我感到非常紧张,同时强制自己不要惊慌。炮声使婴儿受到了惊吓。(

3、翻译) The gunfire panicked the baby. People were in a panic (很惊慌)about it when the police arrived to search the building.,The banks were panicked into selling American dollars. (翻译) 银行因恐慌而抛售美元 。 I had to force myself not to panick(强迫我自己不要恐慌).,panic v. &n. 恐慌,惊慌 be in a panic 恐慌 get into a panic 陷入恐慌 b

4、e panicked into doing sth. 因恐慌做某事panic的过去式、过去分词都是panicked,3. Glance through these questions. (P39) 快速浏览一下这些问题。你能粗略地看一下这些数字,然后把你由它们想到的告诉我吗? Can you glance through these figures and tell me what you think of them? 他对那位年轻女士一见钟情。 He fell in love with that young lady at first glance .,glance through 匆匆看一

5、遍,浏览 at first glance 第一眼就,一见就 glance at/down/over=take/have/cast a glance at匆匆看一遍,浏览,4. The land varies in height from 700 metres above sea level to over 2, 000 metres and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals. (P39) 这里地面的高度从海拔700米到2 000多米不等, 是多种多样稀有动植物的生长地。这两套衣服在价钱方面不同。 The two pa

6、irs of clothes vary in price. 它与原作不同。 It varies from the original.,一些货物的价格随季节变化。 The prices of some goods vary with the season. 学习方法因人而异。 Study methods may vary from person to person .,vary from. . . to. . . 由到不等 (1)vary v. 改变;变化;呈差异 vary in 在方面不同 vary with 随而变化 vary between. . . and. . . 在与之间不等 (2)

7、variety n 变化;多样性 a variety of 种种;各种各样的 (3)various adj 各式各样的;各种不同的,5. If you are lucky enough to visit the Lake of Heaven with your loved one, dont forget to drop a coin into the clear blue water to guarantee your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself(P39) 如果你有幸和你的爱人一起游览天池,不要忘了向清澈、湛蓝的湖中

8、投入一枚硬币来保证你们的爱情像湖水一样幽深而长久。 I guarantee that Ill pay off his debts in a year. (翻译) 我保证将在一年之内还清他的债务。,Wealth is not a guarantee of happiness. (翻译) 财富并不是幸福的保证。 买到火车票并不能确保你有一个座位。 Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat/guarantee that you will have a seat . The newly-bought furniture is still und

9、er guarantee (在保修期内).,guarantee vt. 保证,向某人担保;n. 保证,保证书,保修单, 抵押物 (1)guarantee to do sth. 保证要做某事 guarantee that. . . 保证 guarantee sb. sth. /guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人担保某事 be guaranteed to do sth. 必定会做某事 (2) under guarantee 在保修期内 guarantee n. 保证书;抵押品;保证;担保,1. Hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs only t

10、o see my hostess lying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by her guests . (P37) 听到尖叫声,我冲下楼去结果发现女主人躺在地上不省人事,客人们围在她的周围。我急急忙忙赶到他家,结果却发现他不在家。 I hurried to his house, only to find him out .,He got lost ten years ago, never to be found again. 十年前他失踪了,再也没有被找到 。 最后他们到达了目的地,几乎疲惫不堪。 At last they arrived at

11、their destination, almost exhausted .,and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising 【解析】选B。本题考查形容词作状语。surprised在此处用作形容词(惊奇的),表示伴随状态,与happy并列。因为逻辑主语是Tony,所以不用surprising。 Being surprised中的being通常省略, 故最佳答案是B。 老师进入教室,后面跟着一帮学生。 The teac

12、her entered the classroom, followed by a group of students .,1) (only) to do作结果状语 通常所表示的情况和结果往往是未曾预料到的,而且往往是令人不愉快的,其前可以加only或never。 2)形容词作伴随或说明状语 一般用来说明作主语的人或物的一种属性和状态,形容词作状语时,一般用逗号将其与句子的其余部分隔开。这种状语可位于句首、句中或句末。形容词作状语用时还可以表示方式、原因、条件或让步等。,3)过去分词短语作伴随或说明状语 过去分词与主句中的主语形成逻辑上的被动关系,有时也表示动作已完成。可以放在句子的前面,也可以

13、放在句中或句末。,2. I was so anxious and couldnt move at first. (P38) 开始时我焦虑不安,也动不了了。 He was anxious to find (渴望找到) a part-time job. 他担心在国外旅行的家人。 He was anxious about/ for his family ,who were travelling abroad. That is a great anxiety to me. 那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情 。,My mother always gets a bit if we dont arrive whe

14、n we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient 【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。anxious焦急的、焦虑的、担心的;ashamed羞愧的、愧疚的;weak柔弱的,虚弱的;patient耐心的。句意为:如果我们不能按照我们说的时间回来的话,妈妈总会有点担心。,anxious adj. 忧虑的;担心的;渴望的;非常希望的 (1)be anxious for/about 为担心/忧虑 be anxious for sth. 渴望某事 be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事 be anxious for sb. to

15、 do sth. 渴望某人做某事 (2)anxiety n. 挂念,焦虑;烦恼,忧虑 anxiety about/over 对的焦虑; anxiety for sth. 对某事的渴望,事件描述与介绍请你以记者的身份,根据以下材料 写一篇简要的新闻报道,描述冰岛的火 山爆发。2010年3月21日,位于冰岛南部埃 亚菲亚德拉冰川下的火山继1823年后再次爆发,不到一个月,4月13日又一次爆发。火山爆发产生的烟雾和蒸汽冲到空,中几千米,熔岩顺坡而下。因此致使许多班机被取消和整个北欧地区的空中交通中断。火山爆发使得冰川部分融化,引起洪水暴发,数百人搬离家园逃避洪水。洪水也毁坏了道路和桥梁。空气中的火山灰给人体带来危害。1823年的爆发持续了近一年,科学家预测接下来还会有爆发。要求:词数:120左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:取消cancel; 中断disrupt; 冰川glacier,


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