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1、Police English Training Course,Unit 10 Recent Innovations in Policing,2011-3,顾俊,Section A Reactive Policing and Proactive Policing 被动反应警务与主动出击警务Section B Community Policing 社区警务Section C Effectiveness and Efficiency of Policing警务工作的效率与效能,2011-3,顾俊,Introduction,As the whole book comes to a close, the

2、 authors want to take a look at the things to come the innovations in policing. Section A of this unit will demonstrate the contrast between Reactive Policing and Proactive Policing, and will offer a discussion about which type of policing is more suitable for China. An examination of the transition

3、 toward community policing, which means better police-public relationships, more citizens inputting into crime preventions, and more personalized police service to citizens, will be clarified in Section B. Section C is focused on the challenges the police have confronted with, ranging from the probl

4、ems appeared in policing reform to the strategies of improving effectiveness and efficiency of policing.,2011-3,顾俊,Section A,Reactive Policing and Proactive Policing 被动反应警务与主动出击警务,2011-3,顾俊,Words and Expressions,innovation n.C (in sth) a new idea, way of doing something, etc. that has been introduce

5、d or discovered 新思想;新方法 n.U the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something (新事物、思想或方法的)创造;创新;改革,2011-3,顾俊,Words and Expressions,intelligence n.U secret information that is collected about a foreign country, especially one that is an enemy; the people that collect this information (

6、尤指敌对国家的)情报,信息;情报人员 informant n.C a person who gives secret information about sb/sth to the police or a newspaper (向警方或报纸)提供消息的人,告密者,线人 surveillance n.U the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed (对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视,2011-3,顾俊,Words and Expr

7、essions,proactive policing 主动出击警务 reactive policing 被动反应警务 intelligence-led policing情报主导警务 problem-oriented policing 问题主导警务 mend ones ways 改过迁善,改正错误,2011-3,顾俊,Questions for Discussion,1. What can you tell about the policing reforms in history? 2. What have you learnt about the four policing reforms

8、in the world? Which reform impresses you most? Why? 3. What are the central elements of policing innovation?,2011-3,顾俊,Questions for Discussion,4. Why does proactive policing represent new police philosophy? 5. What could be done in China to achieve proactive policing? 6. What are advantages and dis

9、advantages of reactive policing?,2011-3,顾俊,Questions for Discussion,7. Can we entirely give up the reactive policing? Why or why not? 8. Under what circumstances are three major instruments intelligence, informants and surveillance - of proactive policing justifiable and necessary? 9. In your opinio

10、n, how effective is proactive policing?,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Crime is not a problem. Rather, crime is a symptom of the problems that are causing people to violate the law. 犯罪不是问题本身,而是出现问题的征兆,促使人们犯法的征兆。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,General elements of policing transition include defining the strategi

11、c role of all officers, providing formal training in proactive methods, establishing effective computerized intelligence system and skilled analysis. 警务转变的中心要素包括:界定所有警察的战略作用、提供关于主动出击这一方法的正式培训、建立有效的计算机情报系统和技术性的分析。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Intelligence-led policing or, as some experts call it, proacti

12、ve policing represents new policing philosophy. 以情报为主导的警务,或像有的专家所言,主动出击警务,代表了警务新理念。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Proactive policing is an approach to prevent criminal activities before a crime takes place. 主动出击警务是在犯罪发生前就制止犯罪活动的方法 。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Problem-oriented policing is an effective and e

13、fficient approach of reducing crime. 以问题为导向的警务,是减少犯罪的一种有效办法。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Reactive policing has little impact on minimizing damages to victim. 被动反应警务,对减少受害人的损害,作用不大。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Reactive policing is citizen-initiated victim/witness-initiated. Proactive poling, on the other h

14、and, is police initiated. 被动反应警务是由公民引发的,即受害人或目击者引发的警务活动。而主动出击警务,则是由警察发起的警务活动。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Reactive policing is traditionally an incident-driven approach. Police wait for a crime to occur, then react and make an arrest. 传统意义上的被动反应警务,是一种以案件为驱动的警务工作方法。警察坐等犯罪出现,然后做出反应并对犯罪分子实施抓捕。,2011-3,顾俊,L

15、anguage Focus,Reactive policing means police respond to crimes as they receive calls for service. 被动警务意味着,警察接到报警电话后,才对犯罪活动做出反应。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,The new philosophy of policing includes not only the reasons of transition but also the conduct of the transition. 警务新理念不仅包括警务转变的种种原因,而且包括警务转变的实施步骤。,2011-3,顾俊,Language Focus,Three of most cited forms of proactive policing are situational policing, problem-oriented policing and intelligence-led policing. 主动出击警务被引用最多的三种形式是:情境性警务、以问题为导向的警务和以情报主导警务。,



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