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1、Unit4 Reading,A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,Lets skim the passage, and try to catch the main idea.,Task 1,Fast reading,Time: Place: Disaster:,July 28, 1976,Tangshan, Hebei,A big earthquake,Main idea:,An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28, 1976.,Task 2,Sum up the main idea of each part of the

2、 passage. (choose one word to describe),Part 1: para 1,signs,Part 2: para 2 & 3,Part 3: para 4,damage,recovery,A. recovery B. signs(征兆) C. damage,(before the earthquake),(during the earthquake),(after the earthquake),Task 3,Careful reading,Read each paragraph carefully and finish the tasks.,rose and

3、 fell,had deep cracks and a smelly gas came out,were too nervous to eat,ran out of the fields , looking for places to hide.,jumped out of bowls and ponds,Part1,the water in the village wells,the well walls,the chickens and pigs,mice,fish,Match,Para1.before the earthquake,Language points,1. In the fa

4、rmyard, the chicken and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.,tooto.太而不能. The box is too heavy to carry. The problem is too difficult for me to work out. too+adj+for sb/sth +to do sth 太以至于某人、某物不能做某事,农家大院里的鸡甚至猪都太过于惶恐而不想进食。,I am too happy to receive your letter. She is too excited to get so much mone

5、y.,too 后面跟表示心情、态度的形容词(如 happy, anxious, glad, pleased, ready, willing等)时,相当于very,不定式表肯定意义。,2. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.,照常,think little of think poorly of think nothing of,看轻,不在意,轻视,不放在眼里,轻视,认为无所谓,think highly/well/mu

6、ch of think ill of think badly of,重视,对高度评价,认为不好,认为不好,但是这座城市的一百万居民几乎没有把这些情况 当回事,那天晚上照常睡觉了。,15 seconds,200 kilometers,8 & 30,2/3,75%, 90%,400,000,3:42 am,What do these numbers stand for?,11 kilometers,During the earthquake(Para2-3),Part 2,At 3:42 am everything began to shake.,11 kilometers directly be

7、low the city,A huge crack was 8 kilometers long and thirty metres wide.,The earthquake was felt in Beijing, which is more than 200 kilometres away.,3:42 am,11 kilometers,200 kilometers,8 & 30,In 15 seconds a large city lay in ruins.,The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 4

8、00,000.,Two-thirds of the people in Tangshan died or were injured.,75% of the citys factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.,15 seconds,75%, 90%,2/3,3. It seemed as if the world was at an end.,结束,终结,仿佛,好像,seem : v. 似乎 seem + adj./n./to do/prep. 似乎 It seems/seemed that 似乎,看来. There see

9、ms/seemed to be + no + n.似乎没有. =There doesnt /didnt seem to be +n.,The man seems to know something.,It seems that nobody knows the truth.,There seems to be no water.,仿佛世界某日到了!,as if 好像,仿佛 (as though),It looks as if it is going to rain. He has been studying for a long time. It seems as if he is very

10、tired. He always talks to me as if he were my brother.,当as if引导从句时,若从句内容与现在事实相反, 那么从句谓语动词用一般过去时(注意be动词 只用were),若与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时。,Who came to help ? And what did they do?,Part3,The army & workers,1. dug out_.,2. buried_.,3. rescued_.,4. built_.,5. took_.,those who were trapped,the dead,10,000 miners,

11、shelter for survivors,fresh water to the city,After the earthquake (para.4),4. All hope was not lost. Allnot = Not all 并不是所有的 Not all students are good at English. = All students are not good at English. :(not与all, both, everyone, everybody, everything, every+n, each, each+n.连用时,无论not在它们之前还是之后都表示部分否定。),部分否定,希望并未完全破灭。,Both of them havent read this story. = Not both of them have read this story. 他们两个并非都看过这个故事。 :no + n, not any + n, none (三者或三者以上),neither/nor(两者之间),nobody, nothing, no one等与肯定式的谓语连用时,表全部否定。,完全否定,部分否定,None of these books are mine. Nothing is possible.,Thank you!,


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