translation skills--特殊句式的翻译

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《translation skills--特殊句式的翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《translation skills--特殊句式的翻译(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、翻译技巧(十五) 句子的翻译,汉语特殊句式的翻译,TRANSLATION SKILLS,翻译技巧(十五) 句子的翻译(5) 汉语特殊句式的翻译 汉语中有些常见句型如”是”字句、”得”字句、”把”字句、”搞”字句等,其翻译没有、也不可能有固定的公式可以套用,如汉语的判断词“是”不一定总是翻译成英语的系动词be。但是,通过纷繁的译例,我们仍然可以探索出翻译这些句型的有效方法和策略。,“是”字句的翻译,“是”字句的翻译“是”字是汉语中比较特殊的动词,他不是表示动作或行为,而是表示判断和肯定,在汉语语法中通常被称为“判断词”, 通常情况下可以用英语相应时态,人称和数的变化的连系动词“be” 与之对应,

2、但汉语中的“是”并非总是表示判断和肯定,它是一个含义极其丰富的句式,因而成为汉语中的特殊句式。,“是”字句的翻译,1. 表示等同,类属和特征,译为主系表结构(1)改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势 所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized, a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events.,“是”字句的翻译,(2

3、)她分明已经纯粹是个乞丐了。She had clearly become a beggar pure and simple. (3) 李白是中国历史上最伟大的诗人之一。Li Bai was one of the most famous poets in Chinese history. (4)这条河原来是非常清澈的。The river was originally very clean,“是”字句的翻译,2. 表示加强语气,英译时添加表示强调的副词或使用强调句。(1)这孩子是可爱的。The child is lovely indeed.(2)我不是不懂,是不想说。It is not that

4、I didnt understand, but that I didnt want to say anything.3. “是的”,表示强调或被动。(1)去年是在北京碰到王大夫的。It was in Beijing that I met Doctor Wang last year. (2)这首优美的歌曲是一名残疾人谱写的。This graceful song is composed by a handicapped man.,“是”字句的翻译,4. 表示“存在”,译为存在句there be,倒装或与句中动词合译。(1)这座村庄背后是一座大山,前面是一条小河,东边是稻田。 A. There is

5、 a big mountain behind the village, a small river in front of it and a paddy field to the east of it. B. Behind the village stands a big mountain, in front of it flows a small river and to the east of it lies a paddy field. (2)3000米跑下来,他满身是汗。After a three-thousand-run, he was sweating all over.,“是”字

6、句的翻译,5. 表示“凡是”,译为疑问词+ever或every(1)是重活,他都抢着干。 Whenever theres a tough job, he is always the first to do it. (2)是人,总有春风得意时。Every dog has its day.6. 表示被动革命者是杀不完的。Revolutionaries can never be wiped out.,“是”字句的翻译,7. 表示让步,译为让步状语从句或转折句(1)他们穷是穷,但很快乐。Although they were poor, they were happy. (2)这件大衣是好,就是贵了点。

7、The coat is of good quality, but it is too expensive.,“得”字句的翻译,“得”字句的翻译汉语助动词“得”一般用在动词或形容词之后,连接补语成分,表示能力、可能性、结果、程度等。汉语的“得”字,可根据其语法功能,利用英语的词法或句法手段翻译。,“得”字句的翻译,1. 用情态助动词翻译“得”字英语的情态助动词can, could, be able to可以表示能力;may, might, can, could表示可能性,因此,可以利用它们来翻译表示能力或可能性的“得”字。(1)这礼堂坐得下1000人吗?Can this hall hold 10

8、00 people? (2)她的英语讲得好。She can speak English well.,“得”字句的翻译,2. 用后缀构词法翻译“得”字英语的后缀-ible, -able构成的词语可以表示能力或可能性,因此也可利用这类词翻译“得”字。(1)有些星星肉眼都看得很清楚。Some stars are quite visible to the unaided eye. (2)这些消息靠得住吗?Is the information reliable?,“得”字句的翻译,3. 用固定结构翻译“得”字当“得”字表示结果或程度时,可利用英语中表示相同意义的固定结构来翻译。(1)sothat/suc

9、hthat/soas to天气闷热得大家喘不过气来。It was such a hot and stuffy weather that people were out of breath. 他常常高兴得什么都忘了。He is often so happy as to forget everything. (2)be capable of他什么事都干得出来。He is capable of anything.,“得”字句的翻译,(3)tooto/toofor 他气得说不出话来。 He was too angry to speak. 水脏得不能喝。 The water is too dirty f

10、or drinking.(4)enough to/enough for 天气暖和得可以游泳了。 Its warm enough to swim now.,“得”字句的翻译,4. 省略“得”字有时,“得”字无需译,只需翻译“得”字位于其中的短语即可,或用and连接。(1)他们俩人很合得来。Both of them got well along with each other. (2)他的歌声引起了观众的哄笑,便羞愧得赶忙离开了比赛。His singing made the audience burst out laughing. He felt ashamed and left the comp

11、etition.,“把”字句的翻译,“把”字句的翻译汉语中的“把”字句在结构上将宾语提前,突出宾语。语态形式上只能用主动式,因此使汉语减少了被动句的使用频率,很多被动意义都可借助“把”字句来表达。把字句主要有以下几种类型的结构。,“把”字句的翻译,(1)含有“处置”意思,使用to have something done句型,或“动词+宾语+状语”的结构他生气时,就把自己关在房里。When he is angry, he has himself confined in the room.她把考卷揉成一团。 She crumpled the papers into a ball.,“把”字句的翻译

12、,(2) 含有“致使”意义的“把”字句,通常接“累”、“急”、“吓”、“热”等动词,翻译是通常转化为含“致使”意义的动词。把他吓坏了。He was terribly frightened.,“把”字句的翻译,(3)表示“把当作”,可用“动词+宾语+as/for”我错把她当作她的孪生妹妹了。I mistook her for her sister.(4) 含“把一+动词”,通常省略“把”和“一”,将名词和动词变成动宾结构。这小男孩把头一昂,走了。The little boy tossed his head and went away.,“把”字句的翻译,(5)含祈使意味的“把”字句把房间收拾一下

13、。Tidy up the room.(6)译为被动句昨天风把小树刮倒了。The little tree was blown down by the wind yesterday.,“搞”字句的翻译,“搞”字的翻译,应当具体问题具体分析,弄清其在具体语境中的具体含义,然后再选择恰当的词语译之。,“搞”字句的翻译,(1) 译为动词或动词短语“搞”最常见的意义是“做”、“干”、“弄”、“从事”、“进行”等,因此可用do, get, make, work, practise, engage in, go in for等来翻译。搞字对字的翻译常常是行不通的。 It is often unacceptab

14、le to do a word-to-word translation.这事没啥搞头。Theres no point in doing that.(2) 译为其他词类 如:你们在搞什么名堂? What are you up to? (“搞”译为副词短语up to),“搞”字句的翻译,(3)省略“搞”字我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally.(4)译为被动句能不能尽快把科技搞上去,这是

15、一个关系到社会主义全局,关系到我们国家命运与前途的大问题。Whether science and technology can be pushed forward as quickly as possible is a question of vital importance for socialist construction as a whole and for the destiny and future of our country.,Exercises,练习:翻译下列汉语特殊句式 1)这是他过去常对人说起的观点。(是字句) 2) 春秋战国时期,楚国是疆域最辽阔的诸侯国,加上历时八百多

16、年,楚国文化成为中华民族文化的重要组成部分。(是字句) Keys: 1) This was a viewpoint he would often talk about. 2) During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, Chu occupied a vast territory and lasted eight hundreds of years from its establishment so that Chu Culture became an important component part of the Chinese Culture.,Exercises,3)你最好在月底之前把这台机器 修好。(把字句) 4) 这天气把人热得坐不住。(使得、把字句) 5)那一趟可把我累坏了。(把字句)Keys: 3) You had better have this machine repaired by the end of this month. 4) The heat of weather makes one unable to sit still. 5) The trip tired me out.,


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