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1、高频振荡通气(HFOV) High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation,詹庆元2004年7月9日,高频通气(HFV)的分类,高频正压(HFPPV) 高频喷射(HFJV) 高频射流阻断(HFFI) 高频振荡通气(HFOV),HFOV工作原理,ET Tube,BIAS Flow,Patient,CDP Adjust Valve,Oscillator,Increase FRC with a “super CPAP system”,HFOV呼吸机构造,振荡发生装置 侧枝气流、吸呼气管路和控制阀 加温湿化装置 电路控制系统和控制面板,振荡发生装置,由活塞泵和隔膜产生振荡

2、317Hz 压力变化幅度(P):每次振荡所产生的压力变化 振荡容量(stroke volume):活塞运动引起的容积变化,每次接近或小于解剖死腔 主动呼气:活塞前后方向的振荡分别产生正压或负压方波,吸气为正,呼气为负 平均气道压(MAP) :P叠加于侧枝气流发生的基础气道压,P值的变化在一定程度影响MAP,侧枝气流、病人管路和呼气阀,经空氧混合器调节后的侧枝气流,由气体流量计调节后输入吸气管道,使气体可以充分湿化 吸气与呼吸管路 气体经呼气阀排至外界环境,呼气阀的开口大小可决定平均气道压的高低,加温湿化器,吸气管路内有电阻丝,使来自于湿化罐的气体继续加热,在吸气管路内不存在凝结水,防止振荡波衰

3、减 注意加水,HFOV改善氧合及减少肺损伤的机理,提高肺容积,改善V/Q比 HFOV肺泡压为CMV 1/51/15 VT较CMV低,吸呼相的压力差小 避免了高氧对肺组织的毒性作用,When Do You Consider HFOV?,The EARLIER the better FiO2 0.6-0.8 for 24 hours mPaw 24 PEEP 10-15 P/F Ratio than CMV Set Amplitude for Visual WIGGLE to thigh Hertz 6 I Time % 33 Bias Flow 40 to 60 lpmRecruitment m

4、aneuver Cuff leak,HFOV的监测,物理体征: 自主呼吸:强弱、节律 胸部振动幅度:效果与副作用(痰多,气胸,插管位置) 肺容量:胸廓周径,肝脏在右侧肋下的位置,腹胀和腹围 心功能:心率、血压和周围末梢循环状态,心脏听诊 胸片:判断肺容量,要求膈肌位于第8-9后肋水平 动脉血气分析 持续经皮氧饱和度和二氧化碳监测,Chest X-rays,Stopping the piston, or re-positioning the head to shoot an appropriate film is not necessary. Do not remove the patient

5、from HFOV and manually ventilate to shoot the film. The purpose of the x-ray is to verify the lung volume that the HFOV is producing. A physician, nurse, or therapist should be at bedside to assure the patency of the airway and the patients position.,Suctioning,Indications: Decreased or absent CWF D

6、ecrease in saturation Increase in PaCO2 Using a closed system helps minimize the de-recruitment. When the patient is disconnected from the HFOV they de-recruit lung volume.,Auscultation: Breath sounds,Identifying the normal “breath “ sounds is difficult since HFOV is not ventilation with a bulk flow

7、 of gas through the airway.,Auscultation: Heart Sounds,Stop the piston (the patient is now on CPAP) Listen to the heart sounds Re-start the piston Removing the patient from the ventilator may result in loss of lung volume.,Transition to CMV Ventilation,FiO2 50% Paw 25 ABGs stable Resolution of lung pathology,


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