新课标七年级英语基训第三 。四单元 答案

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1、Unit3 How do you get to school ? 课前预习 一 1.train 2.hundred 3.minutes 4.forty 5.subway 二 1. 10 2.the bus 3.rides 4.15 5.exercise 课堂练习 一 1. riding 2.miles 3.has 4.walking 5.to get 6.reach 7.arrived 二 1_6 CADBDD三 1. takes the plane 2.drives 3.takes, to do 4.doesnt usually take 5.How far ,from 课后巩固 一 1.

2、It takes ,to 2.for vacation 3.takes the bus 4.How ,go 5. walks to,二 . 15 BADCC 6_10 ACDBD1_5 FFTTF1_2 BD,第2课时(SectionA3a-3c) 课前预习 一 1.kilometres 2. shower 3.takes 4.bicycle 5.to finish 二 略 课堂练习一 16 CCCCBB二 1.How long 2.How much 3.How often 4.How far 5.How,课后巩固 一 1.my 2.bikes 3.does 4.to get 5.doesnt

3、 take 6.eighth 7.is 8. walk 9.take 10.quick 二 1_5 ABDCD 6_10 AABBC1_5 CCABA,第三课时(SectionB1a-2c) 课前预习一 1.subway 2.ride 3.village 4.minutes 5.stop/station 6.kilometer 7.River 8.dream 9.bridge 10.Many,二 1. The students in the village go on a ropeway tocross the river to school 2. Because there is no br

4、idge and the river runstoo quickly for boats 课堂练习一 1.flies to 2.half past seven 3. walk to 4. How far 5.How does二 15 BBCDD 6_8 CCA,课后巩固 1.How can I get there / Which is the way there 2.I want to buy / Id like to buy 3. You can try it on / Try it on ,please4. How much is it/Whats the price 5. Its too

5、 dear /It costs too much二 15 ABCCA 6_-_10 CDADB1_5 TFFTT,第四课时(SectionB3a-3b) 课前预习 一 1. boat 2.villages 3.leave4.cross 5.car 二 1. to 2.on 3.also4.different 5. although 6 depends7.or 8. lakes 9.by 10.more 课堂练习一 1.How often 2.flies to 3.what about 4.to me 5.take a boat,二 15 CCDAB 课后巩固一 1. depends on 2.

6、Many ,by boat 3.different ways ,getting 4.where, works5.think taking二 1. C 2.D 3.D 4.The 9:00bus5.The 5:30 am bus on Saturday,第五课时( Self Check) 自我检测一 1.drive 2.kilometers 3.new 4.years 5.minutes 6.like二 1_5 BCDDD 6_10 CDBDC11_15 BDDCC1_ _5 BADCB6_10 ACDBB,四 1.take the bus 2. walk 3.rides his bike 4.drives his car 5.takes the subway 五 15 FFTTT,



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