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1、Unit 11 The Media,Part 2 Of 2,10. rent, hire与employ rent通常表示长期的“租借,出租”,其对象一般是房屋、土地、机器等。此外,rent还可用作名词,意为“租金”。We dont own our house; we rent it.我们自己没有房子,这是租来的。The rent for the apartment is 80 a month.那套公寓的租金为每月80美元。,hire则表示短期或临时性的“租用,雇用,雇请”,其对象可以是人或物。Can I hire a car for three days?我能租辆车用3天吗?,employ意为

2、“雇用”,其对象通常是表示人的词语。它常常构成搭配employ sb., employ sb. as, employ sb. in sth.;此外,employ还可用来表示“利用(某人或某物)”,如时间,注意力等。The factory employs two hundred people.工厂雇用了200人。,用rent, hire, employ的适当形式填空 Many visitors _ bikes to travel around the small island. Whats the _ of this car? The company tried to _ this farmla

3、nd for ten years.,hire,rent,rent,用rent, hire, employ的适当形式填空 4. She _ three persons to paint the fence for her. 5. This company will _ more workers in the new year.,hired / employed,employ,11. defend, protect与guard这三个词都有“保护,使安全”之意,也都常用于defend / protect / guardagainst / from结构中。 defend意为“保卫,捍卫”,指抵抗或防御

4、外来的威胁、攻击;它还可表示在法庭上或理论上进行辩护。,The people defended the town against the foreign invaders. 人民保卫城镇,抵抗外国侵略者。 He had a good lawyer to defend him. 他有一个好律师为他辩护。,protect意为“保护”,指的是采取措施以保障某人或某物的安全,以免受到危险或损害、伤害等。He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.他戴一副墨镜以保护眼睛不受阳光的刺激。,guard意为“守卫,警戒,看守”,目的

5、是维护安全,防备危险的发生。The gate is guarded by soldiers; you cant go without a pass.大门有兵守卫,你没有通行证过不去。,用defend, protect, guard的适当形式填空 Our armies are determined to _ our great motherland. We should do something practical to _the river from pollution. Two different soldiers _ the gate twenty-four hours every day

6、.,defend,protect,guard,12. concentrate vi. 集中注意力;使集中concentrate on / upon 把集中在上,专心致志于You must concentrate on your work.你必须专心于你的工作。I tried to concentrate my attention upon my chemical researches.我尽力专心于我的化学研究。,I cant concentrate with that noise going on. 到处是噪音,我不能集中精神。 Fighting was concentrated around

7、 the towns to the north. 战斗主要集中在北方的城镇。,concentration n. 专心,集中 This book will need all your concentration. 读这本书需要你专心致志。,13. warn vt. 警告,告诫 warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人注意某事The newspaper warns the public of the danger of smoking.报纸提醒公众注意吸烟的危害。,warn sb. against doing sth.=warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事The d

8、octor warned the patient against smoking.The doctor warned the patient not to smoke.医生告诫病人不要吸烟。,warn+从句I have warned him that it is not allowed.我曾警告过他,这是不被允许的。,warning adj. 警告的,预告的;n. 警戒 He gave me a warning look. 他向我使了一个警告的神色。 He paid no attention to my warnings. 他无视我的警告。,1. 我警告他们不要在这样薄的冰上溜冰。I _ go

9、 skating on such thin ice. 2. 他提醒我人群中有扒手。He _ there were pickpockets in the crowd.,warned them not to,warned me that,14. in favour of 支持,赞同All of us are in favour of the proposal that our school uniform should be made to our own taste.我们都赞成校服应依据我们的品位去做的提议。,in favour (with) 受欢迎,得到偏爱 out of favour (wi

10、th) 不受欢迎,失宠 ask sb. a favour 请求某人帮个忙 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙,Nowadays clothes from Korea are in favour with young people. 现在韩国的服装很受年轻人的欢迎。,Milk and eggs are out of favour with people having healthy eating habits. 对那些坚持健康饮食习惯的人们来说,牛奶和鸡 蛋已经不受欢迎了。,“Its too difficult; can I ask you a favour?” I asked my

11、math teacher. “这道题太难了,我能请您帮个忙吗?”我问数 学老师。 Can you do me a favour? The suitcase is too heavy. 能帮个忙吗?这手提箱太重了。,用favour的有关短语的适当形式填空 Would you please _ and turn down the radio? Are you _ my plan that we go climbing this weekend? Young and beautiful teachers are _in middle schools.,do me a favour,in favour

12、 of,in favour (with),用favour的有关短语的适当形式填空 I want to _ of you. Will you lend me your car? I think we are _ with them. We have not been asked to any of their parties this year.,ask a favour,out of favour,15. in detail 详细地 detail前可有形容词修饰。in complete detail 十分详细地in some detail 较为详细地in great detail 非常详细地T

13、he coach analysed in great detail the various possibilities of winning the game.教练非常详细地分析了取得这场比赛胜利的种种可能性。,in advance 提前 in case 以防;以防万一 in charge 负责,主管 in common 共有 in danger 在危险中 in debt 负债 in difficulty 处境困难in fact 事实上 in order 整齐的 in return 作为回报 in short 简而言之 in sight 能看见 in summary 总之 in turn 轮流

14、,反过来 in vain 徒劳的,无用的,16. be used to (doing sth.), used to (do sth.)与be used to do sth. be used to意为“习惯,适应”,其中be可换作系动词get或become;to是介词,所以其后可接v.-ing形式、名词和代词等。I am not used to being treated like this.我不习惯被这样对待。,You will soon get used to the food here.你很快就会适应这里的食物。I walk after supper every day, so I am

15、used to it.每天晚饭后我都散步,所以我已经习惯了。 used to (do sth.)意为“过去常常(做某事)”,其中to是不定式符号,故其后接动词原形。I used to swim in this river when I was a child.小时候我常在这条河里游泳。,He didnt use / usednt to write with a pencil. 他过去不常用铅笔写字。 Used he / Did he use to come here? 他过去常来这里吗?,used to的否定形式为usednt to或didnt use to。疑问形式为Used sb. to或

16、Did sb. use to?反意疑问形式为usednt sb.?或didnt sb.?,They used to be good friends, usednt / didnt they?他们过去是好朋友,是吗? be used to do sth.意为“被用来做某事”;其中to也是一个不定式符号。Plastic can be used to make into all kinds of things.塑料可以用来制成各种物品。,What will the money be used for? 这些钱将被用来干什么?,be used for意为“被用作”,很多时候可 以与be used to do换用。 be used as意思是“被用作为”。,


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