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1、INTRODUCING THE NEW LONZA PELLET-安可莱-产品介绍,PRODUCTION,生产,Pellet production in Visp 安可莱原产于菲斯普,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,3,Visp is Lonzas largest production facility菲斯普是龙沙最大的生产基地 Current location where active ingredient Meta Metaldehyde is manufactured and the R&D group sits 目前用于安可莱四聚乙醛原药的生产及研发,Pellet produ

2、ction in Visp 安可莱生产在菲斯普,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,4,我们在生产与技术上的优势: Unparalleled experience 丰富的经验 Proven track record in quality control and Meta Metaldehyde formulations 品质控制的跟踪记录和原来老的密达配方的认可 80 years experience of handling Meta Metaldehyde 80年处理四聚乙醛的经验 Volume In- & Outbound (产量) 500000 tons p.a.规模世界第一,作用

3、机理,螺受引诱剂的吸引而取食或接触到安可莱后,使螺体内乙酰胆碱酯酶大量释放, 破坏螺体内特殊的黏液,使螺体迅速脱水,神经麻痹,并分泌黏液, 由于大量体液的流失和细胞被破坏, 导致螺体、蛞蝓等在短时间内中毒死亡。,Where is the innovation? 创新之处-全新专利工艺,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,6,PELLET CHARACTERISTICS,颗粒特点,Structural changes of starch during extrusion 挤压时淀粉发生结构变化 Starch granules swell if water is added and incr

4、ease in diameter (up to 30-40%) 淀粉微粒加水后膨胀,直径增加(最高30-40%) Wheat starch gelatinises at 53-66C which leads to irreversible modifications 面粉在53-66C胶状化引起不可逆转的变形 Amylose leaks from the granule 淀粉糖从微粒中泄漏出来 Starch crystals melt and build a polymer network, formation of a gel 淀粉晶体溶解然后形成聚合体,形成啫喱状 During cooli

5、ng, amylose gels tend to retrogradation - an insoluble, not swollen, microcrystalline state 冷却时,淀粉糖啫喱趋向回生一种不可溶、不可膨胀的微晶体 Good water binding capacities 易于与水结合 Less soluble in chilled water 在冷水中较难融化,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,8,Extrusion process: Starch 全新专利挤压工艺:淀粉,Gelatinisation process 胶状化过程,AXCELA extrusi

6、on pellet shows in the micrograph a fully packed compact structure with few small pores “安可莱”挤压颗粒在显微镜下显示紧致的架构,只有极少的空隙,9,Gelatinisation process 胶状化过程,Common dry processed pellet shows a “looser” pattern with more wider pores, in this case an uneven pattern of flour particles of different size 传统的干法颗粒

7、显示“松弛的”结构及较多的空隙,这种情况下不同大小的面粉颗粒分布不均,10,Competitor pellets contain minerals 含有矿物的竞争产品,This pellet contains 15% CaCO3 (C = crystals) 这种颗粒含有15%的碳酸钙(C代表晶体),11,AXCELA pellet in dry state “安可莱”颗粒在干燥状态,12,AXCELA pellet in moist state “安可莱”颗粒在湿润状态,13,Size increases and colour becomes paler 体积膨胀及颜色变淡,New extr

8、usion technique 全新新的专利挤压工艺的优势,Manufactured by a new extrusion technique (patent pending) the resulting pellet has 新的挤压工艺(专利)制造的产品 A high breaking resistance when dry 干燥时硬度更高 High palatability when moist 湿润时更容易食用 Is fast acting controlling slugs and snails 快速地作用于蛞蝓及蜗牛 Gives high performance in slug a

9、nd snail control 高效地控制蛞蝓及蜗牛 An accurate distribution pattern 均匀的分布 A high number of baiting points 单位平方颗粒数更多,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,14,Probability of pellet encounter 与颗粒相遇的几率,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,15,Probability that a slug will encounter a pellet over time in minutes: 蛞蝓与颗粒相遇的几率,Bieri et al., 1990,与颗

10、粒相遇的几率 蛞蝓与颗粒相遇的几率 (竖轴)%与颗粒相遇 (横轴)蛞蝓寻找颗粒所用分钟数 蓝色60颗/平方米 红色35颗/平方米 绿色20颗/平方米 p=几率 R=动物的感觉范围 D=颗粒投放的最大值 V=动物的移动速度 T=寻找时间 F=每颗颗粒平均作用的田地面积,AN INNOVATIVE CONTROL PELLET 一种创新的控制型颗粒,for Slugs and Snails 针对蛞蝓及蜗牛,安可莱在全世界各地都进行过各种实验,Development Trials have been carried out over a number of years with independen

11、t centers of excellence 近年于不同的独立的实验中心进行发展性的试验 ACTA, France ACTA,法国 IRSTEA (Cemagref), France IRSTEA(Cemagref),法国 PPO, The Netherlands PPO, 荷兰 i2L, UKi 2L,英国 i2L, Spaini 2L,西班牙 Agro-Research, Japan 农业实验,日本,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,17,Pellet performance 颗粒性能,Efficacy in Cereals/OSR on grey slug 作用在谷物、油菜中的

12、灰色蛞蝓 Speed of action critical 显著的反应速度 Crop protection in cereals/OSR against grey slug 保护谷物、油菜免于灰色蛞蝓的祸害 Efficacy against all slug species 作用于所有蛞蝓物种 Results from the i2L lab trials i2L实验的结果 time to feed 食用时间 time to die 死亡时间 number of slugs killed per pellet 每颗颗粒能杀灭蛞蝓数,April 2012,Lonza Ltd,18,High br

13、eaking resistance when dry 干燥时的高硬度,Swiss Federal Institute of Materials Sciences and Technology, 2011, Switzerland,19,干燥时的高硬度 硬度 绿色“安可莱” 蓝色湿法制四聚乙醛(梅塔) 紫色湿法制四聚乙醛(Extrusion)另一欧洲品牌 竖轴抗碎强度(单位N) (注:国内的干法工艺更差,没必要进行比较,故无试验对比数据),Size distribution of broken pellets 碎颗粒的体积分布,20,IRSTEA, 2012, France,碎颗粒的体积分布 使

14、用播撒机械后,91%以上的颗粒保持完好,在8.8%的碎颗粒中,97%以上直径达到0.75mm以上,碎颗粒分布 竖轴碎粒大小(mm) 横轴颗粒使用量的比例,Pellet expansion in moist conditions 湿润环境下颗粒膨胀,21,Lonza Ltd, 2011, Switzerland,湿润环境下颗粒膨胀 颗粒膨胀 竖轴膨胀比例 绿色“安可莱” 蓝色湿法制四聚乙醛(梅塔) 紫色湿法制四聚乙醛(Extrusion) 另一欧洲品牌,High palatability when moist 湿润时容易食用,22,i2L, 2011, UK, laboratory test,

15、Helix aspersa,湿润时容易食用 颗粒易食性 竖轴颗粒被食用(mg) 横轴:左边四聚乙醛,湿法,3%; 右边安可莱 绿色24小时 深蓝色48小时 天蓝色72小时,i2L, 2011, UK, laboratory test, Deroceras reticulatum, 40 replicates per treatment,Slugs find AXCELA faster 蛞蝓更迅速地找到“安可莱”,23,蛞蝓更迅速地找到“安可莱” 蛞蝓与颗粒相遇所需时间 竖轴时间(分钟) 绿色“安可莱” 蓝色湿法制四聚乙醛,4% 紫色蒸法制四聚乙醛,3%,Slugs feed for longe

16、r on AXCELA蛞蝓食用“安可莱”的时间更长,24,i2L, 2011, UK, laboratory test, Deroceras reticulatum,蛞蝓食用“安可莱”的时间更长 持续食用时间(首餐) 竖轴时间(分钟) 绿色“安可莱” 蓝色湿法制四聚乙醛,4% 紫色蒸法制四聚乙醛,3%,Slugs consume more of AXCELA 蛞蝓食用更多的“安可莱”,25,i2L, 2011, UK, laboratory test, Deroceras reticulatum,蛞蝓食用更多的“安可莱” 颗粒被食用的重量(首餐) 竖轴被食用量(微克/mg 蛞蝓) 绿色“安可莱” 蓝色湿法制四聚乙醛,4% 紫色蒸法制四聚乙醛,3%,Slugs are killed more quickly 蛞蝓杀灭速度更快,26,i2L, 2011, UK, laboratory test, Deroceras reticulatum,



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