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1、课时训练 2 2 LessonLesson 2 2 PersonalitiesPersonalities andand JobsJobs .根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子 1 1.Many poems by the famous p are very popular among young people. 答案:poet 2 2.Dont play with the s knife.You may get cut. 答案:sharp 3 3.The h was bad because of the storm,by which many crops were ruined. 答案:harv

2、est 4 4.These matches are d ,and they wont strike. 答案:damp 5 5.David,try to keep your bedroom clean and n . 答案:neat 6 6.Parents often have a strong influence on forming their childrens (个性). 答案:personalities 7 7.Both of the two football teams have their own (特点). 答案:characteristics 8 8.Having worked

3、 abroad for many years,the professor is filled with the (渴望)to return home. 答案:desire 9 9.The school report shows that she is weak at (生物). 答案:biology 1010.Little Tom and the sailors spent two months (在船上). 答案:aboard .用所给词的适当形式填空 1 1.Jacks (self)makes his girlfriend very annoyed. 答案:selfishness 2 2.

4、Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one (satisfy). 答案:satisfaction 3 3.Many people would like to make friends with him because of his (kind). 答案:kindness 4 4.I think you should try to learn to be (independence). 答案:independent 5 5.If you want to be a (translate),you must have patience. 答案:t

5、ranslator .根据句意完成下列句子 1 1.我想买一部数码相机。 我们有好几种款式供选择。 Id like to buy a digital camera. We have several models . 答案:to choose from2 2.他已经放弃了和她结婚的想法。 He has marrying her. 答案:given up the idea of 3 3.恐怕他不适合那个职位。 Im afraid that he the position. 答案:isnt suitable for 4 4.比尔十岁时就完全不依赖他父母了。 Bill became his paren

6、ts when he was ten years old. 答案:independent of 5 5.无论什么时候我犯了错误他都很刻薄。 Whenever I make mistakes,he is rather me. 答案:sharp with .完形填空 Mr Plummer had to go to London on business.He bought a second- class ticket and reached the station 1 rush hour.When he saw the train was already 2 ,he was afraid he wo

7、uld have to stand. Then he noticed there were several 3 seats in the first-class compartments and he decided to travel in 4 .He could pay the 5 money when the ticket collector came.Mr Plummer got into a 6 compartment and took a seat. There were four other men in the compartment.They all 7 dark suits

8、 and had the appearance of ordinary, 8 businessmen.However,just before the train started, 9 kind of person jumped in and sat down.It was a long-haired young man,indecently(不适当地)dressed,who had 10 never worked in an office. Two of the other men looked up in 11 from their newspapers,then started to 12

9、 again,but their faces showed 13 what they were thinking about.Mr Plummer 14 that he wasnt the only passenger 15 the first-class ticket. There came the ticket collector.Mr Plummer had the 16 money in his hand,and he 17 it out with the ticket.The ticket collector then 18 to the others and each of the

10、 businessmen 19 something extra(外加的).But the young man 20 .His was the only first-class ticket in the compartment. 1 1.A.in B.at C.for D.by 提示:“在交通高峰期”,at rush hour 是固定用法。 答案:B 2 2.A.crowdedB.prepared C.closedD.started 提示:从下句话“他担心自己要站着”可知此处应为 crowded,即他看到火车已 经很拥挤了。 答案:A 3 3.A.empty B.expensive C.com

11、fortable D.soft 提示:他看见头等车厢有几个空座,用 empty 修饰 seats。 答案:A 4 4.A.timeB.safetyC.comfort D.return 提示:in comfort,固定搭配,介词 in 表示处于某种状态。comfort“舒适” 。 答案:C 5 5.A.moreB.extraC.come D.little 提示:他要支付头等车厢和二等车厢的差价,extra “额外的” 。 答案:B 6 6.A.second-class B.certain C.first-class D.cheap 提示:普卢默先生去了一节头等车厢,a first-class c

12、ompartment。 答案:C 7 7.A.dressedB.dressed in C.put onD.wore 提示:他们都穿着黑色的套装。若用 dress,介词用 in,结构为 be dressed in。 答案:D 8 8.A.poorB.successful C.nervous D.worried 提示:从商人的穿着来看,他们都是“成功的”商人。 答案:B 9 9.A.someB.the same C.a different D.the other 提示:在开车前,一个和他们完全不同类型的人进了头等车厢,用 different 修饰 kind。 答案:C 1010.A.certain

13、lyB.almostC.exactly D.neatly 提示:从这人的外表看,他一定从未在办公室里工作过。certainly“确定地” 。 答案:A 1111.A.fear B.sorrowC.silence D.anger 提示:由下文的“.but their faces showed.”可知此处应为“沉默地” 。 答案:C 1212.A.read B.talk C.sitD.look 提示:商人们接着读他们的报纸,started to read again。 答案:A1313.A.angrilyB.happily C.nervouslyD.clearly 提示:商人们的表情清楚地表明他们

14、的想法,故用副词 clearly“清楚地,明显地” 。 答案:D 1414.A.agreedB.decided C.hopedD.wished 提示:普卢默先生从年轻人的着装判断他没有头等车厢的车票。decide“判断, 判定” 。 答案:B 1515.A.with B.havingC.without D.holding 提示:用表否定意义的 without,表示没有头等车厢的票。 答案:C 1616.A.littleB.useful C.necessaryD.social 提示:普卢默先生手里拿着额外所需要的必要的钱(necessary money)。 答案:C 1717.A.held B.

15、brought C.pickedD.took 提示:检票的时候,普卢默先生把票和钱一齐递给检票员。hold out“伸出手递 出” 。 答案:A 1818.A.gotB.referred C.pointed D.turned 提示:检票员然后转身走向其他人。turn to “转向” 。 答案:D 1919.A.took B.paid C.hadD.got 提示:每个商人都支付了额外的钱。pay “付钱” 。 答案:B 2020.A.satB.stood up C.sat stillD.stood still 提示:年轻人有头等车厢的车票,所以他仍坐着不动。still“静止,不动” 。 答案:C .阅读理解 The village of Foston,North Yorkshire,UK,now has a post office thanks to pupils at the village primary school. People in the village were saddened to see their local branch closed many years ago. But now the village primary school has opened one in a converted(改造过的)outdoor to



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