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1、语语 篇篇 提提 能能 .完形填空完形填空 (2014北京西城高一质检北京西城高一质检) I was standing in my shoe store. The door opened and a young man came in _1_ himself in a wheelchair. I was shocked to see that he had no _2_. “I need a new pair of _3_ for myself, a pair of black cowboy ones, ” he said. I was so _4_ that I remained silen

2、t and didnt move. “Im not kidding, sir, _5_ I dont actually need them, ” he looked at me and _6_. “When I was a kid, my parents bought me new shoes every year. It was such a(n) _7_ feeling that I have never forgotten it.” I took out a pair of shoes and _8_ them to the young man. He _9_ the shoes aga

3、inst his nose and drew in deep breath. _10_ came to his eyes. At that moment, a homeless old man was standing outside _11_ shoes, looking at us. The young man _12_ and said to me, “Will you ask that old man to come in, please?” I did so and the poor man came in. “What is the _13_ of your feet?” the

4、young man asked the poor man. “A nine and a half.” The young man asked me to take out the best shoes of the size. He _14_ the old man, “Sir, would you mind _15_ them for me?” After the shoes were on his feet, the old man said they fit _16_. “Ill buy them, ” the young man said. “The good _17_ that I

5、have never forgotten has come back again, and now I have someone to _18_ it with me.” The young man _19_ what the old man needed _20_. He did his best in an imperfect world. 1A. pulling B. pushing C. lifting D. bending 2A. ears B. arms C. legs D. hands 3A. shoes B. gloves C. trousers D. glasses 4A.

6、worried B. angry C. surprised D. disappointed 5A. when B. because C. unless D. though 6A. explained B. argued C. supposed D. quarreled 7A. peaceful B. familiar C. ordinary D. wonderful 8A. sent B. gave C. lent D. donated 9A. picked B. guided C. put D. dropped 10A. Ideas B. Tears C. Senses D. Words 1

7、1A. without B. on C. by D. upon 12A. pointed B. recovered C. watched D. noticed 13A. size B. use C. type D. weight 14A. turned off B. turned to C. looked for D. looked through 15A. taking out B. taking off C. putting up D. trying on 16A. painfully B. comfortably C. fluently D. conveniently 17A. awar

8、d B. dream C. feeling D. thought 18A. agree B. compete C. share D. provide 19A. offered B. refused C. returned D. remembered 20A. last B. little C. least D. most 答案与解析答案与解析 1B 坐着轮椅自然应推着进鞋店。push“推动” ; pull“拉” ; lift“举高” ; bend“弯曲” 。 2C 与下文第 5 空后的句子呼应,指年轻人没有腿。 3A 年轻人来鞋店买鞋子。 4C 我对年轻人的话感到吃惊(surprised)。a

9、ngry“生气的” ; disappointed“失望的” ; worried“担忧的” 。 5D 我不是开玩笑,尽管(though)我不需要鞋子。 6A 他看着我向我解释(explain)买鞋子的原因。 7D 年轻人的父母每年都给小时候的他买新鞋子,这是他难 以忘怀的美好(wonderful)的感受。 8B give sb. sth.“给某人某物” 。 9C 他把鞋子放在他的鼻尖,深深地吸了口气。put“放” , 符合语境。 10B 年轻人涌出了眼泪。tears 符合语境。 11A 一个无家可归的老人正立在店外,没穿鞋子。 without“没有” 。 12D 年轻人注意(notice)到了老

10、人。 13A size 此处指脚的尺寸大小。 14B 他转向(turn to)老人; look for“寻找” ; turn off“关 掉” ; look through“浏览” 。 15D try on sth.“试穿某物” ; take out“拿出” ; put up“举起;张贴” ; take off“脱下” 。 16B 老人说鞋子极合适。comfortably“舒适地” ; painfully“疼痛地” ; fluently“流畅地” ; conveniently“方便地” 。 17C 本空处的 feeling 与第 7 空后的 feeling 一致。 18C share sth.

11、 with sb.“与某人一起分享某物” 。 19A 这个年轻人给了老人最需要的东西。offer sb. sth.“给 某人提供某物” 。 20D 见上一题的解析。most 强调 need 的程度。 .短文改错短文改错 Yesterday, Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt (收据收据). When she got there, she refused. The salesman said that he wouldnt take it back if she showed him the

12、 receipt. Thinking it was no way out, Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left. Suddenly two shop guard stopped her and began to search for her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful. Many eyes was staring at her, what made Li Mei very embarrassed. Luckily, a salesman came up

13、 in time and she was allowed to go. 答案答案 Yesterday, Li Mei to a store to return a shirt without goes went carrying the receipt (收据收据). When she got there, she refused. was/got The salesman said that he wouldnt take it back she showed if unless him the receipt. Thinking was no way out, Li Mei put the

14、 shirt it there back in her bag and left. Suddenly two shop stopped her and guard guards began to search her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at for it . Many eyes staring at her, made Li Mei very careful carefully was were what which embarrassed. Luckily, salesman came up in time and she was a the allowed to go.


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