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1、综合小测试(预备级)综合小测试(预备级). 单项选择1. How are you? _. A. How are you B. Thank you C. Im Lingling D. Im fine, thanks 2.下列字母属于元音字母的是_。 A. Hh B. Ii C. Jj D. Qq 3. Whats your name, please? _. A. Thanks B. Hello C. Im Tom D. This is my friend 4. Hi, Sue. Nice to meet you. _ A. Whats your name? B. Im fine. C. How

2、are you? D. Nice to meet you too. 5. What class are you in? Im in _ . A. class 4 B. class Four C. Class 4 D. Class four 6. _boys are there? 12. A. How many B. Where C. What D. How old 7. Whats this in English? _ a desk. A. It B. ItsC. Its D. Is it 8. _ is your new car? Its blue. A. What colour B. Ho

3、w many C. What D. How 9. _ in spring? It is warm and fine. A. How is it B. What is it C. What is the weather like D. How is the weather like 10. Do you like _ ? Sorry. A. run and swim B. running and swimming C. running and swim D. run and swimming . 完形填空A: Father, this is Sue. She is an American gir

4、l. Sue, 1 is my father. B: How do you do, 2 Wang? C: How do you do? Sit 3 , please. B: 4 .C: Are you my sons 5 ? B: Yes, I am. Wang Hai and I 6 in Class One. A: 7 teacher says I am like Sue. But we arent 8 . C: Yes, you are 9 . You are good 10 . 1. A. this B. that C. she D. he 2. A. Mr B. Miss C. Mr

5、s D. Ms 3. A. up B. down C. on D. over 4. A. OK B. All right C. Thats fine D. Thank you 5. A. sister B. brother C. teacher D. classmate 6. A. am B. is C. are D. be 7. A. We B. Our C. Ours D. Us 8. A. brothers B. sisters C. classmates D. twins (双胞 胎)9. A. good B. nice C. right D. OK 10. A. friend B.

6、classmates C. students D. brothers and sisters . 阅读理解 Max: Hello! Whats your name? James: My name is James Green. Im from Toronto, Canada. Max: Nice to meet you, James. Im Max. I come from London. James: How do you do? Max: How do you do? And this is my good friend, Steve. This is James Green, Steve

7、. Steve: Hi, James. James: Nice to see you. Are you from New York? Steve: No, Im from Washington D. C. James: Good! Oh, this is Lin Bin, my friend. She is from China. Lin Bin: Nice to meet you. My home is in Beijing. Its a beautiful city. Max and Steve: Nice to meet you too. 1. How many people are t

8、here in the conversation(对话)? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 2. How many countries (国家) are they from? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 3. Who is Lin Bins friend? A. Max. B. James. C. Steve. D. Jim. 4. Beijing is a _ city. A. good B. beautiful C. fine D. small 5. Max is from _ . A. London B.

9、 the USAC. China D. Canada . 任务型阅读Hello! Im Alice. Im a girl. I have a friend. Her name is Michelle. She is a nice girl. We are in the same class. This is my teacher. He is also (也) my father. His name is Mark. He is very good. Im fine and my teacher and father is also fine. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Ali

10、ce is a girl. 2. Michelle and Alice are friends. 3. Alices father is her teacher. 4. Michelle is not a nice girl. 5. Alice is Marks daughter. . 用适当的句子补全对话,并写在四线三格上。A: Hi, Tian Lei. 1. _ She is my friend. B: Hi, Zhang Min. Nice to meet you. C: 2. _ B: 3. _ C: Im fine, thanks. How are you? B: 4. _ A:

11、Its time to go now. B: 5. _ A and C: Bye! See you tomorrow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 根据图片信息,将正确的单词写在四线三格上。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 选出适当的问句或答句。1. _ It is green. 2. Can you help me, please? _ 3. _ No, it is brown. 4. What colour is that cat?_ 5. _ It is a dog. A. Is the bag orange? B. It is w

12、hite and black. C. What colour is the tree? D. What is this in English? E. Yes, of course. . 书面表达 用第一人称,根据提示写几句话。 姓名:王丽 年龄:13 班级:6 班 会做的事情:用英语拼写一些词汇 最喜欢的运动:打乒乓球 和游泳 最喜欢的颜色:红色综合小测试(预备级)综合小测试(预备级). 15 DBCDC 610 ACACB . 15 AABDD 610 CBDCB . 15 CCBBA . 15 TTTFT . 1. This is Zhang Min. 2. Nice to meet yo

13、u too. 3. How are you? 4. Im fine too, thanks. 5. Bye! . 1. eleven 2. pen 3. girl 4. blackboard 5. flower . 15 CEABD . Hi! My name is Wang Li. I am 13 years old. I am in Class 6. I can spell some words in English. Playing table tennis and swimming are my favourite sports. My favourite colour is red.



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