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1、大学英语四级强化特训,作 文,贵州财经大学外国语学院 刘 领,四级写作概览,测试目的:学生用英语进行书面表达的能力 分值比例:15% 写作要求:考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写一篇不少于120词的短文,考试时间为30分钟。 考查技能:思想表达,篇章组织,语言运用(词汇、语法、句子、标点及句间衔接关系),写作格式。,评分标准 15分制,通过换算得到最终分数: 2分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。(710分制49.5) 5分 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。(58.5) 8分 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不清

2、楚,文字勉强连贯,语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。(72) 11分切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。(85.5) 14分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺、连贯,基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。(100.5),作文字数不足扣分标准,高文作文注意事项,1. 冷静构思,用3到5分钟,将开头怎么写,中间如何论证,最后怎样收尾,形成一个比较清晰的思路,避免出现写到一半时不知如何继续的情况。 2. 书写工整,段落分明,标点清楚,卷面整洁更容易获得第一印象分。 3.词数限制心中有数。避免字数不足,同时也不要写得太长,出现言多必失的情况。 4.文章整体结构完整合理,段落之间,句子之间衔接紧密,符

3、合逻辑顺序。 5.狠抓细节,竭力避免低级语法错误(如单复数、第三人称单数或时态等)和拼写错误。,四级写作基础技能,一、词汇基础, 词语搭配。英语写作中词语搭配不当,会使文章感觉非常不地道,而且有逐字死译之嫌,直接影响写作得分,必须引起重视。词语搭配包括“形容词+动词”和“副词+动词”构成的修饰搭配, “动词+名词”构成的动宾搭配, “名词+动词”构成的主谓搭配。,请翻译以下句子和短语: 她纯洁的心灵像一张白纸。 Her innocent heart is like a piece of _.,blank paper,新的问题出现了。 The new problems _.,arose,提高人民

4、的生活水平,提高英语水平,_peoples living standard.,raise,_ones English.,improve,主谓搭配。汉语中句子的主语灵活,不一定是动作施动者,而英语对主语的作用要求限制严格,主语必须是动作的发出者,否则就应该用被动语态。在英语写作中要特别注意不要受汉语思维影响,否则就容易出现主谓搭配失误。,他英语说得好。,His English speaks good.,He speaks English well.,现在人们的生活已离不开电视。 Now peoples life cant leave TV. Now people cant leave TV in

5、 their life.,我感觉大学学习很忙碌。 I feel college studies are quite busy. I feel I am quite busy with college studies.,尽管他的历史知识丰富,可考试还是没有通过。 Although his historic knowledge is very rich, his exam was not pass. Although his historic knowledge is very rich, he did not pass the exam.,还要注意汉语一些动词在对应的英语动词中及物性的不同,一些

6、汉语可跟宾语的动词,在英语中却是不及物的。忽略了这一点,也容易犯主谓搭配的错误。,There happened many traffic accidents on the narrow street in the past year. Many traffic accidents happened on the narrow street in the past year. But it may occur some new problems But some new problems may occur.,修饰搭配。汉语中一词多义现象很普遍,而英语中相对较少。汉语中一个词可以用于多种不同的搭

7、配组合,而英语中不同的搭配对象往往就要对应不同的词与之搭配,即使翻译成汉语,这些搭配都可归为具备一类特征的事物。,假牙 假钱 假货 假花 假医生,false teeth counterfeit money fake product artificial flower quack doctor,个人卫生 公共卫生 环境卫生 自然环境 社会环境,personal hygiene public health environmental sanitation natural environment social circumstance,动宾搭配。汉语中一词多义现象影响英语运用的另一重要方面是:对应汉

8、语同一个动词,若其后的宾语不同,英语中要用不同的动词与之形成动宾搭配。,打电话 打毛衣 打文件 打针,make a phone knit a sweater type the document inject,恢复健康 恢复谈话 恢复正常 恢复冷静,restore ones healthy resume talk return to normal regain composure, 词汇变化。在英语写作中,尤其是在写命题作文时,除了地道的词语搭配,还要注意同一篇文章内部的词汇变化,以使文章不显得重复单调。为达到这一目的,我们可以使用同义词、近义词和上下义词等实现词汇的变化。,同义词。这里的同义词

9、除在一个语境中含义相同的词外,也括代词等的使用。,Retirement often brings people many problems such as “what shall I do today” question, though they may not have economical cares. He chose the third question to answer, and it was the most difficult one.,近义词。除同义词外,近义词也可以作为词汇变化的手段。近义词是指在特定上下文中一些含义相近的单词或表达。,It is quite common

10、these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. This essay will analyze the pros and cons of taking a year off at the turning point of secondary to undergraduate.,上下义词。上下义词即表示上一级和下一级概念的词。如animal就是tiger, lion, monkey等的上义词,而后三者则为前者的下义词。,Th

11、e monkeys extraordinary performance was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine, the animal had learned to drive the vehicle.,二、句子基础, 与写作相关的句子基础知识。 1. 英语中的句子根据主谓结构在句子所处的位置、所做的成分及所起的作用不同分为简单句、并列句和复合句。 2. 主语+谓句是最关键的英语句子结构。而谓语动词又是谓语最关系的部分。 3.英语中共有三种类型的从句:定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句(包括主语、宾语、表语和同位语从句)。 4.

12、任何一个英语句子归根到底都属于五种基本句型之一。这五种句型分别为: SV(主谓,谓语为不及物动词) I will come. ; SVP(主谓表,谓语为系动词,亦称主系表) You are my friend. ; SVO(主谓宾,谓语为及物动词) I like her. ; SVoO (主谓间宾+直宾) I give him the book; SVOC (主谓宾+宾补)He kept them waiting.,living, especially, because, 写作中常见的句子错误。,句子成分不完整。 He did not come he was ill. I ached all

13、over in my right shoulder.,. Because,. Especially,2. 在没有使用连词的情况下,使用逗号连接两个独立的主谓结构。 She attended classes in the morning she worked at laboratory in the afternoon., and,3. 句子粘连。分为分句堆积和混合句两种情况。 She came in then she asked me whether I knew anything about it. She came in and then she asked me whether I kn

14、ew anything about it. There is a girl next door.,live,4. 由and, as well as, not onlybut also, eitheror等结构连接的并列平行短语,其前后表达所体现的语法状态应该一致,这是考生在写作时很容易忽略的一点。and poor , the student had to drop out of school.,Having no job,Jobless,5. 不一致错误句。 当主语是由not onlybut also、eitheror、neithernor或or连接的并列结构时,动词通常与but also之后

15、的词语保持一致(即就近原则)。 Not only his children but also his wife dont want to go to the north. Not only his children but also his wife doesnt want to go to the north. Neither Mr. Brown nor the other teachers knows the author of the book. Neither Mr. Brown nor the other teachers know the author of the book. E

16、ither the ministers or the queen herself are to blame for the defeat. Either the ministers or the queen herself is to blame for the defeat. 当主语之后跟有由as well as、in addition to、with、along with、together with等引导的词组时,随后的动词仍与主语的单、复数保持一致。 Robert, as well as his two sons, are vacationing in Japan this summer. Robert, as well as his two sons, is vacationing in Japan this summer. The ship, together with the crew, were lost. The ship, together with the crew, was lost. The barn, in addition to the house, were burned. The barn, in addition to the house, was burned.,



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