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1、中国和美国企业开发新产品 比较研究,Comparative Study of New Product Development by Chinese and U.S. Companies,摘要:以研究中美两国企业成功开发新产品的过程及其绩效结果为目的,在文献研究的基础上,首先,构建了基于“能力-优势位置-绩效”观点的成功开发新产品的模型架构,并提出研究假设;其次,利用对中国和美国企业调研的数据对模型进行了实证检验;再次,对比分析了中美两国企业新产品开发的过程和影响因素的作用;最后,探究中美企业新产品开发过程中的异同。 关键词:新产品开发、比较研究、中国、美国Abstract:The purpos

2、e of this paper is to examine the process of new products development (NPD) and their performance results in Chinese and U.S. companies. Based on the relative literature, first, we build a conceptual model of new product development on the basis of a capability-to-positional advantage-to-performance

3、 framework, and puts forward the research hypothesis. Second, using the date collected from Chinese and U.S. companies, we make empirical test of the conceptual model. Third, we comparative analysis the process and the impact factors of new product development in Chinese and U.S. companies. At last,

4、 we try to find out the similarities and differences of new product development in Chinese and U.S. companies. Key words:New products development, Comparative Study, China, USA,研究大纲 CONTENT,1引言 1 INTRODUCTION 2新产品开发的研究综述 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3理论模型和研究假设 3 THEORETICAL MODEL 4研究方法 4 STUDY MEASURE 5数据分析

5、5 DATA ANALYSIS 6结论 6 CONCLUSION,1引言 INTRODUCTION,在经济全球化的背景下,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,全球的企业都在参与一场新产品开发(NPD:New Product Development)的较量。 中国迅猛发展的经济,使其赢得了“世界工厂”的称号,但中国企业目前的产品创新能力还比较低。中国企业要发展壮大、产品要进入国际市场并取得成功,NPD是中国企业求生存谋发展的源泉和动力。 In the context of economic globalization, enterprises have become increasingly competit

6、ive. Enterprises around the world to be involved in a trial of strength between the New Product Development.The rapid development of Chinas economy to make it won the “world factory“ in the title, but the current products of Chinese enterprises is still relatively low ability to innovate. If Chinese

7、 enterprises want to grow, NPD is the source of the development of Chinese enterprises.,进入21世纪,发达国家企业的产品创新和发展速度及产品竞争力有目共睹,特别是美国企业的产品创新,引起了许多学者和研究者的关注。 目前,缺乏对中国企业产品创新与发达国家企业产品创新之间差距的原因探究和比较分析。 本文旨在对这方面的问题进行探索,通过对美国和中国企业的大样本实证研究进行比较分析。At present, the study of product innovation from Chinese enterprise

8、s is lack. This paper is to explore issues, used the large sample from the United States and Chinese enterprises to carry out a comparative analysis ofempirical research.,2研究综述 LITERATURE REVIEW,国内外学者研究新产品开发已有很长时间,对于新产品开发成败或新产品开发项目成功关键因素的研究是这一领域一个主要的研究方向。 早期Cooper、Song、Parry和Lynn等多个学者都从不同角度提出了成功开发新产

9、品的关键因素。 此后的研究中,新产品开发的成功关键因素的研究纬度不断放宽,从产品周期的不同阶段对影响新产品开发的成功关键因素进行识别。Scholars had study the new product development for a long time. New product development key factor in the success of the project in this area of research is a major research direction. Cooper, Song, Parry and Lynn and many other scho

10、lars have put forward from different perspectives to develop new products and the success of the key factors. Scholars had identify the key factors that affect the success of new product development from different stages of the life cycle of products in Later research.,Cooper(2001)在Winning at New pr

11、oducts:Accelerating the process from Idea to Launch一书中通过对研究结果进一步总结,提炼了在新产品开发项目中的15个关键的成功因素。 国内也有一些学者对新产品开发的成功因素进行了研究。研究方向主要分成两大类:一类是从某一因素出发(如技术革新、知识创新、供应商参与程度、人力资源等),研究这些因素与产品创新之间的关系,进而深入分析这些因素对新产品开发成功所起的作用;还一类研究试图较全面的识别影响新产品开发成功的关键因素。 Cooper summed up the findings further in his book ” Winning at N

12、ew products:Accelerating the process from Idea to Launch”, and refined the 15 critical success factors in the new product development projects. There are also some scholars to study the success factors of new product development in China. Some analyses the role of one factor on the new product devel

13、opment process; and others analyses the role of all the factors on the new product development process.,3理论模型和研究假设 THEORETICAL MODEL AND STUDY HYPOTHESIS,3.1理论模型 THEORETICAL MODEL 以往学者对发达国家企业的NPD研究普遍认为,企业的NPD项目如果能够与企业现有市场、资源、职能团队和技能等进行高质量的配合,则可以提高NPD 的成功程度。 Day和Wensley (1988)的研究指出,企业新产品成功的开发过程中,企业的优

14、势资源、技能等关键因素会使企业的新产品在市场中较竞争对手处于优势地位(可能是成本优势或产品差异因素等),进而,市场中的优势地位会影响新产品的绩效,如客户满意度、用户的忠诚度、市场份额和利润率,等等。Previous studies have generally agreed that if the NPD projects can coordinate with the enterprises resource、market and skills, then it can improve the success of NPD.Day and Wensley (1988) study point

15、ed out that the advantages of enterprise resources, skills and other key factors will make enterprise new products to positional advantage in the market. Then, positional advantage in the market can create superior product performance outcomes.,根据Day和Wensley的研究观点: Following Day and Wensley (1988):,能

16、力,优势位置,绩效,我们提出一个成功开发新产品的模型架构,即在企业NPD过程中,企业的一些优势能力能够使其开发的新产品在市场上处于优势地位,地位优势使新产品获得良好绩效。 we propose a capability-to-positional advantage-to-performance model in which capabilities are the resources that a enterprise exploits to gain positional advantages in NPD and the positional advantages are the only means by which the enterprise can achieve superior performance in its NPD.,



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