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1、Unit 2,Where is the science museum?,(人教PEP)六年级英语上册课件,Lets sing,SUPERMARKET,SHOE STORE,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,Whats missing?,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,b

2、ookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,s

3、upermarket,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,下面看看你能不能超过电脑的速度,把以下

4、地名拼读出来.Ready? Go !,BOOKSTORE,POST OFFICE,HOSPITAL,supermarket,You are great! 恭喜你过关了!,进入下一关。,You do a good job! 做得非常好!,Where is the library?,Its next to the post office.,Where is the hospital?,Its next to the cinema.,Where is the science museum? Its next to the post office.,LIBRARY,BOOKSTORE,SUPERMAR

5、KET,PARK,HOSPITAL,POST OFFICE,Where is the cinema?,Its on the left of the hospital .,Where is the post office?,Its on the right of the hospital .,hospital,post office,bookstore,key,lets talk,Where is the post office?,lets talk,Where is the supermarket?,完成对话,Liu: Excuse me,P: Yes, there is.,where is

6、the cinema,please?,P: Its the hospital.,L:,P: No, its not far.,L: Thank you.,P:,is there a cinema near here?,L:,Is it far from here?,Youre welcome.,_,_,_,next to,Liu: Excuse me,Library Cinema Post Office Hospital Museum Shoe store Bank Bookstore,Is there a near here? Yes, there is. Where is the .? I

7、ts . Is it near here? No,.,near next to in front of behind near left of right of in,Post Office Hospital Museum Shoe Store Bookstore Library Cinema Supermarket,1.图书馆,2.医院,3.电影院,4.书店,5.邮局,6.科学博物馆,7.在中央,8.在前面,9.对不起,随堂练习,10.在左边,11.在右边,library,hospital,cinema,bookstore,science museum,on the right,on the

8、 left,Post office,in the middle,excuse me,in front of,完成句子.,1.- 图书馆在哪里?,-在学校前面。,2. 在中央有一家医院。,3. 它靠近医院。,4. 图书馆在科学博物馆附近。,Its,the school.,There is a hospital_.,It is _.,The library is near the _.,Where is the library?,in front of,in the middle,next to the hospital,science museum,根据提示回答: 1.Where is the

9、library? (在电影院的左边)2. Is there a science museum east of the park?(肯定回答)3. Are there any pictures on the wall?(否定回答)4. How can I get to the hospital?(13路公车)5. Where are your crayons?(在文具盒里面),The library is left of the cinema.,Yes, there is.,No, there arent.,You can go by the No. 13 bus.,My crayons are

10、 in the pencil case.,根据答句写问句: 1. ?Yes, there is a cinema near here. 2. ? The cinema is next to the hospital. 3. ? No, the post office is far from my home. 4. ? You can go to the park by the NO.23 bus. 5. ? No, the books are on the desk.,Is there a cinema near here,Where is the cinema,Is the post office near your home,How can I go to the park,Are the books in the schoolbag,同学们 再见,


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