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1、Unit 22,reading,Reading,Para 1 1, whats a theme park?a collection of rides, 2, whats the differences between the traditional amusement parks and theme parks? 3, What do the theme parks have in common?combine- with-,a theme park,Teach visitors sth,Para 2 1, What do the theme parks make sure?leave kno

2、wing more about their theme 2, where is the Ocean Park? Whats special in it?in Hong Kong / has a conservation 3, what can the visitors do at the Lowland?explore- examine - learn about - look at - admire-,Ocean Park in Hong Kong,Para 3 1, where have new Disney parks opened ?in other parts of the US,

3、Europe, Asia 2, Whats the theme of the Disney parks?the world of Walt Disney and his character 3, what are the two famous theme parks in the united states? Disneyland and Universal Studios 4, whats special in Universal?,Two theme parks in the US,欢迎光临侏罗纪公园。让我们坐上游艇开始一次寻找热带雨林的探险吧。亲眼看到行走的恐龙你一定会震惊无比,更会为使

4、已绝迹的恐龙复活的科学技术而感叹。好,现在请你系好安全带,,Para 4 1, why are the theme parks becoming more and more advanced?new technology 2, what seems that people just cannot get enough of? People just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.,New theme parks are being built.,Exercise A theme park is a _of ri

5、des, exhibitions or _attractions that are _a common theme._ traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to _visitors something. _the World Park, one of the largest theme parks in china, visitors can _at buildings, castles and statues from _thirty countries.,collection,other,based on,Unlike,t

6、each,At,look,more than,At the China Ethnic Culture Park, people can _the customs, costumes, and culture of Chinas fifty-five_. There are also theme parks _cartoon characters, animal _about water. What they all have in _is that they _ fun with the opportunity to learn something.,learn about,minorities,about,even,common,combine,


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