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1、教师用书独具演示,教学目标 掌握本课文中的词汇,理解课文,熟练掌握用英语表达“时间顺序和逻辑关系”,了解一种新的捐助形式你可以在一个网页上为穷人和真正需要他们的人选购礼品,一旦选购了礼品,“世界上最有用的礼物清单”机构将会寄给她或他一张特殊的纪念卡,此卡可用于任何特殊的场合结婚,出生,圣诞节,周年纪念等。,1掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。 2理解课文。 3听懂课文中所给出的听力材料。 4能够根据课文中所提出的问题,发表自己的看法和给出各自认为合理的建议。 5掌握写记叙文的方式方法。,教学地位 本课时的内容是写记叙文,是高考作文中常见的一个方面。学好记叙文的写作方法会在英语高考

2、中占有相当大的优势。,新课导入建议 我们生活在一个纷繁复杂的社会中,任何人都不可能独立存在,大家需要相互扶持和帮助。那么我们就通过对本文的学习,了解一下我们在日常生活中应该怎样互相帮助,以及是如何彼此相互影响的。,演示结束,.判断正误 阅读P34课文,判断正(T)误(F) 1The gift you give should be your favorite.( ) 2You can use the cards we send you for your birthdays.( ) 3A goat for a poor family will cost ¥40.( ) 【答案】 1.F 2.T 3

3、.F,.语篇理解 阅读P34课文,选择最佳答案 1Readers are encouraged to buy gifts to help those . Awho really need help Bwho are ill Cwho are going hungry,2If you buy a gift of one year of primary schooling,you have to pay . A$30 B$35 C$40 3The cost of a sewing machine and a trunk library added up to . A$150 B$300 C$200

4、,4You can buy all kinds of gifts here except . Abasic adult education Bassistance for families headed by parents Ca well and water pump 5The gifts are arranged in the order of . Aprice Bsize Cheight 【答案】 15 ABBBA,1donate vt.捐赠 Would you like to donate an unusual gift?(教材P34) 你是否想要捐赠一份特殊的礼物? In his w

5、ill,he volunteered to donate his body to medicine.在他的遗嘱中,他自愿把遗体捐献给医学研究。 She donated a large sum of money to the charity. 她捐赠了一大笔钱给那个慈善机构。,donate sth.to sb.向某人捐赠某物 donation n. 捐赠;捐款;捐赠物 give/make/present a donation to 向捐赠 donator 捐赠者,【教师备课资源】 donate虽然是及物动词,但常与介词to搭配,注意介词to不能省略。类似用法的词语还有:introduce sb.

6、to sb.;explain sth.to sb.等,【答案】 to donations donation donator;donating,完成句子 The businessman (捐献)of money to our school. (她捐献她的书给)the library when she retired from her position. 【答案】 made a donation She donated her books to,2The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary cont

7、ribution towards the lives of people who really need it.(教材P34) 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有需要的人的一项生活上的无偿捐助。 not.but.“不是而是”,用于连接两个结构相似、语法功能相同的并列成分,如名词、形容词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式、分句等。,I did it not because I liked it but because I had to do it. 我做这件事不是因为我喜欢做,而是因为我不得不做。 It is not he but you who are to blame. 该受责备的不

8、是他而是你。 【提示】 not only.but(also),either.or,neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词按“就近一致”原则确定。as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词按“就前一致”原则确定。,4purchase vt.& n买;购买 When you purchase an item, we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person.(教材P34)当你购买物品时,我们会送你一张精美的卡片,让你送给你的某个特殊的人。 The loan was supposed t

9、o be used for the purchase of a house.货款应当用来购买房子。,purchase sth.for.以的价格购得某物 purchase sth.from.从处购得某物 make a purchase 采购,The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.这种设备可从您当地的供应商那儿购买。 【提示】 purchase用作名词,作“购买”讲时,为不可数名词,作“购买物,购买量”讲时,为可数名词。,【解析】 考查名词辨析。purchase用作名词时,含义为“购买的东西”。句意:看到妈妈疲惫的神色,小女

10、孩帮妈妈拿着一部分从商店购买的东西。loan贷款,借出去的东西;donation捐赠物;burden负担,均与句意不符。 【答案】 A,完成句子 Many stores will let you (购物) by telephone. Although the manager owns a large house in the city, he plans to (买一套新公寓) beside the seaside. 【答案】 make a purchase purchase a new flat,5distribution n分配;分发;分布状态 This gift covers the c

11、ost of production and distribution of seedlings,as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert.(教材P35) 这个礼物包括了树苗的培植和分配费用以及对当地村民进行树林保护的培训费用,村民们正在努力防止他们的土地变成沙漠。,The unfair distribution of wealth still exists nowadays.现在仍然存在着

12、财富分配不公的现象。 If you want to study this kind of animal, you should know its distribution first.如果你想要研究这种动物,你首先要知道它的分布状况。,distribute vt. 分配;分发 distribute sth.to/among. 向/在(中)分发、分配某物 distribution of sth.的分发/配 The money was distributed among schools in this area. 这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。,【解析】 句意:他想当然地认为问题很容易处理。t

13、ake it for granted, it 此处为形式宾语,而真正的宾语为that从句。且从句为“sb./sth.beadj.to do”结构,easy作表语,故选B。 【答案】 B,2The reason is that.原因是 Why are they having a journey? 他们为什么要进行长途跋涉? The reason is that they are being trained. 原因是他们正在接受训练。 3Because I want to share.with others. 因为我想和别人一起分享 Why have you bought so many bana

14、nas? 你为什么买这么多的香蕉? Because I want to share them with others. 因为我想和别人一起分享。,4How could you do that.?你是怎样做? How could you catch the thief? 你是怎样抓住那个小偷的? With the help of the farmers.有农民帮忙。 5First.and then.首先然后 How can we finish the work on time? 我们怎样才能按时完成任务? First,lets make a plan,and then we will get s

15、ome help from our teachers.首先,让我们制订一个计划,然后,从老师那里寻求帮助。,1(2012全国)What shall we do tonight then? Whatever you want. AHelp yourself BIts a deal CNo problem DIts up to you 【解析】 句意:那么今天晚上我们干什么?你定吧,你想干什么都行。本题考查情景交际。A:请自便;B:一言为定,成交;C:没问题;D:由你决定。 【答案】 D,2(2012天津高考)Can I have a day off tomorrow,Mr.Johnson? .I

16、 can manage without you. AForget it BIm afraid not CIt depends DOf course 【解析】 句意:约翰逊先生,我明天能请一天假吗?当然了。没有你,我自己也能完成。A:忘了吧,算了吧;B:恐怕不行;C:看情况;D:当然了。 【答案】 D,3(2013安徽高考)How did your interview with the manager go? He seemed interested in my experience,but he didnt ask for references. APerfect! BIm not sure. CThats right. DCouldnt be better. 【解析】 句意:你觉得与经理的面试怎么样? 他好像对我的经历感兴趣,但他并没有求证。根据接下来的话可知,既有好的一面,也有不利的一面,显然说话人是模棱两可的。故选B项。 【答案】 B,


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