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1、It is a fun to study languages & linguistics 语言天地 乐在其中,宫 齐 暨南大学Nov. 25, 2012,,1. World languages: what happens to our languages 2. What to do in linguistics? - some interesting issues 3. Linguistic universals & typology,contents,What happens to our languages?,解说门、骷髅门、粗口门;豪赌门;奶粉门;禁药门;奖金门;乱播门;含毒门;整容门;

2、耳光门;抢购门;窃听门;房事门;洗牌门;嫖娼门;基金门;集资门;间谍门;媒体门;代言门;爆料门;小三门;门;痰击门;大麻门;剪刀门;改名门;版权门;短信门;解说门;跳槽门;洗钱门;泄露门;内讧门;电话门;牵手门;艳照门;飞机门;脱裤门;空姐门 奔奔族、飞鱼族、装嫩族、试药族、吊瓶族、合吃族、急婚族、啃椅族、啃老族、赖校族、乐活族、慢活族、陪拼族、捧车族、拼车族、洋漂族、晒衣族、炫富族 闪婚、闪恋、闪嫁;车奴、证奴、房奴(房魔)、白奴、节奴、 垄奴;裸考、裸替、裸官;职粉、米粉; 抱抱团、抱抱装;剩女、轻熟女、学术超男、 求学男;换客、掘客、赛客;医闹、医诉; 饭替、废统、世宗、熟年、拼卡、拼客

3、、 秒杀、跑酷 白富美、高富帅、屌丝、草根网民、 痛快吧、李毅吧,New words:blog/ blogger/ weblog/ weblogger;cyber age/ cybercafe/ cybercast/ cyberfear/ cyberlaw/ cyber-romance/ cyberself/ cybersex/ cybershopping; access number/ er/ dotgov/ above-the-fold/ page view;reality TV/ rolling blackout/ Afropop/ Anglo-Asian/ arranged marr

4、iage/ usability engineer/ genetic discrimination, AAA server n a computer file server that provides authentication, authorization, and accounting security functions AAMOF abbr as a matter of fact (in e-mails) AAMOI abbr as a matter of interest (in e-mails)【英】package holiday =【美】package tour 【英】paddl

5、e steamer =【美】paddle wheeler 【英】padsaw =【美】keyhole saw 【英】parrot-fashion =【美】parrotlike 【英】parsons nose =【美】popes nose 【英】green fingers =【美】green thumb,World languages: what happens to our languages,1. How many languages in the world today? A. 5000 languages B. 6000 languages C. 7000 languages D. 80

6、00 languages,1,You may be surprised, but it is a very difficult task for linguists to give the correct answer to the question, “How many languages are there in the world?” Before they can start counting, they have to solve some other problems definition. What can be defined as a separate language? S

7、hould dialects be added to the general number? Can you always understand the difference between a language and a dialect? How many people must speak the language? Is it obligatory for a language to be written? The list of questions can be fairly very long ,The best currently available detailed accou

8、nt of the distribution of the worlds languages, with information on geographic location, number of speakers, and genetic affiliation, is Grimes (1996). This work lists over 6,700 languages spoken in the world today. (see Languages of the World, by Bernard Comrie 2001).,Languages,Number of native spe

9、akers,You could speak to over 50% of worlds population if you know just 10 languages!,2. What happens to our languages,A,C,B,RANKING LIST OF CHINAS ENDANGEROUS LANGUAGES 畲族 高山族 拉祜族 水族 东乡族 纳西族 景颇族 撒拉族 柯尔克孜族 土族 达斡尔族 布朗族 毛南族 仫佬族 羌族 基诺族 怒族 乌孜别克族 裕固族 俄罗斯族 鄂温克族 德昂族 京族 保安族 塔塔尔族 独龙族 赫哲族 门巴族 鄂伦春族 珞巴族 蒙古族 彝族

10、侗族 哈萨克族 回族 壮族 瑶族 傣族 藏族 布依族 白族 黎族 维吾尔族 朝鲜族 土家族 傈僳族 苗族 满族 哈尼族 佤族 广西境内诸语言,云南境内诸语言,北方契丹语、达斡尔语、满语等,I. To rank endangered languages in China, we first assigns all languages of minority ethnics to a group of their peers, based on the six indicators of assessment explored by UNESCOs document Language Vitali

11、ty and Endangerment in 2003. They are respectively: 1. Intergenerational Language Transmission 2. Absolute Number of Speakers 3. Proportion of Speakers Within the Total Population 4. Trends in Existing Language Domains 5. Materials for Language Education and Literacy,II Action RecommendationsTo esta

12、blish laws and issue documents to save and protect the endangered languages. As a member of the Security Council of the United Nations, China has taken an active part in signing treaties, agreements, declarations & laws to protect cultural diversity and non-material cultural heritages. In the consti

13、tution and the regulations, it has been clearly declared and well-established that teaching, spreading and using of minority languages should be strongly encouraged and supported. As a result, to save and protect the endangered minority languages is the task entrusted by the law and government polic

14、y, and is the indispensable part of the whole cultural development strategy of the country. Therefore, all the relevant government departments and minority regions should all work hand in hand to take an active part in the protection campaign, working step by step to carry out the whole scheme of th

15、e protection. We have to do the followings:,1)To spread the ideas and regulations to the public through diverse media and the government department organs so as to educate people about the importance of non-material cultural heritages; 2)To organize protection community for non-material heritage und

16、er the names of relevant government departments to strengthen the natives faith in protecting their own cultures and languages. 3)To set up protection institutions in the areas of endangered languages, and organize teams made up of the relevant departments, institutions and communities to provide materials, money and working force.,


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