英语四级作文预测 [1500字]

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1、 英语四级作文预测英语四级作文预测 15001500 字字 【预测作文 1】Internet-based CETDirection: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Internet-based CET. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.有人认为有必要举行网络考试2.也有人持不同看法3.我的看法和打算It is reported that

2、College English Test will be internet-based. Some individuals argue that it is necessary to adopt this new testing system. Firstly, they claim that it is favorable for students to enhance their computer skills, which are of vital importance in modern society. In addition, internet-based test will be

3、 more efficient and convenient.Others, however, hold the opposite opinion. They think this new testing system will result in injustice. On the one hand, a number of students can hardly afford their food and clothes. How can they be as skillful as those from rich families in using computers? On the o

4、ther hand, CET, in their opinion, should test the examinees? English proficiency rather than computer skills.Personally, I am convinced that the new test will contribute a lot to students? comprehensive ability. Not only should they get a good command of English, but also master some basic knowledge

5、 on computer. Only in this way can they become winners in the future job-hunting. To conclude, I am in favor of this new test system. (175 words)【预测作文 2】Private Schools and Training Schools1.现在,社会上存在着各种各样的私立学校和培训学校2.私立学校和培训学校的存在有利有弊.3.我的观点Private Schools and Training SchoolsWith the development of t

6、he society and economy, there arise various private schools and training schools,which mainly deal with foreign languages,computers,music,sports,and so on. However, is it good to have so many private schools and training schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools and training schoo

7、ls concerning their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, private schools and training schools can meet the special need of some people, and help them to improve themselves. On the other ,they often bring the parents and family heavy economic burden because of their high fees, and put menta

8、l pressure on students because of the fierce competition.As for me, I will not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter point. First? it is not difficult for us college students to teach ourselves. Second,we should do something to lessen the burden of our family. Make reasonable choices when facing fa

9、shion.闪光词汇及词组deal with 处理,应) mental pressure 精身压力concern v.涉及到 fierce adj.猛烈的advantages and disadvantages 利弊 hesitate v.犹豫economic burden 经济负担 reasonable adj.适度的,合理的【预测作文 3】A Letter of a Report on My Study to a Postgraduate Supervisor1. 向导师介绍你所学的专业、学制情况2. 介绍自己修了哪些课程3. 取得的成绩黄金模板A Letter of a Report o

10、n My Study to a Postgraduate SupervisorDear Professor , I?m studying for a Bachelors degree in Chinese Literature in Hunan University. The courses I take consist of all the required courses,electives,assignments, and a one-month teaching practice followed by a thesis in the fourth year. I enrolled i

11、n this university at the beginning of September, 2004, and I am at the fourth year now.In the first two years,I finished all the basic courses. During the next two years I took courses which go deep into my specialty. In addition,I spent a lot of my time outside class reading many relevant books and

12、 journals as my background knowledge. Besides,I worked as a practice teacher for one month in a high school. Now Ive decided on the topic about the thesis by consulting my teacher. And I have finished the first draft of my thesis. ,2008,Ill finish my thesis followed by an oral argument, and then Ill

13、 be awarded a BA degree at the end of June. This is the brief report about my study. Im looking forward to your earliest reply. Li闪光词汇及词组consist of 由. 组成required courses 必修课 enroll in 成为的一员specialty n.专业consult v.商讨,向. 请教draft n.草稿be satisfied with 对感到满意 award v.授予,给与 relevant adj.相关的,切题的【预测作文 4】Sec

14、ond-hand Mobile Phone Messages1. 一项凋查表明,我们发送的祝福短信中,多数为二手短信2 分析二手短信兴起的原因及人们为何不喜欢这类短信3. 面对二手短信,我们应该怎样做It is reported by Chongqing Evening News Uiat during the New Years holiday each interviewee of 426 received 58 best-wishes messages on average, of which 78. 4% were second-hand messages. And among the

15、 messages sent out, the original messages only took 迎 21.8%.With the popularity of mobile phone, its common for people to send messages to express their best-wishes. Consequently,some carefully composed messages which indeed sound rhymed and beautiful are springing up like bamboo shoots after spring

16、 rain. ,wishes should be originated from sincerity, yet second-hand message seems a duty-fulfillment. Its no doubt, according to the survey, that the majority of the interviewees choose to delete this kind of messages.So when you intend to convey best-wishes, please choose simple words from heart, which may sound not only so beautiful but would gain more popularity.闪光词汇及词组on average 平均 original adj.原仓


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