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1、 新目标七年级上册作文新目标七年级上册作文新目标七年级上册作文1. 根据表格提供的信息,介绍你的朋友 Gina Smith, 30词左右This is my good friend. Her names Gina Smith. Her first name is Gina. Her last name is Smith. Her ruler is green. Her phone number is 13980725616. Her ID card number is 99879736.2. 请根据下列要求写一则招领启事和一则寻物启事。(1) 假如你叫 John,你捡到了一串钥匙,请写一则招领

2、启事。你的联系电话是 3539495.(2) 假如你叫 Steve,你的学生证丢了,请写一则寻物启事。你的联系电话是 6034685Found: Lost:A set of keys. My School ID card.Please call John at My name is Steve.3539495 Phone:60346853. 给你最好的朋友写一封信介绍你的家人Dear Jane,How are you? This is my family photo. These are my grandparents. They are Ben and Mary Green. Those a

3、re my parents. They are Bill and Kate Green. They are both teachers. The girl in red is my sister. She is 20. She is a worker. Where am I? I am the boy in blue.See you soon!Bob4. 今天早上你上学忘了带帽子、笔记本、铅笔盒和录像带,你妈妈给你(Mike)留下便条,叫你把这些东西带给你。帽子在沙发上,铅笔盒在书桌上,录像带在抽屉里。笔记本在床上(40 词左右)Mike,Can you take these things t

4、o your sister? The hat is on the sofa. The pencil case is on the desk. The video tape is in the drawer. The notobook is on the bed.Thanks,Mom5. 假如你是 David, 请以“My Sports Collection”为题写一篇 50 词左右的短文,向同学们介绍你的收藏品。提示:经常和朋友一起打篮球,也看电视上的体育比赛,收集了 24 个网球拍,65 个排球,39 个足球。My Sports CollectionIm David. I have a gr

5、eat sports collection. I have 24 tennis balls, 65volleyballs and 39 soccer balls. I like playing sports. I often play basketball with my friends. I like watching them on TV, too.6. 下面的表格是 Sunny School 学生一日三餐的菜谱及Sally 的爱好,请根据此表写一篇 50 词左右的英语短文,首句已给出。Sally and her friends eat lots of healthy food at sc

6、hool. For breakfast, they eat eggs, bananas, bread, pears and milk. Sally likes eggs, bananas and bread, but she doesnt like pears and milk. For lunch, they eat hamburgers and apples, but she doesnt like salad. And for dinnerm, they have chickenm, tomatoes and French fries. Sally likes chicken and t

7、omatoes, but she doesnt like French fries.7. 假设你开了一家新新服装店,你的服装店出售很多的衣、帽、鞋、袜等,请你为自己的服装店写一则销售文选, (50词左右)Welcome to Xinxin Clothes Store! We have a great sale! The T-shirts are only $5 each. Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors for $15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We

8、 have great bags for only $4. And the hats in all colors are only $2 each. We have socks for $6. Please come to Xinxin and see for yourself!8. 根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇关于 Jenny 的短文。(50 词左右)Hello! This is Jenny. She is twelve years old. Her birthday is July nineteenth. She likes basketball and music. She likes

9、 art, too. She likes fruit and vegetables. She often eats lots of fruit, like apples, bananas and strawberries. She also eats lots of carrots and tomatoes. Helen, Kate and Mona are her good friends.Do you like her?9. 请根据你学过的知识,写一篇 50 词左右的短文,向同学们介绍你的家人喜欢的各种影片。My name is Mike. Im a student. My favorit

10、e movies are action movies. My father likes them, too. Because they are exciting. My mother is a doctor. She likes comedies. My sister likes comedies, too. But she doesnt like thrillers. My grandparents like documentaries. We all like seeing movies and we often go to movies on weekends.10. 你们学校的运动俱乐

11、部要招收新的运动员,请你帮助俱乐部写一张海报来吸引更多的同学来参加俱乐部。 Player Wanted for the Sports ClubWe want many good players for the school sports club. Can you run? Can you swim? Can you play basketball, volleyball or tennis? Come and join us! If you want to join the sports club, please call us at 027-6385.11. 生活应该有规律,你的生活有规律

12、吗? 请以 My Day 为题写出自己一天的活动。 (50 词左右)Hello, everyone, I get up at six oclock. Then I eat breakfast. I go to school at seven oclock. I eat lunch at school. In the afternoon classes begin at two oclock. We have seven classes every day. I get home at five oclock. I have dinner at six. Then I watch TV afte

13、r finish my homework. I usually go to bed at nine. Its early. So I can get up early the next day. My mother says its a good habit.12. 在所学的科目中,你最喜欢哪些,不喜欢哪些?为什么?请根据提示,写一篇 65 词左右的短文。提示:(1)English, Chinese, math, science, art, P.E., music, history, biology(2) fun,interesting, difficult, boring, tiredMy

14、favorite subject is history. I think it is very interesting. I can learn about Chinese history from it. Our history teacher, Mr Wang, is fun I also like P.E. and science. I think P.E. is fun and science is difficult but interesting. I dont like math. It is boring. Our math teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after math classes.荐故乡的小河(700 字)作文 荐校园的秋天(500 字)作文 荐那片枫林(400 字)作文 荐老北京的韵味(800 字)作文 荐秋(350 字)作文


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