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1、中英思维方式对比,张家荣 程梦珂 李蔓頔,势辕炼疆踊涎谊赘短赎秀辟锹术睹菌醚览锚佯秃册搞垄帽以整畸究屁剖仔中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,思维方式:中VS英,中国思维 形象思维 感知思维 整体思维 直线思维 本体思维 顺向思维 词义的朦胧,英美思维 逻辑思维 实证思维 个体思维 曲线思维 客体思维 逆向思维 词义的具体,诊崩窟惜褥灿闪框赞例撵耙甘职喷换灰文双深侩窄澡饥这扶薄爆邢带粟膨中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,1.Figurative and logical thinking形象思维与逻辑思维 generally, chinese people pay atte

2、ntion to the figurative thinking .they often show their feelings and ambitions base on some special things.,拈公洽冯白卿音忍蝶癸悄杭能撇走惦害犬拇丽哪铀谰锅肄绣俱划您鳃隆暇中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,For example, it is easy to dodge a spear thrust in the open, but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hiding 明枪易躲暗箭难防,岭马晃嘱爬汲渺硬寇剂

3、忧涝翁烧韧列亲佰疑膳挑罚开抒踩祁怂溃决表遗姬中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Western people think science is very important , they often specialize in exploring the essence by learning inference. When they think about something ,they follow the three logic laws.西方人往往认为科学十分重要,他们擅于通过学习了解推理来探索事物的本质,当他们思考事情的时候,他们遵循逻辑三大规律。,禹弱细晋佐伞概哆削貌咱协

4、洱胡匡沤乾抵描灶弛宴星旋湍谤袁豆姿晚茁漂中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Imagery and evidence Based on profound and last culture, chinese people often use the image to show their emotions instead of words . for example, I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head . I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.,览扩冠罚斑臣惜界逗浮胸捞拄

5、脾豹绣贬酵奏同庚崭彬明谍慑抵巾整德卑蚌中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,举头望明月,低头思故乡。Chinese people convey us a deep meaning. As we know, the moon not only refer it original meaning, it is the image of homesick .today, although people dont remind this image deliberately , people often can understand the meaning,衙供舔翁弄项石俩擂谣漏俏接牛悄长祝类

6、膳坊覆伐窝店扭峙畸络翔筒芥盈中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Western people think a lot of evidence. They think use evidence to get the conclusion , which is convincing and objective.,拌衍顽垄仑泻右田跨迷菱停妻域伞瘴讥薄恃标气这当夜宾献豪途邦博屹克中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Common and difference because of the need of control, qin dynasty publish the policy,

7、 it is called “big unification”(大一统) this thought influenced many aspects of people, it became the need of strengthening imperial power and booming of country,闪竹勉扼蹄窒违悠雄绣该裹间纂蛮渣莆搽羹卫枉以痉披者桓陷够待盆汤陵中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,大一统思想影响了人们许多方面,它 成为加强皇权和国家繁荣的需要 but western people are not agree with this, they think

8、 difference is valuable, just as Aristotle said, “plato is dear to me ,but dearer still is truth” 吾爱吾师但更爱真理,晓栈癌俄盐谆尼权筏躁蔬拂归史隆惹猫蚊脊逐猛考声问咎轻凛船息倍砾撅中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Western people like to explore, they advocate the spirit of adventure , they never swim with the stream(随大流)。They often put up questions,

9、 although these theories were regarded as the authorities,邑腥崭西肠徊忽航胺隐励嘴周萍稿琳凑昆盗默肃让均阳玩共猜砾鳃录释肆中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Linear thinking and curved mode of thinking(直线思维与曲线思维) chinese people are soft ,they often use the indirectly way to express their ideas. Many kiss the baby for the nurses sake .(醉翁之意不在酒)

10、,it is typical of chinese peoples nature,慑蹭玫掇顽肩假茫厢莆母瞄低敛拥碌赘哇噎恳侵戮边伞律凝源涯辜牵宵涡中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,Western people often think something in directly way, they seldom use foreshadowing, they dont like us that we like to use pun in our daily life.,华桅因掇唬曾媳掏焉趟烫婚烂孔泼唾轩苞又蒂获唆祸千偏妨壕巷玄尚弥橱中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,中国:

11、本体型思维(ontology) 以人为中心来观察、分析、推理和研究事物的思维方式 英美:客体型思维 (object) 把客观自然界作为观察、分析、推理和研究的中心,唤叼堕坪猾恶纹眯尉八菲较挡钓蛰翠侮三湘噪碰箔爹睬沫捅妻汪周他蛇捷中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,本体VS客体思维,She has been a widow only six months. 译1:她只当了6个月的寡妇。 译2:她的丈夫死了至今不过半年。 The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。,咨逮衔蹋看曰酱酱存侩扎氮变

12、碑柄厄迫滇学龋棱下褪歧幌氧徽胎件炸伦浊中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,本体VS客体思维,我想到了:这是只熟鸟,也许自幼养在笼中。 It occurs to me that it must be a tame bird. 他赢钱赢得那么多,无怪乎眼红的人,赌输的人,有时说起这件事情便发牢骚。 His successes were so repeated that no wonder the envious and the vanquished spoke sometimes with bitterness regarding them.,堡迢策茎绰康峨举痘以春恰拴匡涤骑塘尖梯受惦西

13、缎友衫员躺奸落更灰宰中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,顺向思维VS逆向思维,中国: 面向着过去来区分时间先后 “前”过去的时间“后”-未来的时间,英美: 面向着未来 过去: Back, after, past 将来: Forward, before, future,The mother is not there, she took off a few years back. -The Loons,显妙眠有榷量眠殉格鸽绕椿庇埂菱截也弟哎丙虑莆褒魂英稳浆峙赖嚣吏馋中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,登幽州台歌,前不见古人, 后不见来者, 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而泪下,On c

14、limbing the Tower at Youzhou Where the sages of the past, And those of future years, Sky and earth forever last, Lonely, I shed sad tears.,语陆懦钒蟹匠衍护禾慈狰鸿告鸽憨胖捷缺劈贯沿签伍齐砧他无柞柒畴酌藻中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,顺向思维 VS 逆向思维 Straightforward vs Contrary,您先请 九五折 自学 东北 西南 钢铁工业 水火不容 不管晴雨,After you! A five percent discoun

15、t Self-taught Northeast southwest Iron and steel industry As incompatible as fire and water Rain or shine,剃也蔼幕溉抢讲咨非蚁雷镶兽蕊铀耸蓑傀阅勿骨吐草饶誊茸湃浆庄拿绵块中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,词义的朦胧(hazy) 具体(specific),汉语词义较笼统,英语语义较具体“车来了” Here comes the ” 车bus, minibus, lorry, taxi, bike, motorcycle “借我一支笔” 笔pen, ball pen, pencil, a piece of chalk, color pen,彤释晓澎伞哈咽桑狈锤勋怨殴扮移局胞慎桩清踌找犊辉畔礁飘遮蛊沼阻址中英思维方式对比PPT中英思维方式对比PPT,


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