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1、泉泉 州州 师师 范范 学学 院院毕毕 业业 论论 文文SeverusSeverus Snape:Snape: A A ByronicByronic FigureFigure inin HarryHarry PotterPotter 哈利哈利波特波特中的拜伦式英雄中的拜伦式英雄: :西弗勒斯西弗勒斯斯内普斯内普外国语 学 院 专 业 级 班学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 完成日期 2Abstract: At the end of the twentieth century, a storm called “Potter-mania” swept across the world with

2、the publication of a series of books titled Harry Potter. It is beyond imagination that over 450 million copies have been sold worldwide and translated into 67 languages. Potter- mania has expanded to become a significant cultural phenomenon. In the story, Harry Potter is the “everyman” hero, while

3、Severus Snape, Potters Potions Professor, displays many traits of the traditional anti-hero and appears to be less attractive and agreeable. After the release of the final book of the series Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, however, Snape turns out to be a more complex character of significant

4、importance, whose characteristics are worth analyzing. This thesis therefore intends to analyze Snape in the light of Byronic heroism, and aims to reach the conclusion that he is more of a Byronic hero than a villain. Keywords: Harry Potter; Severus Snape; Byronic Hero 3【摘要摘要】 二十世纪末,随着一套名为哈利波特的小说的流行

5、,世界掀起了一阵“波特 旋风” ,这套小说在世界范围内的总销量达到 4.5 亿本,被翻译成 67 种语言。 “波特旋风” 已经成为了一种文化现象。 故事中的主人公哈利波特是“平民英雄” ,而他的魔药课教授西弗勒斯斯内普则 体现了传统反派人物所应有的特征,缺乏吸引力且惹人讨厌。然而,在这部系列小说的 最后一部哈利波特与死亡圣器面世之后,人们发现斯内普原来是一个十分重要, 性格复杂的角色,他的性格特征值得探讨。本文意在用拜伦式英雄主义的观点来分析斯 内普,论证他并不是单纯的反派人物,而是一个亦正亦邪的拜伦式英雄。【关键词关键词】哈利波特; 西弗勒斯斯内普; 拜伦式英雄ContentsIntrodu

6、ction11. Literature Review .11.1 On Harry Potter.11.1.1 “Potter-mania”.11.1.2 J.K. Rowling the Author of the Novel .21.1.3 The Plot of the Work.21.2 On Byronic Heroism31.2.1 Definition of Byronic Hero.31.2.2 Characteristics of Byronic Hero31.2.3 Byronic Figures in Literature42. The Byronic Hero Seve

7、rus Snape.42.1 Characteristics of Severus Snape.42.1.1 Outward Appearance.42.1.2 Personality.42.2 The Root of Snape Being a Byronic Hero.72.2.1 Family Background.72.2.2 Psychological Cause72.2.3 Romance Factor.73. Byronic Heroism of Snape Embodied in Harry Potter 83.1 Dark Sides of Severus Snape.83.

8、1.1 Power Pursuer .83.1.2 Partial Professor in Hogwarts83.2 Bright Sides of Severus Snape.93.2.1 “Always” Love for Lily Evans93.2.2 Dumbledores Man: A Double Agent.103.2.3 Bad Attitude, Good Actions113.2.4 Sacrifice of his LifeHeroic Ending11Conclusion.12Bibliography 130IntroductionAt the end of the

9、 twentieth century, there were few people in the English-speaking world who had never heard of a boy named Harry Potter. During the past decades, 450 million copies of the total seven Harry Potter books have been sold. There are translated versions in 67 languages, from Hindi to Ancient Greek. The f

10、irst Harry Potter book-Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone-was published in June 26th, 1997. Since then “Harry Potter Mania” swept the whole world almost over night. They cast spells not only on children, but also on adults, “a growing number of the adults find these books irresistible”.(刘瑶 2007

11、:1) To the publishing industry, Harry Potter wrote a saga of salvation. Potter-mania has expanded to become a significant cultural phenomenon. A lot of research work about the novels appears from a broad range of perspective within literature, religion, education, psychology, sociology, and even the

12、 media communication, etc. While Harry Potter is the “everyman hero” in the story, Snape tends to appear as an anti- hero, who is dark, serious, intelligent, mean, selfish, and imperious. With the development of the story, Snapes characteristics are more and more complex. He is on the good side work

13、ing as a double agent for Dumbledore, and pretends to be a loyal servant to the Dark Lord Voldemort( Harrys archenemy), but in the end he kills Dumbledore instead before Harrys eyes and manifests his dark side completely. Just when everyone thinks that he betrays the trust of all, his death reveals

14、a lot more than what people believe.This thesis intends to explore the characters of Severus Snape in the light of Byronic Heroism. To make a thorough research on his complex characters, firstly, the background information is needed, then the definition of Byronic Heroism is provided, Snapes charact

15、eristics are analyzed in the following chapters and the major part of this thesis focuses on displaying Snapes character through detailed contents, therefore, to conclude that Snape is not merely a role of traditional villain but a Byronic hero.1. Literature ReviewTo a better understanding of the th

16、esis, the background information is needed.1.1 On Harry Potter 1.1.1 “Potter-mania” Pottermania is an informal term first used around 1999 describing the craze Harry Potter fans have had over the series. Fans held midnight parties to celebrate the release of the final four books at bookstores which stayed open on the night leading into the date of the rel



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