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1、Road safety,Period 1,Unit,4,Story time,淮安市周恩来红军小学 鞠怀兄,Sing and answer,What does the video tell us?,A: Tell us how to drive safely(安全驾驶). B: Tell us how to cross the road safely (安全过马路). C: The children can sing and dance.,Sing and answer,What does the video tell us?,There are many busy roads(繁忙的马路)

2、in the city.,We must look for a .,zebra crossing,Sometimes we can wait on the .,pavement,save pave,How can you cross them safely?,人行道,Listen and answer,First, read the text loudly. Then, fulfill the blanks.首先,大声朗读课文,然后完成填空。,Task 1:Read and write,FirstThen首先然后,zebra crossing,traffic lights,Task 2: Re

3、ad and find,Red man,Green man,Yellow man,traffic lights,Task 3: Read and answer.,What does the traffic police tell us?,黄灯亮时,交警会说什么呢?展开想象!,Director导演: Miss Ju,Walkers: How can we cross the road safely?,Billing 演员表,A traffic police:,Can you see the,Look! Heres the,Where must we wait before we cross th

4、e road? How should we look out for(当心) the traffic? Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why?,ips: 阅读时,你可以用铅笔划下关键词或句。,Task 5: Read and answer,pavement,left,left,right,other people,No zebra crossing,wait on the, look out for, first look, then and thenagain., cross the road with,Task

5、 6: Try to say,30秒不间断地朗读,读的越多越好哦!,Task 7:Non-stop reading,Safe(安全的)or not safe?,Task 8: Read and answer,run,play,Task 9: Try to say,Road Safety,How to cross safely?,What must we not do?,First, you must look for,Then you must look at and wait for,You can wait on . look out for,You must firstthen,You

6、can alsoThen the drivers,Some childrenIt is not safe.,You must notBecause,Tip:根据图片和词句提示,同桌讨论故事板块,尝试复述部分或全文。,Task 10: Try to retell,中国每年车祸死多少人?,据统计,我国每年交通事故死亡人数已经超过了10万人,已经连续10多年保持世界第一。我国汽车保有量不到全世界2%,但是交通事故死亡人数则占全球的比例达到20%。我国城市每万辆车死亡率是美国的17.8倍。,Why? Why? Why?,Call people or take photos while driving.

7、 开车时打电话或拍照片,Feel sleepy.疲劳驾驶,Drink wine and drive. 酒后开车。,Cross the road at the red light. 红灯过马路。,Listen to music or play with the mobile phone.听音乐或玩手机。,Go over the fence.翻栏杆。,Skate or fly kites or play on the road. 在路上滑冰、放风筝或玩。,Not following the rules is the main reason. 违反交规是车祸最主要原因。 中国的致死交通事故中,有八成

8、是由于行人或非机动车违章造成的;行人、摩托车以及非机动车的违章行为,是中国交通事故率、特别是致死率高的一个重要原因。,Follow the rules, cherish our lives.遵守规则,珍惜我们的生命。,Rules make the world more beautiful. 规则让世界更美好!,Task 11: School safety,School safety You _ walk on the right side of the road. You _ walk up and down on the right side of the stairs. You _ wal

9、k slowly and let the little children go first(让小孩子先走). You _ throw rubbish from the window of your classroom. You _ push and shove(推推搡搡). You _ run after others or fight(打架) with others in the hallway(在走廊).,must,must,must,must not,must not,must not,Homework,1. 熟读背诵Story time。 2. Write English slogan

10、s for school safety. 给学校安全写英语标语。 3.Collect road signs, write their meanings in English. 搜集路标,用英语写标志的含义。,Homework,1. 熟读Story time.2. 给学校安全写英语标语。3.搜集路标,用英语写一写标志的含义。,First:Then:At last you can also:,Task 4:Read and order,学习目标:理清楚在没有斑马线的情况应该如何安全过马路。,A: wait on the pavement B: cross the road with other p

11、eople C: you must first look left D: look out for cars and bikes E: look right and then left again,First:Then:At last you can also:,A: wait on the pavement,B: cross the road with other people,C: you must first look left,D: look out for cars and bikes,E: look right and then left again,You can wait on

12、 the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.,You must first look left, then right and then left again.,You can also cross the road with other people.,Task 4:Order and read,Red man ,stop!Green man ,go!,Fun time,Road Safety,How to cross safety?,What must we not do?,First, you must look for,Then you must look at and wait for,You can wait on . lookout for,You must firstthen,You can alsothen the drivers,You mustnt because,It is not safe.You must not,Tip:根据图片和词句提示,同桌讨论故事板块,尝试复述部分或全文。,两人一组,比一比谁在1分钟内说出更多的答案。,PK,Task 10: Try to retell,


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