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1、大学英语自学教程,Unit One Text A,e.g.即使是朋友,有时意见也不相合,Even friends sometimes disagree.,对不起我不同意你的意见。,Im sorry to disagree with you.,2. guarantee: (1)vt. 保证,担保,保修e.g.雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。We cant guarantee the punctual arrival trains in foggy weather此钟保修一年。This clock is guranteed for one year.,disagree: vi 不同意,有分歧。后跟w

2、ith 表示 “与有分歧,不一致 ”,(2) n.保证,保修;抵押品,保证物 e.g. 党的正确领导是我们胜利的保证。The Partys correct leadership is the guarantee of our victory.我能以我的房屋和地产做抵押品。I can offer my house and land as a guarantee.,3. succeed: vi. 成功。与in连用,后接名词或动名词表示“在(干)某事上成功” e.g. 她考试及格了。He has succeeded in the examination.玛丽成功地找到了工作。Mary has suc

3、ceeded in finding a job.,4. depend on (upon): 依靠,依赖;依而定 e.g. 孩子们依靠父母提供衣食。Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.这要看你如何处理这个问题。That depends on how you tackle the problem. 5. instead of: 代替,而不是 e.g. 如果你不空,我可以替你去。Ill go instead of you if you are not free.他们是步行去那儿的而不是坐公交车。They went there

4、on foot instead of by bus.,7. be willing to: 愿意,乐意 e.g. 他很愿意付我所要的价钱。He is willing to pay the price I ask. municate: 交流,交际,通讯 e.g. 我能用英语同外国人交流。I can communicate with foreigners in English.,9. do well to: 最好做,做为好 e.g. 你最好还是讲实话。You would do well to tell the truth.,:,Reference keys to translation: (P10)

5、 1.Reasearch shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. 2. Language learning is active learning, learners should take advantage of chances to use the language. 3. Language learning should be active, independent, and purposeful. 4. Learning a language is different from learning

6、 mathematics.,5. The teacher often imparts successful language learning experiences to us. P12 They find it hard to master a foreign language. The research shows that those who succeed are similar in many ways. Successful language learners do not depend on books or teachers. We are willing to help o

7、ur friends. We should learn new things independently, actively, and purposefully.,Text B not onlybut also:不仅而且 e.g. 他不仅聪明,而且学习努力。He is not only clever, but also hard working. 2. neither nor: 既不也不 e.g. 处在这样的位置,一个人既不能站直,也无法躺倒In such a position one can neither stand up nor lie down.,Unit Two Text A be

8、sure of: 确信,对确信无疑,确定 e.g. 你肯定会受到欢迎。You are sure of a welcome.我确信汤姆的诚意。Im sure of Toms sincerity. 2.have a ( the ) corner on sth:垄断某物 e.g. 政府不允许任何人垄断钢材The government doesnt allow anybody to have a corner on steel.,make a corner in sth: 囤积居奇 e.g.零售商为了卖高价而对小麦囤积居奇The retail trader have made a corner in

9、wheat so as to sell it in higher price. 3. consist of: be made up of 由组成 e.g. 水是由氢和氧组成的。Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.这个委员会由10个成员组成。The committee consists of ten members.,4. vary: vi. vt. 有差异,变化,使有变化 e.g. 物价会随季节变化而变化。Prices vary from season to season.你应该变换饮食。You should vary your diet. 如要表示在某

10、方面不同,有差异,后接介词 in e.g. People vary very much in their ideas.,5. due: adj. 应付的,应付给的 e.g. 何时应付房租?When is the rent due? 2) 预期的,预定的e.g. 火车预定何时到达?When is the train due? 6. charge: vt. vi.索价,要价(与for连用);指控,控告(与with连用) e.g. 补一双鞋你要价多少?How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?他被控告谋杀。He was charged wi

11、th murder.,7. figure: n. 数字 e.g.人们吃惊地发现那个乞丐有一个六位数的银行账户。People were surprised to find that the beggar had a bank account of six figures. 2) 人形,(尤指) 体态,相貌,身材 e.g. 她现在四十多岁了, 但她依然保持身材。Shes past forty now, but shes kept her figure.,3) 价格 e.g. 他低价买了一辆二手自行车。He bought a second-hand bike at a low figure. 4)

12、图解,图表 e.g. 黑板上画满了几何图。The blackboard was covered with geometrical figures. 5) 人物( 尤指其影响力) e.g. 他是本世纪的政治领军人物之一。He was one of the leading political figures of this century.,vt. vi. 与out连用,“ 想出,演算出,理解 e.g. 我不能理解他的话。I couldnt figure out what he was saying. 8. In addition to: 除之外 e.g. 除了英语之外,他得学一门二外。In ad

13、dition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.,9. complain: vi. 抱怨,诉苦,发牢骚,与(of/about)连用 e.g. 她抱怨说他粗枝大叶。She complained of his carelessness. 10. protest: 抗议,反对,与against连用 e.g. 我抗议被称作傻瓜。I protest against being called a fool. 11. tend: vi 倾向于,有倾向,后接不定式 e.g.随着年龄的增加,人们往往会发胖。People tend to g

14、et fat as they grow older.,12. agree on:后接需要确定的一件事情. “同意,达成一致” e.g. 双方就所有条款达成一致。The two sides have agreed on all the terms. agree about:后接讨论范围或某一事情 e.g. 两国政府就人权问题未能取得一致意见。The two governments dont agree about human rights. agree to: 后接提案或建议 e.g. 我同意你的建议。I agree to your proposal.,agree with: 后接人。 e.g.

15、 在这一点上我完全同意你的意见。I quite agree with you on this point.,Text B 1.no more than : only 只不过,仅仅 e.g. 她只不过是个初学者She is no more than a beginner. 2. put up with:容忍,忍受 e. g. 在你野营时,会有许多你得忍受的不方便 There are many inconveniences that have to be put up with when youre camping. 3. be involved in: 参与,介入 e.g. 应该有更多的妇女参与

16、决策More women should be involved in decision-making.,Reference keys to translation: (P42) Paying taxes is a responsibility of every citizen. Americans often say that there are two things they can not escape from in life. Just because there are three levels of government in the United States , there are three types of taxes. Some states charge income-tax in addition to sales tax. Americans complain that taxes are too high and the government uses wrong way. (P43) 1.China leads the world with its silk. 2. Some states charge sales tax in addition to income tax.,



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