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1、An Appreciation of English and American Literature,1 The Anglo-Saxon Period(450-1066),1.1Celts ( the tribe of Briton)-55 BC, the Roman conquest-the beginning of 500,the English conquest-the later part of 7th century the 1st English poet Cademan(凯德蒙), 100 years later Beowulf occurred-1066 Norman conq

2、uest(1066-1350), French became the official language, literature was mainly written in French and Latin for 300 years( literature about knight, king Arthur, Romance).,1.2 Beowulf:(贝尔武夫) the starting point of English literature/ written in 3,000 lines in old English/ A folk legend brought to England

3、by Anglo-Saxons/ hero: Beowulf and Grendel/ it has strong Christian color, Cain(该隐)/ influence: use of kenning(隐喻) and alliteration(头韵).,2 Medieval period(14-15 century),2.1 14th century: violent change, the hundred Years War with France (1337-1453), national consciousness/ appearance of middle clas

4、s shaken the feudal system/ the peasant uprising(1381) /corruption of church/the Black death made people lose belief in God,2.2 Geoffrey Chaucer( 1340-1400):father of English poetry/ The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事集) :the realistic depiction of English society of the 14th century/ 24 stories/30 characte

5、rs from all walks of life/humor/the wife of bath(巴斯妇的故事): the idea of feminism/ his deep understanding of human being is the reason why he is so immortal,2.3 15th century Europe: religious reformation(free from the religious restriction mentally and spiritually / revival of ancient Roman and Greek c

6、ulture/Renaissance humanism/printing England: The Henry VIIIs protestant reformation paved the way to Renaissance/ /At the end of the 15th century, the Renaissance in England began/the introduction of printing to England by William Caxon brought classical works within reach of the multitude,2.3.1 Th

7、omas more(1478-1535)and his “Utopia” Thomas more(1478-1535): the humanist in the early period of renaissance “Utopia”(乌托邦): one of the greatest events in the history of human thought and civilization/ book one: a long discussion on the social condition of English society; book two: the description o

8、f an ideal communist society, Utopia, happy, classless and free from poverty and exploitation/ the starting point of the English philosophical and imaginary novel.,3Elizabeth Period/The English Renaissance( 1550-1642),3.1 During the reign of Queen Elizabeth(1558-1603) England enjoyed a period of pea

9、ce and prosperity, reach the peak of power, wealth and literature /a balance of power between landlord and the rising burgher as well as the balance protestants and Catholics/ the defeat of the Spanish navy make the England a powerful nation/ From the first half of the 16th century English Renaissan

10、ce began to develop into the flowering of literature and then England became “ a nest of singing bird”,3.2 Poetry: 4 poets: Thomas Wyatt(托马斯魏阿特,15031542), Earl Surrey(萨利伯爵,15161547), Philip Sidney(菲力普锡德尼15541586), Edmund Spenser(埃德蒙斯宾塞,15521599),3.2.1 Thomas Wyatt(托马斯魏阿特,15031542):introduced the son

11、net, an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter intricately rhymed, from Italy to England.,(stanzalinefoot(音步:由一定数量的重读音节和非重读音节组成)syllable-(音节)-the way of the arrangement of the syllable is called meter/measure(格律),stressed syllable is called 扬, “- “unstressed one is抑, / Iambic foot(抑扬格

12、):一个音步由一个非重读音节和一个重读音节组成) She walks in beauty, like the night,3.2.2 Earl Surrey(萨利伯爵,15161547):introduced the blank verse(素体诗) to England/ blank verse is the unrhymed iambic pentameter(无韵的五音步抑扬格) which is later masterly handled by Shakespeare and Milton. 3.2.3 Philip Sidney(菲力普锡德尼1554158): a poet and

13、 critic of poetry/ “ The apology for poetry”(诗辩): the first literary critical work,3.2.4 Edmund Spenser(埃德蒙斯宾塞,15521599): “poets poet”/ “ The shepherds calendar” (牧人日记) and “ The Faerie Queen” (仙后)“ The shepherds calendar” (牧人日记): a pastoral poem in 12 books, one for each month of the year,

14、dialogues between shepherds about human beings feelings, emotions and attitude/ employed 13 types rhymes with 9 to 10 types created by the author himself., Faerie Queen” (仙后): a long poem planned in 12 books, of which he finished only 6, each one illustrate one virtue and one evil/ “Spense

15、rian stanza(斯宾塞诗节): 8 iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet with the rhyme scheme ababbcbcb.,3.3 Plays: At the end of the 16th century, English plays reached its peak (English plays originate from the religious ceremony of the medieval age, the miracle plays based on th

16、e Bible stories and the morality play are the main plays of the 14th and 15th century)./ Christopher Marlowe(克里斯托福. 马洛,1564-1593), Whilliam Shakespear (1564-1616),3.3.1 Christopher Marlowe(克里斯托福. 马洛,1564-1593): the symbol of the talent and energy of the Elizabeth period / his style:mighty line/“Tamb

17、urlaine the great”(帖木儿大帝); “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus”(浮士德博士的悲剧);(it broke the traditional fashion of the plays, a great contribution to English drama) “The Jew of Malta”(马尔他的犹太人); “ Edward II” (爱德华二世)/ he fist made the blank verse(素体诗) ( the rhymeless iambic pertameter) the principal instrument of English drama.,


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