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1、现在回忆,雅菲工作室设计,序,以下乃鄙人日常做题之笔记总结,四六级将至之时再作整理补充。历时两周,虽未有呕心沥血,却也算大动干戈煞伤脑筋。于大家如大浪疾风推舟之助力势吾不敢想,但有燥闷热时微风三徐之清爽,则鄙人之苦心可以无愧矣。鄙人于每词斟酌再三校验有四,然力有限,不足谬误之处,不奢求批评但期指正。最后以一首励志小诗结序,以此共勉,虽未同舟共济,却有共同回忆。,Persistence I wouldt care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as along as I have been destined to the d

2、istance. I wouldt care the difficulties around,for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizon.,现在回忆,name.after(以.命名) count on (依靠) cling to( 紧握不放 ; 忠实于 ; 坚持) figure out(理解) on the way to(在去的路上) once upon a time(从前) in vain(徒然,白费力气) at ra

3、ndom(随便地,随意地) take over(接收,接管) catch on(学会) demand sth of sb(向某人要某物) in the long run(终究,到最后) sentence sb to death(判某人死刑),come off (除去,成功) come to(苏醒,达成) have an eye out(警觉,提防) paper (有“论文”之意) in accordance with.(和一致) recommend(推荐) demand(要求) command(指挥) pick out(挑出,选出;辨认出) pick up(拿起;获得;好转;继续),bring

4、 about(导致,引起) bring forth(产生,提出) bring forward(提出,提议) bring up(养育,教养) go out of business(歇业) call off(取消) call up(打电话;打电话给., 召集) in common(共有的,公用的),after all(毕竟,终究,终于) above all(首先,尤其是) leave alone(不打扰,不惊动) answer for (对负有责任) as for/to(至于,关于) as if/though(好像,仿佛) right away(立刻,马上) back up (倒退,支持) bac

5、k out(撒手,食言,倒退),by chance(偶然,碰巧) by any chance(万一,也许) take a chance(冒险,投机) check in(登记,报到) check out(结帐离去) cut corners(走捷径,省钱) turn the corner(出现转机) at all costs(不惜一切代价) at the cost of(以为代价) on earth (究竟,到底) dig up(挖掘出,找出) take effect(生效,起作用),fill the bill(符合要求) turn ones back on(轻视,不理睬) blow up(爆炸,

6、充气,大怒) rack ones brains(绞尽脑汁) pick ones brains(向某人请教) hold ones breath(某人屏住呼吸) out of breath(喘不过气来) take sbs breath away(使某人惊羡不已),carry forward(推进) carry off(拿走,夺走) carry on(继续进行) carry out(实行,完成) carry over(使继续下去,将.延后) carry through(坚持下去) in any case(无论如何) in case(假使,如果发生) in no case(绝不) cook up(捏造

7、,编造) die out(灭绝),do away with(废除,去掉) do for(毁坏,使完蛋) do up(系,修缮,打扮) drop out(退出,退学) or else(否则) no end(非常,极其) on end(连续地) as follows(如下) give the game away(露马脚)for good(永远地) hold with(赞成,赞同),face up to(勇敢地对付) be faced with(面临) in the face of(在面前,尽管) fall back on(借助于,依靠) fall behind(落后,落在的后面) fall out

8、(吵架;脱落) fall through(落空,成为泡影) fall to(开始,着手做) fall for(受的骗;迷恋),on the fence(保持中立) in kind(以实物(偿付) kind of(有点儿,有几分) of a kind(同类的,徒有其名的) make up(捏造;化妆;和解) be made up of.(由组成) lose oneself in.(某人专心致志于) make up for(补偿) in that (因为,原因在于) be in for.(参加.;一定会遭到) up to (胜任;取决于.直到),show off(炫耀,卖弄) show up(暴露

9、;露面) stand for.(是的缩写;代表.) stand in(代表.,代替.,做.替身) stand up for(支持,维护,保卫) stand up to(抵抗;经得起.) take off(脱下,起飞,匆匆离开) take in(接受;包括;领会),by turns(轮换地 ,轮流地,交替地) in turn(依次地,轮流的;转而) turn away(回绝) turn off(关,关掉) turn on(接通,打开) turn down(关小,调低;拒绝) turn to(求助于;查阅) turn up(开大,调大;出现) turn over(翻倒;仔细考虑;移交) in th

10、e wake of(随着而来) in view of(鉴于.,考虑到.) in no way(决不) make way(让路) out of the way(被处理好;偏远的) under way(在进行中),throw up(呕吐) at no time(从不,决不) at one time(曾经,一度) at times(有时,间或) from time to time(不时) in no time(立即,马上) in time(及时) on time(准时) take ones time(某人不用着急,不慌忙) work on/at(从事于;致力于) work out(算出;理解;解决)

11、,tear down(拆掉,拆散) well up(涌出) sound(有“健康的,合理的,可靠的”之意) vow to(向发誓) hold on(继续,坚持) hold back(抑制,扣住,隐瞒) in contrast to(与.对照) as good as ones word(某人说话算话) how comes that(怎么会,怎么能) vital to(对很重要) some用在数字前作副词,表示“大约”之意) run out of(用完) dispose of.(处理,清除),act as.(担当) act for(代理) act out(把.表演出来,把.付诸行动) act in

12、(扮演) tire sb out (使某人筋疲力竭) cost sb sth(使某人损失某物) be born with.(生来具有) hang out (闲荡) 手机上的信息,电视上的画面用介词on more or less (或多或少,多少有点) sonner or later(迟早),coin(硬币) note(纸币,钞票) change(零钱) lift sb up(鼓励某人) no wonder(难怪) cater to(迎合) correspond to(与一致,相符) pay off(还清) at ones expense(由.支付费用) smooth away(克服,消除) round up(使聚拢,积攒),only if(用于句首,后接从句主谓倒装)只要;只有 if only(只要,但愿) in terms of(就.而言,在.方面) account for.(说明原因) differ in.(在方面不同) differ from.(与.不同,相异) hang on a second(等一下) thanks to(多亏,由于) regardlesss of.(不管,不顾.) now that(既然,由于),材料收集整理:左亚飞 版式设计制作:雅菲工作室 校对:左亚飞,



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