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1、Writing The Biomedical Manuscript: A Systematic Approach,Medical Communications Today,Medical science becoming increasing specialized 1976: 5,000 biomedical journals, only in libraries 2006: 17,000 biomedical journals, electronic on internet Subspecialties and new vocabularies has increased dramatic

2、ally over past 20 years Biomedical research moving to interdisciplinary initiatives Thus, readership increasingly specialized yet interdisciplinary, requiring an approach that is common, clear, simplified. “We must strive to make our articles increasingly reader friendly and cross-discipline in lang

3、uage”Dr. Jerome Kassirer, Former Editor, NEJM,A Recognized Problem,“There is no form of prose more difficult to understand and more tedious to read than the average scientific paper!”,-Dr. Francis Crick, 1994 The Astonishing Hypothesis,The Avoidable Downfall,Your research Carefully planned Novel Fla

4、wlessly designed and executedYour paper Poorly designed and writtenrejected or delayed The loss or delay of disseminating important critical information to the science community,Journal Editors Agree,Good writing signals clear thinking and an organized approachClear direct English and logical, cohes

5、ive, organized writing are key to acceptanceEven the most novel and well-constructed study will be rejected if the writing is flawed,What editors seek,High degree of novelty or innovation Interesting to a broad range of readers Significant step forward Breakthrough in performance High impact in the

6、field Data persuasively supports conclusions Important advance, providing new directions for research,What makes a good paper?,Thoughtful research最基本发人深思的研究 Thorough preparation投稿前彻底的准备 Logical exposition撰写时合乎逻辑的论述 Content is essential, preparation is critical 内容是基础,表达是关键,Before writing the paper,Wh

7、at does the topic interest you? What are the key findings or your work? What was thought/known/done before this work? What is the main message for your readers? How does new data change thinking, or support current approach, or open new research avenues or fields?,Manuscript Deficiencies,57 articles

8、 evaluated to Emerg Med28 accepted, 29 rejected/pending Of these 29: Ambiguous methods 77% Ambiguous results 68% Conclusions not warranted by data 72% Poor referencing 56% Inadequate study design description 51% Unclear tables 49% Overly long discussion 49% Inadequate definition of terms 49%“Deficie

9、ncies in manuscript preparation are more frequent than mistakes in study design and execution. Specific trainingin manuscript preparation is indicated.”Taylor and Brown, Emerg Med 13(4):444-50, 2001,Top 10 Reasons Manuscripts Rejected,Wrong journal, format, preparation Disorganized study design Defe

10、ctive tables, figures Poor organization throughout, writing, spelling No hypothesis or problem statement No or insufficient conclusion Overinterpretation of results Article unfocused, too verbose and long Inappropriate statistical methods; methods not sufficient to repeat study Poorly written abstra

11、ct/title,Pierson DJ, Respiratory Care 49(10), 2004 Byrne DW, Publishing Medical Research Papers, Williams and Wilkins, 1998,Avoidable,Manuscript Reviews,Editor Title & Abstract Headings References Tables/Figures Read Through,Editor Reports Summary of peer reviews Summary of editors review,Appropriat

12、e to journal? Conform to guidelines?,Start with Outline,Outline each segment of the paper using traditional outline: I, II, III, A, B, 1, 2, a Forces logical thought and order Eliminates unorganized thinking and writing Uncovers flaws in arguments Reduces wordiness Makes writing easier Include your

13、draft figures, tables,Journal Editor: Whats A Good Manuscript?,Title descriptive and specific Abstract descriptive, specific, and correct length Introduction and background short and strong Research question clearly stated Literature cited is comprehensive and relevant Methods descriptive enough to

14、be replicated; appropriate statistical analyses Figures and Tables stand on their own, support conclusions, well constructed Citations relevant to topic Discussion within boundaries of findings; demonstrate how findings have helped resolve stated problem; implications and future work addressed Writi

15、ng clear, terse, logical Manuscript follows journal guidelines,The Title,The Title,Clear and attractive 准确得体Not too general or vague 简短精炼Specific, Relevant, Descriptive 应该有足够多的细节,描述性的语言 Write lastyour findings and conclusions may alter your title最后写 Excludes numbers or abbreviation通常不包括数目字和英文缩写,Unne

16、cessary Title Phrases,A Study of A Study to Determine Results of An Innovative Method Contributions to (of) Investigations on (concerning, about) Observations on A Trial Comparing,Dont Stack Adjectives,Female but not male serotonin reuptake transporter (5-HTT) model knockout mice exhibit bladder instability: Implications5-HTT female (not male) knockout mice have unstable bladders: Implications for Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment,


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