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1、A Tentative Analysis of ResolvingMultinational Patent Disputes Through ADRCandidateSupervisorCollegeProgramSpecializationDegreeUniversityDateHe ShimeiZhu WeidongSchool of Law and IPRJuris MasterIntellectual Property LawMaster of LawXiangtan UniversityApril 14, 2013湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导


3、月日日摘 要随着经济全球化进程的不断推进和知识经济的繁荣,跨国专利纠纷的数量急剧增加。构建一个经济、快捷的专利国际纠纷解决方式已日益成为最大程度释放国际专利的经济社会效益的重要途径,也是各国涉外知识产权保护的必要内容。在和平与发展的时代主题之下,构建一种重视交流合作,推崇尊重与宽容,倡导和谐理念的高效解纷方式是国际社会的共同呼声。然而,由于国际专利纠纷具有专业性强、标的额大、法律关系复杂、法律适用冲突和多重管辖的特点,有着诸多弊端的诉讼往往让专利国际纠纷的当事人赔了夫人又折兵,甚至谈诉色变。在上世纪 60、70 年代,西方发达国家就意识到了民事诉讼的程序正义与纠纷当事人所渴求的实质正义的差距,

4、掀起了倡导非诉纠纷解决方式的“接近正义”的司法改革浪潮。然而,专利国际纠纷采用非诉解决方式的做法经过了很长一段时间才被国际社会有条件的认可。随着各国扩大公共利益的范围,非诉纠纷解决方式才逐渐适用于原本专为诉讼保留的专利领域。在专利国际纠纷的非诉解决实践中,一些重要国际组织对专利国际纠纷的非诉解决的规定及实践不仅为专利国际纠纷的可 ADR 性提供了实践依据,同时为专利国际纠纷的非诉解决积累了许多有益的经验。其中最有特色的是世界知识产权组织仲裁与调解中心和关贸总协定的调解小组对专利国际纠纷的非诉解决实践。笔者运用对比分析法,将专利国际纠纷的诉讼解决和专利国际纠纷的非诉解决的效果进行对比分析得出以下

5、研究结果:专利国际纠纷的非诉解决方式比国际诉讼更为灵活,能够保障当事人的意思自治;有利于纠纷的正确、即时、低廉和和平解决;有利于保持当事人之间友好的商贸关系;更能满足当事人对案件保密的要求;更有利于处理结果的实际执行。本文从法理学、管理学、心理学、伦理学和法律经济学的角度论证专利国际纠纷的非诉解决方式的必要性。同时,文章探讨了美国、英国、印度等主要国家有关专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的立法和实践。最后,笔者分析了我国专利国际纠纷解决方式的现状,并对其进一步完善提供了一些思路。关键词:专利;国际纠纷;非诉解决方式IAbstractWith the increasing economic global

6、ization and the prosperity of the knowledgeeconomy, the number of the multinational patent disputes increases dramatically.Ithas increasingly become an essential way for the maximum interest of economicsociety to establish an economical and less time-consuming dispute solution system ofmultinational

7、 patent disputes, which is indispensable to every countries foreignintellectual property rights protection. With the theme of the times: Peace andDevelopment, it has been the common voice of the international community toestablish an efficient dispute solution system, which focuses on cooperation an

8、dcommunication, praises highly respect and tolerance and proposes harmonious idea.However, the parties concerning multinational patent disputes often pay a doublepenalty for the litigation with so many drawbacks, since litigation isnt qualified forthe multinational patent disputes with sophisticated

9、 specialty, large sum of object,complex legal relation, contradictory application of law and multi-jurisdiction.In the 1960s1970s, realizing the gap between the procedural justice of civilaction and the substantive justice the parties desires, the developed countries in theWest launched a judicial r

10、eform wave access to justice proposing the application ofADR. However, it has been a long time for the creative application of ADR tomultinational patent disputes to gain the international communitys conditionalacceptance. With countries enlarging the scope of public interest, ADR is applicablefor t

11、he patent field handled only by suit otherwise.The rule and practice laid down by some important international organization notonly underlied the application of ADR to multinational patent disputes, but alsoserved as much rewarding experience. The most distinctive is the practice of theWIPO Arbitrat

12、ion and Mediation Center and the WTO Mediation Panel .With the method of comparative analysis, the author drew the followingconclusion by comparing the effect of multinational patent disputes dealt by ADR andsuit respectively: ADR is more flexible than suit and guarantees the parties autonomyof will

13、 ; in favor of the correct ,quick, economical and peaceful solution of disputesmentioned; in favor of the friendly commercial relationship between the parties;satisfying the parties demand of case secrecy; in favor of the actual execution of thecase result. The article demonstrated the necessity of

14、the application of ADR tomultinational patent disputes in point of view of jurisprudence, management,IIpsychology, ethics, law economics. Also, the article discusses the law and practicerelated to application of ADR to multinational patent dispute system of the majorcountries, such as America, Brita

15、in, India, etc. At last, the author analyzed the statusquo of multinational patent dispute system in China, and put forward with some ideain this respect.Key Words:Patent; International Disputes; Alternative Dispute ResolutionIII目录第 1 章1.11.2第 2 章绪论. 1研究的目的和意义 11.1.1 本选题的背景 11.1.2 本选题的研究目的 11.1.3 本选

16、题的现实意义 2国内外研究现状述评 21.2.1 国外研究综述 21.2.2 国内研究综述 5专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的基本问题 . 62.1 专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的概念 . 62.2 专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的类型 . 62.2.1 基本程序 . 62.2.2 混合程序 . 72.3 专利国际纠纷采用非诉解决方式的优势 82.3.1 专利国际纠纷的特点 . 82.3.2 非诉解决方式与国际民事诉讼的对比分析 . 8第 3 章 专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的理论分析 . 143.1 从法理学的角度分析 143.1.1 形式理性论 143.2 从管理学的角度分析. 163.3 从其他学科的角度分析 173.3.1 从伦理学的角度分析 . 173.3.2 从心理学的角度分析 . 183.3.3 从法律经济学的角度分析 . 19第 4 章4.1专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的立法及实践 . 21相关国际组织有关专利国际纠纷非诉解决方式的立法及实践 214.1.1 世界知识产权组织 . 214.1.2 关贸总协定 224.1.3 关贸总协定和世界知识产权组织存在的问题. 234


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