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1、CET 4 听力场景词汇,I believe you can fly! Vivian Zheng,学习选课场景,Optional course Required course Day course Evening course 科目或专业: mathematics, history, biology, physics, chemistry, literature,astronomy, etc. Final exam, middle exam , make up, test, pop test, quiz, oral test, drawing near, 考试延期或取消 delay / be

2、off / hold up / postpone / put off public school , private school , religious school,学校中的人: president, dean,department, staff 全体员工,faculty 全体教职员工, professor,associate professor, instructor/lecturer/teaching fellow 讲师,tutor/mentor/director/ supervisor 导师 coordinator , doctorate/ doctors degree, maste

3、r , bachelor,freshman , sophomore , junior , senior , undergraduate, postgraduate, doctor student/ candidate/doctor, post doctor student alumnus/alumni(pl)男校友、毕业生,alumna/alumnae(pl) 女校友、毕业生 have a lecture , cut a class , miss a class , scholarship, assistantship teaching assistant , research assista

4、nt,上课 选课 听讲座 听报告,take the course 选课 drop the course 退课 register 注册 sign up for the course 选课 Pick up = learn cancel 取消 full 报满,selective course / minor course / optional course 选修课 requirement / required course / compulsory 必修课 lecture 讲座 seminar 讨论班 credit 学分 introductory course 初级课程 advanced cours

5、e 高级课程 math 数学 computer course 计算机 psychology course 心理学,physics 物理学 economics 经济学 computer science 计算机科学 sociology 社会学 geology 地质学 chemistry 化学 biology 生物学 biochemistry 生物化学 science 理科,考试场景,Exam mid-term exam 期中考试 final exam 期末考试 quiz 测验 pop quiz 不提前通知的考试 grade / score 分数 pass 及格 passing grade 及格分

6、failing grade 失败 GPA 平均学分积 make up exam 补考 cheat 作弊,作业场景,homework / assignment / project book report 读书报告 presentation 课堂发言 reading list 书单 turn in / hand in 上交 deadline 最后期限 due 到期 extension 延期 paper 论文 / essay 小论文 term paper 学期报告 thesis 毕业论文 dissertation proposal 开题报告,图书馆场景,lend / borrow / check o

7、ut, reference book, renew ,overdue, return, fine, stack, librarian, periodical room,reference room, current issue, back issue, Index, subject,author, on loan/ in circulation,shelf 书架 stack 书库 reading room 阅览室 reference room 参考书阅览室 periodical room 期刊阅览室 copier 复印机 study lounge 自习室 librarian 图书馆长, 图书管

8、理员 catalogue 书目 index 索引 volume 卷,宗 library card 借书卡,writing permission 书面许可 book reservation 借书 check out 外借 over due 超期 renew 续借 fine 罚款 return 还书 put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读 magazine 杂志 journal 期刊 periodical 期刊,quarterly 季刊 current issue 现刊 back issue 过刊 latest number 最新一期 author subject 题目 title 名字

9、key words 关键字,交通运输场景,fare , license, rush hour, traffic jam overtake 超车, one way street 单行道 , over speed ticket 罚单,fine 罚金,motor way 机动车道, super way 非机动车道,free way, 免费高速公路fast way /express way /high way 高速公路 , police officer 交警 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi tunnel / channel

10、 隧道 , ring road 环线, subway(美) / underground (英) metro 地道, overhead 轻轨, maglev, 磁悬浮, flyover 人行天桥, take a taxi 乘出租车,call a taxi 招/订出租车,catch a train/bus 赶火车/汽车 used car , afford, give sb a ride taxi/cab, break down抛锚, flat tire car accident, fix/repair, garage , damage dead 报废, survive 活下来, minor inj

11、ury,电话场景,mobile phone , pay phone 公用电话 , telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page, extension , switchboard, dial/ press operator , put through , wrong number There is no one by this number . He is not in . hold on , take / leave a message, hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话,bill the call into the 3rd

12、 party 免费电话 answering machine, collect call long-distance call, overseas call give sb a call / ring the line is busy / engaged,机场场景,plane/craft , book , timetable , destination safe landing , board , take off , departure safety / seat belt , land , arrival , pick up security check , see off, keep in

13、 touch open ticket 不定期客票one way ticket, round trip ticket , non-stop / direct flight , boarding card transfer / lay over / stop over , first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱 confirm the flight , check in,打工场景,job vacancy , letter of application , resume resume包括:basic / personal info. ,acad

14、emic background work experience, certificates,interview, offer , work overtime ask for a raise , wage, salary , bonus, allowance , annual income ,promotion , fire , post / position resign work / job / career / course, vacation, sick leave , rest ,off break coffee break away,租房场景,live on campus, live

15、 off campus, apartment, dorm for sale , for rent / lease, accommodation rent , utilities 水电费, location , suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 condition , furnished 配家具, unfurnished 无装修, leaking 漏水 blackout 断电, environment , transportation, land lord 房东 tenant 房客, roommate 室友, 好的室友要求:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的, 不好的室友:messy 脏乱的, noisy 吵闹的 同学相处高频词汇: active and sociable积极的,乐于交际的, talkative能说会道的, just the opposite恰恰相反, have a lot on her mind有很多共同点 has a very bad temper脾气坏, in a bad mood心情不好, get along well with相处很好, compatible能相容的 hit it off 一开始就相处很好, keep it to oneself 闷在心里,


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