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1、Lesson 35,My friend is great.,Who is your best friend? What does he/ she look like? What is he/ she like? What do you do together? Do you play sports? Do you often talk on the phone? What do you talk about?,Discussion,Whats Mike like?,Mike is smart.,He studies a lot.,_,Whats Rosa like?,She is very k

2、ind.,She often helps me with my homework.,_,(sb.),_,_,(sth.),help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事,What does Steven like to do?,He likes to play sports with his friends.,_,_,(do),_,play sports 做运动,like to do 喜欢做某事,Do they often play sports?,Yes, they do.,What do they like to talk about?,They like to talk about

3、 movies.,_,_,talk about 谈论关于,(do),My friend Mark is very _. He _ a lot. Rosa is _ my friend. She is very _. She often _ me _ my homework. I like to play _ with my friends. We often play _. Sometimes we just _ and _. We like to talk _ movies.,smart,studies,kind,helps,basketball,talk,about,Steven,also

4、,with,sports,sit,She is funny.,She talks all the time.,_,all the time 一直,Whats Jane like?,She is very shy but also very interesting.,Do they often go to the park?,No, sometimes.,What do they also like to do?,They also like to go to the movies.,_,(do),_,go to the movies 去电影院,I have _ _ good friends.

5、My _ friend is Melissa. She is _. She talks _ _ _! My friend Jane is very _ but _ very _. Sometimes my friends and I _ _ the park. And we also like to go to the _.,best,funny,shy,interesting,movies,Alice,lots of,all the time,go to,also,What,together?,Sometimes,we just,sit and talk.,We like to,talk a

6、bout,movies.,do you do,Do you play sports?,we,go to the beach,Yes.,In the summer,and swim,in the sea.,Do you play sports?,Yes.,We sometimes,Play football,after school.,Do you often talk,on the phone?,Yes, we do.,- a lot.,Especially,on weekends.,What,do you,talk about?,Oh, everything.,Please look at

7、your pictures and make sentences.,What do you do together?We like to together.,Talk about your ideal friend,My ideal friend is honest and smart. He / She is not lazy.,Discussion,To be your ideal(理想的) friend, which of the points is the most important?,a. He/ She is handsome/ pretty.,b. He/ She is int

8、elligent.,c. He/ She is funny.,d. He/ She can always help me .,e. We have the same interests and dreams(梦想).,Homework I,Write a short passage to introduce your favorite actor/ actress/ singer/ football player/ basketball player,Whats his/ her name? What does he/ she look like? What is he/ she like?

9、Why do you like him/ her?,Youd better show a picture of him or her.,This is my favorite actor. His name is Chou Xingchi. He is medium height and has a medium build. He has black eyes and a big mouth. Hes very funny. His movies always make people laugh. I like watching his movies.,My Favourite Actor,

10、Homework II,Who is your best friend? What does he/ she look like? What is he/ she like? What do you do together? What do you talk about?,Write a short passage or a dialog to talk about your best friend. You should include these five questions:,Thanks for listening,早在19世纪中叶,在非洲就发现了史前时期的石器。到20世纪初叶,已初步

11、建立起更新世时期旧石器文化的发展序列。自50年代末以来,非洲在古人类和旧石器方面又有一系列重要发现,从而使这一大陆的旧石器时代考古在世界旧石器时代考古中占有重要的地位。这里不仅发现了迄今为止最早的人类化石和石器文化,而且是世界上已知的人类各发展阶段没有缺环、年代前后相继的地区。 石器时代游戏 http:/www.shiqi.co/ 石器时代游戏 非洲石器时代文化可分为两大体系。北非,即环地中海沿岸的部分,在文化上与欧洲和西亚有比较密切的关系,因而可以使用欧洲和西亚的分期法。在撒哈拉以南的东非、西非和南非地区,发展情况与欧洲有所不同,因此使用了一套单独的分期体系:早期石器时代,从最早的石器出现到






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