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1、Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?,Other men live to eat, while I eat to live. -Socrates 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食.-苏格拉底,language, Chinese, Japanese, French, English.world, any,Thursday, February 24th,Lets chant.,China, China. Im from China. Chinese, Chinese. I speak Chinese. Japan, Japan. My pen pals from Jap

2、an. Japanese, Japanese. He speaks Japanese.,China,Canada,USA,the United States (US),France,Japan,Australia,England,the United Kingdom (UK),Singapore,Different countries, different languages.,This is my new pen pal. Her name is Sally. She is from the UK. She lives in London. She speaks English.,Sally

3、,Country: Australia City: Sydney Language: English,Country: Canada City: Toronto Language: English, French,Country: UK City: London Language: English,Country: France City: Paris Language: French,This is my new pen pal. His/Her name is He/She is from He/She lives in He/She speaks,Bill,Kelly,Carol,Pet

4、er,What kind of pen pals do you want? (city, country, age, language, likes and dislikes, favorite),Read the letter and write answers to the questions below. Where is Bob from? What does he want? What languages does he speak? What does he like?,Hes from Canada.,He wants a pen pal in China.,He speaks

5、English and a little French.,He likes going to the movies with his friends and playing sports.,Read this letter again and then finish the information card below. Name:_ City: _ Country: _ Age: _ Birthday: _ Language: _ Family: _ Likes: _ Favorite subject:_ Dislikes: _,Bob,Toronto,Canada,14,November,

6、English and a little French,brother (Paul), sister (Sarah),going to the movies and playing sports,P.E.,math,Pen Pal Wanted (征募笔友)My _ is Tom King. Im 14 _old and Im from _. I speak _. I have a brother, Sam, and a _, Lisa. I play _ on weekends. Its my favorite sport. I like _at school. Its fun! My fa

7、vorite _is The Long Weekend. Do you know it? Its an action movie. Please write and tell me about yourself.,name,years,Australia,English,sister,soccer,music,movie,Homework,Dictate the words in P6-1 (签字) 2. Homework Book Part 4, 5. 3. Retell (复述) 3a. 4. Make an information card for yourself and then w

8、rite about yourself.,FBX是FilmBoX这套软件所使用的格式,后改称Motionbuilder。因为Motionbuilder扮演的是动作制作的平台,所以在前端的modeling和后端的rendering也都有赖于其它软件的配合,所以Motionbuilder在档案的转换上自然下了一番功夫。 ; http:/www.xy- FBX jdh71lcg 所以fbx最大的用途是用在诸如在max、maya、softimage等软件间进行模型、材质、动作和摄影机信息的互导,这样就可以发挥max和maya等软件的优势。可以说,fbx方案是最好的互导方案。是实话。苏含萩吐着舌头出了帘

9、,推宝音明秀,指指室内,叫她们进去,悄悄道:“好好说话!”宝音和明秀一前一后进了房间,一个爬上软椅给老太太捏肩,一个依在椅沿给老太太捶腿,似事先排练过的,极顺溜。老太太叹道:“你们也是跟你们小姑姑一个意思咯?”“奶奶,”明秀婉柔道,“秀儿知道您一定是担心我们,怕我们受不住外头议论,要保护我们在府里,可姑姑说得没错,养孙女千日,用在一时,这是我们为苏家挺肩骨的日子了。”“你原是懂事的。”老太太注目宝音,“华儿还小”“是,太小了!”宝音俏皮道,“所以不知道怕呢!”老太太笑了:“好好,我们都去!” 不过苏家人毕竟没走多长,总是穿着孝哪!按计划,也就去慈恩寺上个香,略歇歇,吃吃茶,看放过焰火,就回来。




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