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1、The Economy and Industries of United Kingdom,The General Remark,The oldest industrial country Use to be “the factory of the world”. Its currency , Pound () is the exchange currency for about 1/3 of the worlds foreign trade. UK economy was overtaken by USA in 1900s Experienced the “relative decline”

2、after WW,The relative decline means that Britain is not poorer or producing less than it was in 1945. It has improved, but much slower than other capitalistic countries.UKs economic power fall from the second to the sixth behind USA, Western Germany, France, Japan and Italy.,Mrs. Thatchers recoverin

3、g policy,Macro-economic measures:brought down the rate of inflation and achieving price stability. The UK government applied a tight control on the exchange rate and regulation of money growth. Micro-economic policies:aimed at working with the gain of market economy by encouraging enterprise efficie

4、ncy and flexibility: privatization. (40% of the British Sate owned enterprise were privatized and made profits.),The Current UK Economy,British national economies can be broken down into three main areas: primary industries, such as agriculture, fishing, and mining; secondary industries, which manuf

5、acture complex goods from those primary products; tertiary industries, often described as services, such as banking, insurance, tourism, and the selling of goods.,Britains agricultural sector is small (producing 1.4% of the national wealth) but efficient, producing 58% of the UKs food needs with onl

6、y 2% of its workforce. Three quarters of Britains land is used for agriculture, with about a quarter of that under crops - wheat and barley are the two commonest. The rest is grazing for livestock. The livestock industry has been hit badly by BSE disease and “mouth-and foot” disease.The fishing indu

7、stry provides 55% of the UK demand for fish. Scottish ports land the majority of the fish caught. And the most national favorite fish is cod (鳕鱼), which is often served with chips.,Fish and chips,The Energy Industries,Energy production is an important part of UK economy. Since the 1970s, when oil an

8、d gas were discovered under the North Sea, Britain has become a major oil and gas producer, in addition to its older coal mining industry, which now only account for about of energy supplies, the rest being divided between oil, gas and nuclear energy.This abundance of energy resources means that the

9、 UK has become an overall exporter of energy.,SHELL (壳牌石油公司-英荷合资),British Petroleum (BP),British Gas,In the secondary sector of the economy, manufacturing industry remains important, producing 22% of national wealth. British companies are active in all major fields of manufacturing industry, but are

10、 particularly strong in pharmaceuticals ( the British company GlaxoSmithKline葛兰素史克 is the biggest and most powerful drug company in the world),ICI (Imperial Chemical Industry) is the second largest paint manufacturer in the world.,The British aerospace industry is third in size of the world. It merg

11、ed into two main aircraft groups: the British Aircraft Corporation, and Hawker-Siddeley Aviation, with Rolls-Royce as the main engine builder and Westland in helicopters.,Concorde Supersonic Passenger Airliner,Concorde supersonic transport (SST) was one of only two models of supersonic passenger air

12、liners to have seen commercial service. Commercial flights, operated by British Airways and Air France, began on January 21, 1976 and ended on October 24, 2003, with the last “retirement” flight on November 26 that year.,Hawker Siddeley Harrier,Hawker Siddeley Harrier -2,Westland Lynx Helicopter,the

13、 world speed record for a helicopter is 249.10 mph (400.80 km/h). This record was set in August 1986, with a Westland Lynx from the United Kingdom,Rolls-Royce, the engine builder,British Car Industry,They were just some of the British car companies which, over many years, offered a remarkable choice

14、 of products - of shape and size, of power, of economy and of luxury. But the car industry, perhaps more than any other in the world, is one in which only the fittest have any chance of survival. Many British Car manufacturers have been brought by or merged into other companies form home and abroad.

15、,Famous British Cars -1 Rolls-Royce,Famous British Cars- Aston-Martin,An Aston Martin combines three important elements: power, beauty and soul. Aston Martins are truly special - they always have been and always will be.,Famous British Cars - Land Rover,Famous British Cars - MG,Famous British Cars -

16、 Jaguar,Like most developed economies Britain has seen a relative shrinking of the importance of secondary industry and a spectacular growth in tertiary or service industries, which now produce 65% of national wealth. A lot of this is domestic activity such as retailing, tourism and so on, but Britain is also a major international provider of products and services.,The well-known Britain Daily Necessity Producer - Unilever,


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