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1、肖老尸:词汇和写作,幻觉 单词不用背,考试技巧就够了。 世界上有快速记忆单词的方法。 上完词汇课,单词基本就没有问题。 词汇老师讲的没用啊! 对于其他老师介绍的方法,问题和原则,单词的选择和顺序 考试形式决定单词层次 听写+前缀词根后缀+词以类记 喝水和循环 情感、挂钩、表象 运用、饥饿、伙伴、魔力7原则 No Excuse!,astro、aster、sider=star,astrologist:ist=people consider:con=together disaster:dis=not astronomy:nom=norm astronaut:taikonaut,altar: the

2、altar of god altimeter: meter=measure altitude: latitude、longtitude exalt,alt=high,alternate:alternative、alteration altruism: altru=alter alien: I am a legal alien. alibi: bi=place alias adulterate: ulter=alter,alter、ali=other,amateur: career、vocation amiable: genial、benign、gentility amour: entangle

3、、intimacy enemy: en=not、em=am,am=to love,angular triangle: tri=three rectangle: rect=right equiangular: equi=equal quadrangular: quadr=four academy: Academus、Plato academic,angl、angul=angle,animate: animal inanimate: in=not animation: cartoon unanimous: anonymous,anim=breath、soul,annals:TacitusThe A

4、nnals anniversary: vers=to turn Anno Domini: in the year of lord perennial: per=through,ann=year,anthropology philanthropist: phil=love atlas:Titans、zeus、altantis,anthrop=man,inapt: in=not adapt: ad=to adept: adopt aptitude:Scholastic Aptitude Test,apt、ept=fit,aquatic aqueduct:duct=lead aquarium aqu

5、amarine:marine=sea aquarius:1.122.19,aqua=water,article artistic artless artifact: fact=do artificial: fic=to make artisan,art=skill,audible audience audition auditor auditorium :um=place,aud=hear,auction:bid augment:acumen august arena:amphitheater aesthetic:anaesthesia arctic:antarctic,aug=to incr

6、ease,avi=bird,aviary aviator auspice alchemy:chemistry,abandon: Achilles&Hector、Apollo abashed: ash abbreviate: brev=brief abdicate: dic=speak abduct: duct=lead abhor: hor=terrible abide: The grass withers,the flower fallsbut the word of the lord abides forever. abruptly:When clouds abruptly darken

7、the skyWhen turns suddenly occupy the road,I have to go.,abstract: tract=draw abuse: ab=not abyss: movie accident:cid=fallaccidents are often education for men. accommodate:comfortable+date accumulate: Talent come from diligence andKnowledge is gained by accumulation. accuse:He accuseed Socrates of

8、corrupting the youth actual: What is reasonable is actual,What is actual is what is reasonable.,acute:Severe Actue Respiratory Syndrome adage:age adore:ad+ora adventure:vent=come advocate:voc=speak affection:fect=to do affectation:ta affiliate:fili=phili affluent:flu=flow allegory:the allegory of th

9、e cave amazed:Everyone who heard him was amazed.,ambiguousambitionamphibian amendment amusemusicmuseum apologize anguish: I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. application:Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? arch: archer god Apollo archaeology a

10、tom attorney: lawyer、barrister、solicitor awkward: Great eloquence seems awkward.,band-aid bond contraband:contra=against boundary babel:The tower of Babel ballot:lot=allot,band、bond=to bind,barrier barrel embargo embarrass barbarian,bar=bar,martial belligerent rebellion boycott,bell=war,baton battle

11、 abate combat debate,bat=to beat,brev=short,abbreviate abridge breviate,biography: graph=write autobiography:auto=self antibiotic: anti=against biosphere: sphere=cycle symbiosis: sym=together brandy: cocktail,bio=life,banishexileexpel bankrupt bargain:Make the best of a bad bargain. bark: Noah ark b

12、arren: No matter where its barren,a dream is being born. bead: counts ones bead benighted: Ordinary people lookbright and intelligent while Ialone seem to be benighted.,bless:God bless America blueprint:blue collar、blues、blue bloodmoive bore:boringbored bow:you shall not bow down to them. brand:bran

13、d=torch brevity:Art is long,life is short. bribe:for bribe blinds the officials. brutal:beast bully:bull byproduct,calcium calculate calculus cancel chancellor,calc=lime、stone,count=to count,counter account: ac=intensify discount: dis=not countdown: size the day accountable:able=adj,camp campus cham

14、pion campaign,camp=field,cand=white,candle candid candidate,decadence accidental incident coincide occident casualty,cad、cid、cas=to fall,chauvinism:male colossal,cant: cantankerous enchant: en=in accentuate: ac=to cabinet: cabin cereal: Ceres clue:Minotaur、Theseus、Ariadne,cant、chant、cent=to sing,cap

15、e capital:capitalist capitalism:capitalize captain cabbage:cab=cap decapitate:de=off precipitate:pre=before,cap=head,capable caption capacity captive:captivate、captivity、capture accept concept except conceive deceive:deceit、deception、deceptive,cap、cep、cip、ceive=take,perceive:perception、perceptive re

16、ceive:receipt、reception intercept:inter=between susceptible:sus=sub anticipate:anti=ante participate:part=part,cap、cep、cip、ceive=take,cargo:cart carry:carrier、carriage career:vocation、occupation charge:discharge coach,car=car、to run,carnival carnation carnivorous herbivorous folivorous omnivorous,carn=flesh,cast=to throw,broadcast forecast:fore=before outcast telecast:tele=far,cavern cavity concave excavate,cav=hollow,


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