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1、論文基本架構和格式,Contents:,APA in-text citation APA work referenceMLA in-text citation MLA work reference,APA and MLA in-text citation,(姓 + 名字第一個字母),(儘量寫出作者全名),(第二位名字為: 名+姓),(第二位後的名字為: 名+姓),(et al. = and others),APA American Psychological Association Format,http:/www.crk.umn.edu/library/links/apa5th.htm,Cr

2、eating APA parenthetical citations,Parenthetical citations are citations to original sources that appear in the text of your paper. This allows the reader to see immediately where your information comes from, and it saves you the trouble of having to make footnotes or endnotes.The APA style calls fo

3、r three kinds of information to be included in in-text citations. The authors last name and the works date of publication must always appear, and these items must match exactly the corresponding entry in the references list. The third kind of information, the page number, appears only in a citation

4、to a direct quotation.,Where to place parenthetical citations,The basic format for APA in-text citation,Basic Format (Authors last name, year of publication)e.g., One recent study finds a genetic link to alcoholism (Jones, 1997). e.g., Jones (1997) finds a genetic link to alcoholism. Multiple Author

5、sWhen a work has only two authors, use both of their names each time their work is cited, joined by an ampersand (&) if in parentheses, or by the word “and“ if in text:In parentheses: (Cortez & Jones, 1997) In text: Cortez and Jones (1997) For three, four, or five authors, refer to all authors in th

6、e first citation, then use the first authors last name followed by the abbreviation “et al.“ (not italicized and with a period after “al“):First citation: (Cortez, Jones, Gold, & Hammond, 1998) Subsequent citations: (Cortez et al., 1998) For six or more authors, use the first authors last name follo

7、wed by the abbreviation et al.:In all citations: (Burke et al., 1999),author-date,Different Authors with the Same Last NameWhen citing different authors with the same last name, include their first and middle initials, so that a reader can differentiate between them:B. A. Jones (1998) and R. F. Jone

8、s (1998) also found More Than One Work by the Same AuthorIf you are citing more than one work by the same author, include enough information so that your reader can differentiate between them. For instance, if you have used two studies by the same authors (from different years), you simply need to i

9、nclude their dates of publication:(Jones, Crick, (Jones, Crick, & Waxson, 1999b),Cite source with no author,A typical bibliographic entry for a book (APA format),The authors name is listed first, followed by the date of publication, in parentheses, ended with a period. Next is the book title (in ita

10、lics). Capitalize only the first word of the title (and the first word of the subtitle, if any) and any proper names. Include any additional information necessary for retrieving the book (such as “3rd ed.“ or “Vol. 4“) in parentheses, immediately after the title. Close with a final period. The publi

11、cation information comes last. Identify the city and, if the city is not well known or could be confused with another city. Place a colon (:) after the city name, then identify the name of the publisher, clearly and briefly. Close with a period.Book, One authorsArnheim, R. (1971). Art and visual per

12、ception. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Book, Two AuthorsStrunk, W., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.,A typical bibliographic entry for a journal (APA format),List the name(s) of the author(s) of the article at the head of the entry, last na

13、mes first. Use an ampersand (&) just before the last author whenever there are two or more authors. If a reference article has no author listed, place the title in the author position before the date. Finish the element with a period. Next, list the year the work was copyrighted in parentheses (for

14、unpublished works, this date should be the year the work was written). Capitalize just the first word of the title and of the subtitle, and all proper names. List the full title of the journal, and italicize the title. Italicize the volume number. List inclusive page numbers-just list the actual num

15、bers for journal articles, (but use “pp.“ before the page numbers for newspapers.) Use commas to separate the title of the journal, volume number, and page numbers. Karcher, C. A. (1986). Censorship, American style: The case of Lydia Maria Child. Studies in the American Renaissance, 9, 283-303.,Othe

16、r examples of APA,Journal Article, One AuthorSimon, A. (2000). Perceptual comparisons through the minds eye. Memory & Cognition, 23, 635-647.Becker, M. B., & Rozek, S. J. (1995). Welcome to the energy crisis. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 230-343.Magazine ArticleGarner, H. J. (1997, July). Do babies

17、 have a universal song? Psychology Today,102, 70-77.Newspaper Article Monson, M. (1993, September 16). Urbana firm obstacle to office project. The Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, pp. 1, 8. If the article appears on discontinuous pages, give all of the page numbers and separate them with a coma (ex. pp. A1, A3, A6-A7).,


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