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1、,阅读理解训练指导,张宏英,题目分类:,阅读方法:顺读法::先文后题, 适用于文章短,题目多。倒读法: 先题后文,适用于文章长,题目少。跳读法: “冲浪式”阅读,粗略浏览文章。 适用于“图表类、广告类”。,二、各类题型的题目设置及解题技巧,(一)主旨大意类 A 、题目设置:含main idea, topic, title, headline等字眼.1)The main/general/central/idea ofthe message is_.2) which of the following statements 主题型 can summarize/sum up/expressthe ma

2、in idea of the passage?3) The passage mainly discuss_.is mainly about_.is concerned primarilyabout_.,4)The best title/headline for the passage might be_.5) Which of the following titles 标题型 best summarize the main idea of the passage?6)What is the best title/headline ofthe article?,B.解题方法:,文章多属于议论文或

3、说明文,结构常为提出问题-论述问题-得出结论/或阐明观点,解题关键是用浏览法(skimming)迅速选读文章的首句、尾句或每段的首句、尾句,抓住文段的主题句,主题句的五种位置(1)文首(新闻类) (2)文尾 (3)首尾呼应 (4)文中 (5)无主题句。,点拔:内容相近或完全相反的两个选项中往往有一个正确答案,那些概括全文,内容全面,含义深刻、说明道理的选项一般是正确答案。内容片面,只含局部信息,概括范围太宽或太窄,或没有具体的内容,多数为错误选项。,(二)词句释义(A)题目设置: 含mean, stand for, refer to, replaced by 等字眼。, The word “X

4、” is closest in meaning to_.has the same meaning/refersto_.most likely means/refersto_., What do you suppose the expression/the underlined words/the phrase means/stand for/ refer to?,(B) 解题技巧 根据上下文语境或指代关系猜测; 利用同义(近义)词猜测,常见引出同义词的标志有or, like, similarly等。 eg. Mr Smith loves to talk, and his wife is sim

5、ilarly loquacious_.,喜欢交谈,利用定义解释或同位结构猜测语义,常用to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is (to say), in other words, namely等。 考题: A calender is a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.The underlined word “calender” means_(日历,小册子,年代)。,日历,利用转折或对比关系猜测,常用的有but, yet, however, while, unlike, in

6、stead, otherwise, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast with等. 考题: Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends. The underlined word “gregarious” means _(A.健谈的,B.开朗的,C.善交际的),C,根据构词法猜测词义,如常见的表否定的前缀有un-, mis-, dis-, im

7、/in-, non-, 另外,re-(再,重复), under-(下), mini-(小), en- (使), com/con-(共同), fore-(前、预先), -ly, -ness, -sion, -y, -tion, -ment, -less等; 考题: He laughed and shrugged,” I have no choice “, he said,” I must bow to the unavoidable.” The underlined “unavoidable” stands for_,不可避免的,通过因果关系来推测语义,通常由because, so that,

8、so/such.that等词汇及结构来体现。 It rained, so the football match was postponed. The underlined word “postponed” refers to_. A . telephoned; B. reported; C. put off,C,根据限定结构猜测语义 考题:She had a lesion on her arm that would not stop bleeding. The underlined word “lesion” means_. A.孔 B.伤口 C.伤疤,B,根据常识猜测语义 考题:The fi

9、re started on Sunday morning in the house of the kings baker(面包师) in pudding Lace. The baker , with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means_.A. home B. children C. wife and children D. wife and home,B,猜词技巧: 1、根

10、据上下语境或指代关系猜测。 2、利用同义(近义)词猜测,常见引出同义词的标志语有or, like, similarly等。 3、利用定义解释或同位结构猜测语义,常用to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is (to say), in other words, namely等。 4、利用转折或对比关系猜测,常用的有but, yet, however, while, unlike, instead, otherwise, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast with等.,5、根据构词法猜测词义,

11、如常见的表否定的前缀有un-, mis-, dis-, im/in-, non-, 另外,re-(再,重复), under-(下), mini-(小), en- (使), com/con-(共同), fore-(前、预先), -ly, -ness, -sion, -y, -tion, -ment, -less等; 6、通过因果关系来推测语义,通常由because, so that, so/such.that等词汇及结构来体现。 7、根据限定结构猜测语义 8、根据常识猜测语义,(三)判断、推理题(A) 题目设置推理隐含类:题干中常含infer, suggest, imply, conclude,

12、 intend, be likely to 等词语。 It can be inferred from the text that _./ We may infer that_. From the text we know that is most likely_.,When the writer talks about, what the writer really means is _. The writer suggests that_. The story implies that_. We can infer/conclude from the passage that_.,推断作者的

13、观点或意图,或推断结局, 下一步的行为等; (1)The writers attitude towardis_.(2)The writer thought that_.(3)According to the author_.,技巧点拔:忠实原文,立足文章的事实和线索,注意作者在文中的措辞风格、语气来判断作者隐藏在字里行间的思想感情和观点态度,即作者喜欢什么、讨厌什么、赞扬什么、反对什么等。只有顺着文章的思路,推理、挖掘文章的内容含义。切忌:片面思考、选择表层信息答案,以自己的看法或观点代替作者的观点看法,或者把社会普遍的一种倾向附加于作者身上。答题误区:容易选文段中直接表达的信息选项或片面的结论选项,易误选吻合自己看法的选项。,



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