《Unit 3 Our animal friends课件》初中英语沪教版七年级下册22813

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1、Unit 3 Our animal friends Reading,Warm up,Its raining cats and dogs.,倾盆大雨。,Love me, love my dog.,爱屋及乌。,Every dog has his day.,人人皆有得意时。,Do you love dogs or keep them as pets?,Why?,Brainstorming,How do dogs help us?,hunt animals,help blind people,guard our homes,look for missing people,catch thieves,l

2、ook after sheep,We are friends!,Match the kinds of dogs in the box with the pictures below.,a guide dog,a rescue dog,a police dog,Q&A about dogs,What does a police dog do?,A police dog helps the police catch bad people.,What does a rescue dog do?,A rescue dog helps rescue people in times of danger.,

3、What does a guide dog do?,Blind people cant go anywhere by themselves.A guide dog helps lead them and barks when there is danger.,B Before you read,Look at the title , the photos and the first and last paragraphs on page31. Then complete the sentences with one or more words .,A blind man and his “ey

4、es” in a fire,fire engine,1.The name of the blind man is probably _. 2. Charlie is probably a _. 3. The word “eyes” means _ _in the story. 4. The story is probably about a _ at a hotel.,John Dancer,dog,fire,the dog/ Charlie,A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire,New words and phrases,1.n. 宠物 2.adj. 有用

5、的;有帮助的3.adj. 瞎的;失明的4. adv.任何地方 5.v.带领6.v.(狗)吠叫7. v. 表示的意思8.独自9.消防车,1. pet 2. helpful 3. blind 4. anywhere 5. lead 6. bark 7. mean 8. by oneself 9. fire engine,What is going to happen to the blind manand his dog in the fire?,John,Charlie,汇报,执笔,五人小组分工,校稿,建议,While-reading,建议,Talk about the pictures in

6、D1 on Page 33 and then predict the right order. (先看图说话再预测排序),Read the story on Page 31and order the pictures in D1. Then work in groups and find the sentences to match each ordered picture. (读课文排好序,再小组合作划出匹 配各图的句子),One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel.,The representatives from each gr

7、oup report the underlined sentences in turn.(小组派代表轮流 汇报所划的关键句),1,2,The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.,3,4,John soon fell asleep. Some time later, Charlie started barking.,Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited.,The representatives from each group re

8、port the underlined sentences in turn.(小组派代表轮流 汇报所划的关键句),A fireman arrived and got him out of the building, but the fireman didnt want to take Charlie.,5,Finally, the fireman got Charlie out of the room too and they were both safe.,6,The representatives from each group report the underlined sentence

9、s in turn.(小组派代表轮流 汇报所划的关键句),How did John and Charlie escape from (逃离) a fire?,fell asleep.,smelt smoke.,put some wet towels along the bottom of the door.,got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited.,would not go without “eyes”.,woke up,Read Para. 3 and 4, then work in groups and fill in the ta

10、ble below.,Work in groups and fill in the table below.,one evening,hotel,John Dancer,Charlie,arrived at,did not allow,led to,fell asleep,barked,woke up,Thinking,Did John save Charlie or did Charlie save John?,see,2. Is Charlie Johns eyes? Why?,Yes. Because Charlie can help John _ things, such as the

11、 fire.,John and Charlie were saved. They were lucky! However, almost every year, many people died during a fire. And many of them are not burnt to death. They die because they cant breathe.,The following video may tell you what to do.,What would you do if you were trapped in (陷入) a fire?,fire engine

12、,fire exit,More ideas to escape from a fire:,Fire safety.swf,The best thing to do during a fire is to wet a towel and put it around your nose to act as a filter to help you breathe. You can also lie down on the floor where the air is purer.,Suggestion:,If you meet a fire, what will you do ?(请用以下句型回答

13、),run out of the building,call for help,lie down on the floor,Group work: show your ideas,not take the lift,If I meet a fire, I will_,call 119,Self-assessment (自我评价),How well do you know this lesson? Tick the boxes. I can read an article about a blindman and his guide dog. 2. I can understand the key wordsand phrases. 3. I can talk about the ways to escape from a fire.,Dogs help us a lot. They are our good friends.,Animals are our good friends.,homework,1.Write a composition about how to escape from a fire. 完成英语(七年级 下册)B第34页Vocabulary和第41页Reading A的练习。,


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