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1、开放高等教育资源的共享方式,试图回答以下问题:,1. 需要建设什么样的开放资源?趋势,种类,建设顺序2. 为什么国产开放资源利用率不高?授权,呈现,政策,开放教育资源的建设需求与趋势,一叶知秋:以一个终身学习者的角度看,需求:以一个终身学习者的思维,1.开放课程视频,我想学XXX,需求:以一个终身学习者的思维,1.开放课程视频,很有意思,光听记不住,还要系统地学,,2.开放课程教案,需求:以一个终身学习者的思维,1.开放课程视频,可惜教案中推荐的文章很难找到,,2.开放课程教案,3.开放电子教材,需求:以一个终身学习者的思维,1.开放课程视频,有些知识必须动手才能学会,2.开放课程教案,3.开

2、放电子教材,4.开放实验环境,需求:以一个终身学习者的思维,1.开放课程视频,有些知识必须讨论才能理解,2.开放课程教案,3.开放电子教材,4.开放实验环境,5.开放学习社区,终身学习者对开放资源的需求,教师对开放资源的需求顺序,中国校园资源建设顺序,昨日建设与今日建设之区别,以开放教材为例,说明,允许复制、改变格式允许分发副本允许产生定制版本,FWK 模型:传统方式,FWK 商业模式: 按传统方式编写教材 (同行评议, 编辑, 作者知名度 等.) 允许教师修改定制 网络版对所有学生免费 通过卖印刷版、学习指南盈利,Saylor模型:多个内容来源,1999年 Michael J. Saylor

3、 成立基金会 目标:记住技术提供免费教育 征集:教学内容,阅读文献,练习题,教学讲解视频,考试题,发展技能,拓展知识业课程,通识课程,通识课程样例,专业课程样例,对比:今昔教材建设的区别,为什么国产开放资源利用率不高?,影响开放资源发展的因素排序,Priority #1: Awareness 知道在哪儿 Priority #2: Communities & Networking 志同道合 Priority #3: Capacity Development 能力发展 Priority #4: Quality Assurance 质量保证 Priority #5: Sustainability 可

4、持续发展 Priority #6: Copyright 版权,George Siemens. Open Educational Resources,January 16, 2008,“古时候是没有版权一说的,作者经常会大段抄录其他作者的非虚构作品。这类实践很有用,是迄今为止很多作者的部分作品能够留存于世的唯一路径.” Richard Stallman,“The idea of copyright did not exist in ancient times, when authors frequently copied other authors at length in works of n

5、on-fiction. This practice was useful, and is the only way many authors works have survived even in part.” Richard Stallman,Creative Commons,Attribution (BY:署名) Non-commercial (NC:不能卖) No derivatives (ND:不能改) Copyleft - Share-Alike (SA:同一协议),传统版权,公共获取,Creative Commons,传统版权,公共获取,教育适合的协议,开放源代码协议,免费广告协议

6、,不能改可卖,分销商协议,只能看,往往不能下载的资源,可以下载的资源,修改后必须同样方式公开,不能卖,可以下载,修改后必须同样方式公开,能卖,可以下载修改,改了后也不能卖 自己用方式,大多数国产公开资源属于这一类,大多数用户希望开放资源属于这一类,GNU 免费文档协议,开放教材举例,开放教材 电子版,“If knowledge is to be shared as OER, there must be change in institutional policies and procedures, in teaching and learning”如果知识都是以开放教育资源方式分享了,那么学校

7、与教与学相关的政策和过程都必须改变 The Way Forward, p.8,谢谢!,Resources,Open Textbook Catalog: studentpirgs.org/open-textbooks Some Specific Examples A High School Biology TextbookTextbooks for the California Learning Resource Network These textbooks have already undergone peer-review.Open Textbook Collections Communi

8、ty College Open Textbook Collaborative - This should be our first stop. I liked the amount of finished work represented by this project and the fact that they have English textbooks. OER Commons - There are a lot of textbooks here that will be of interest to us. Under recommended resources click on

9、“textbooks.“ Connexions - This is a site that features reusable modules and learning objects as well as some texts.Project Sites for OER and Open Textbooks Sophia Open Content Initiative - This is from De Anza and a good example of a grant-driven project in California. Community College Consortium f

10、or Open Educational Resources - This project site has a lot of useful links. Open Education Resources Center for California - This is a good site for more information and resources in California.,Adapted from a presentation by The Student PIRGs Illustrations from www.studentpirgs.org and http:/commo

11、ns.wikimedia.org unless otherwise noted.,www.studentpirgs.org/open-textbooks,Resources,Common Wisdom: Peer Production of Educational Materials (Yochai Benkler, 2005) http:/www.benkler.org/Common_Wisdom.pdf Science Dissemination using Open Access (2008) http:/sdu.ictp.it/openaccess/SciDissOpenAccess.

12、pdf The Way Forward (UNESCO, 2008) http:/oerwiki.iiep-unesco.org/images/4/46/OER_Way_Forward.pd Open Educational Resources: What are they and why do they matter (OECD) http:/ Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources (OECD, 2007) http:/www.oecd.org/dataoecd/35/7/38654317.pdf Timeline: http:/ Courseware more sites.,Public Library of Science http:/www.plos.org/ FlossEd http:/flossed.org/ Open Knowledge Foundation http:/www.okfn.org/ Open Content http:/www.opencontent.org/ Teachers Without Borders http:/courses.teacherswithoutborders.org/,


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