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1、Wild China(Tasting Notes),Beyond the Great Wall Part 3,Warming Up,Have you ever travelled in Xinjiang? What things are you interested in?,Background Information,Tian Shan,This great mountain range defines the border between Chinas most northwestern province and neighboring Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

2、 Its majestic peaks are nearly as high as the Himalayas, forming a natural great wall. For much of the year its bound up in ice. But the glacial melt water allows evergreen forests to grow, a far cry from the desert south of here. These mountains are the gateway to some of Chinas most surprising peo

3、ple and places.,Background Information,Kazakhs,Most ancient kazak people lived by grasses and the nomadic life.The herdsmens life is a kind of portable and easy to support and dismantle. Eat custom: milk, NaiPi son, tuen mun, like cheese, horse milk, noodle food, cow, sheep, horse meat etc. Custom:

4、Kazak respect for the elderly, and they eat first, generally with a meal habit, others in turn sit around table cloth with bended leg or kneeling sitting on the shuttlecock.,Background Information,An arid land lies at the westernmost edge of the great Gobi Desert. Its the most northerly desert in th

5、e world.,Junggar Basin,Background Information,Five Colored Hills,In China, “colorful mountain“ are common, however the colorful mountain of xinjiang is the most famous for its unique and rare yadan landform. Colorful mountain is famous for mountain with five kinds of color.,Background Information,Th

6、eyre the worlds smallest hamsters, the size of a Ping-Pong ball. And they live in family groups around ten. Anyone who has kept a pet hamster knows what an energetic little creature it can be.,Roborovskis Hamster,Background Information,A tradition harking back almost 6000 years. Eighty-two-year-old

7、Ziya carries on a tradition that has made the Kazakhs famous throughout China. Every winter for most of his life, Ziya has gone hunting with a golden eagle. This eagle is around 5 years old. It was taken from the wild as a chick and raised by Ziya who trained it to return to him after each flight. H

8、e will keep this bird for a total of ten seasons before setting it free. Foxes were once the favorite quarry for the eagle hunters. These days they almost never catch anything. As in many parts of China, wildlife is far scarcer here than it used to be. When Ziya finally releases this eagle, it will

9、be the end of its hunting days. Many of the younger generation of Chinas nomads are moving to modern cities on leaving their traditions behind, their lives no longer ruled by the changing of the seasons.,Background Information,Each year, the artists of Harbin get ready for a special winter celebrati

10、on. Giant blocks to ice from nearby rivers undergo a magical transformation. Tourists flock to Harbin from all over China to see the spectacular carvings, and the ice city that has sprung up all around. It takes 10,000 people 18 days to construct this icy wonderland. Its impressive enough by day. Bu

11、t the magic of this place only becomes apparent once the sun goes down.,New words&Expressions,uplandplnd n. 山地,高地 adj. 山地的,高地的 alpinelpan adj. 阿尔卑斯山的,高山的 aridrd adj. 干旱的;不毛的,农 荒芜的 hamsterhmst n. 仓鼠;仓鼠毛皮 provisionprv()n n. 规定;条款;准备;经 供应品 vt. 供给食物及必需品 marathonmr()n n. 马拉松赛跑;耐力的考验 adj. 马拉松式的;有耐力的 vi. 参

12、加马拉松赛跑 meagremi:g adj. 瘦的;贫弱的;贫乏的,New words&Expressions,foragefrd n. 饲料;草料;搜索 vi. 搜寻粮草;搜寻 pouchpatn. 小袋;育儿袋;烟草袋 vi. 成袋状 vt. 使成袋状;把装入袋中 burrowbr vi. 探索,寻找;挖地洞,挖通道;住入地洞,躲藏起来;钻进某处;偎依著vt. 挖掘,挖出;在挖洞(或通道);使躲入洞穴n. (兔、狐等的)洞穴,地道;藏身处,住处n. (Burrow)人名;(英)伯罗 chamber temb n. (身体或器官内的)室,膛;房间;会所 adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的 vt

13、. 把关在室内;装填(弹药等),New words&Expressions,rangeren(d) n. 范围;幅度;排;山脉 vi. 平行,列为一行;延伸;漫游;射程达到 vt. 漫游;放牧;使并列;归类于;来回走动 quarantinekwrnti:n vt. 检疫;隔离;使隔离 n. 检疫;隔离;检疫期;封锁 vi. 实行隔离 harkh:k vi. 听(常用于命令句) spectacularspektkjl adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 wonderlandwndlnd n. 奇境,仙境;非常奇妙的地方,Key Points,1.Leaving Kashgar and the

14、Silk Road behind we travel into the Tian Shan, or Heavenly Mountains. 离开了喀什和丝绸之路,我们一路来到天山或称天国之山。leave.behind:把遗留在。比如:Sometimes the only clue you have to SRED is the trail of bread crumbs you leave behind. 有时,你留下的面包屑痕迹是暗示你患有与睡眠有关饮食失调症的唯一线索。 2.Its majestic peaks are nearly as high as the Himalayas, fo

15、rming a natural great wall.他的宏伟顶峰几乎逼近喜马拉雅山巅峰,形成了一座天然长城。as+形容词原级+as:表示和一样,比如:as bold as brass厚颜无耻。,Key Points,现在分词短语forming a natural great wall作定语,修饰Himalayas,相当于which forms a natural great wall。 3.The destination could hardly be more different from the heavenly mountains lush pastures. 目的地和天山丰茂的牧场并

16、没有太大区别。hardly是含有否定意味的词,用来修饰more different,表示区别不大。 4.And though very little lives here now, the ancestors of Tyrannosaurus Rex once roamed these hills, their fossils only discovered in 2006. 尽管鲜有生物生存于此,霸王龙的祖先却曾经在这里的山脉间游荡,他们的化石仅在2006年被发掘。though引导让步状语从句;the ancestors of Tyrannosaurus Rex once roamed these hills作插入语,对主语起进一步解释说明的作用。,


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