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1、l分类号分类号 G718 密级密级 UDC 300 学号学号 2007210119 中中等职业学校教师管理长效机制研究等职业学校教师管理长效机制研究作者姓名:作者姓名: 指导教师姓名、职称指导教师姓名、职称 教教 授授 专专 业业 领领 域域 名名 称称 教教 育育 管管 理理 论文提交日期论文提交日期 年年 10 月月 论文答辩日期论文答辩日期 年年 12 月月 答辩委员会主席答辩委员会主席 教育硕士专业学位论文教育硕士专业学位论文l鲁东大学教育硕士专业学位论文中等职业学校教师管理长效机制研究中等职业学校教师管理长效机制研究姓 名: 导 师: 教授专业方向:教育管理鲁东大学教育科学学院年十二

2、月lA Dissertation Submitted to Ludong University for the Degree of Educational Master Research on Permanent Mechanism of Teachers Management in Secondary Vocational SchoolsMDCandidate:Jingui Xu Supervisor:Yanlun Han Professor Major:Educational AdministrationSchool of Psychology and Education, Ludong

3、UniversityDecember, 2009l中文摘要中文摘要中等职业教育已成为中等教育的重要组成部分,对我国经济建设、社会发展做出了巨大贡献,以培养技术应用型人才为主线的教学特色越来越受到社会的认可和欢迎。当前,伴随着国家一系列扶植政策的出台,各方面资金投入力度的加大,我国中等职业教育的改革与建设呈现出良好的发展势头。近几年,我国中职教师队伍的数量有所增加,质量有所提高,制度建设取得了重大突破,但是我国中职教师队伍建设与管理仍然面临着许多突出的问题。这些问题主要体现在:许多中职学校教师积极性不高、工作缺乏主动性、创造性,自我意识和能力不强,中职学校教师管理制度不完善、管理方法生硬,缺乏人

4、文关怀等诸多方面。论文从客观与主观两个方面对中职学校教师管理中存在问题的原因进行了分析,主要包括国家宏观政策、社会环境 、学校管理、教师自身动力、教师精力转移等方面的因素。在此基础上论文提出了形成中等职业学校教师管理长效管理机制的一系列措施。首先树立以人为本的管理理念,优化管理机制,引导教师积极参与日常管理和制度建设。包括人本思想在管理中的体现,已成为现代人类管理文明的基本标志;建立科学的教师管理模式,拓宽选人视野和渠道;坚持后备人才制度,促进教师可持续发展;激发教师创新精神,形成创业型团队。其次,完善现有教师管理制度用制度来制约人、激励人。包括在用人制度方面要建立教师成长机制,加强职业培训;

5、在评议制度方面完善考勤与考评制度;在激励制度方面应采用多元化的激励措施等。再次强化师德建设,增强教师责任感。包括鼓励教师树立教书育人、献身教育事业的精神;平等合作,诲人不倦的人格魅力;倡导文明执教,为人师表的育人风范等。最后建立制度管理与情感管理相结合的管理机制,用人性化管理凝聚吸引教师人才,形成实现教师自我管理与自我进步的保障机制。包括营造开放、沟通的组织气氛,做到“事业留人”“感情留人”;让情感管理成为教师自觉接受制度管理的内驱力,实现教师自我管理与自我进步。关键词:教师管理;长效机制lAbstractSecondary vocational education has become an

6、 essential part of secondary education and made great contribution to the economic construction and social development of our country. Secondary vocational education has become more and more popular since it aims to train applied talents. At present, the reformation and construction of secondary voc

7、ational education has developed quickly because our government supports its development and invests large amount money on it. During recent years, the teachers quantity of secondary vocational education has increased, the quality of teaching has improved, the system construction has made important b

8、reakthrough, but a lot of problems still exist in the construction and management of secondary vocational school teachers. The main problems are as following: many secondary vocational school teachers do not take active part in their teaching and lack activity and creativity as well as capability; t

9、he management system of the secondary vocational schools is imperfect, the management methods are gruff and these schools lack humanistic care.This thesis analyzes the existed problems in the management of secondary vocational school teachers from the objective and subjective aspects, mainly includi

10、ng national macro policy, social environment, school management, teachers self-motivation and teachers energy shift etc. Based on these facts, this thesis proposes a series of measures on how to form a persistent efficient management system for the secondary vocational teachers. First, we should hav

11、e people-oriented management ideal, optimize management system and guide the teachers to participate in daily management and system construction. People oriented thought in the management has become a basic symbol of modern human management civilization. Set up scientific teachers management mode an

12、d widen the vision and channel for selecting talents. Insist the system for talent and promote the sustainable development of teachers. Arouse teachers creativity and form team of starting business. Second, perfect the present management system of teachers to restrict and encourage people. We should

13、 set up teacher-growing system and strengthen the occupational training. Perfect the checking attendance and evaluation system. Adopt the diversified encouragement measures. Third, lstrengthen the construction of teachers professional ethics and build up teachers responsibility. We should encourage

14、the teachers to impart knowledge and educate people and devote to the teaching career and to cooperate equally. We should advocate the teachers to teach in a civilized way and to be the mode of others. Finally, set up a management system combining system management and emotional management. We shoul

15、d adopt the humanistic management to attract excellent teachers for the management system combining the teachers self-management and self-progress. We should set an open and communicable atmosphere and let the excellent teachers stay in school by career and emotion. Let the emotional management become an inner driving force for the teachers to accept the system management consciously and realize the teachers self-management and self-progress. Key words:teacher management;persistent effect mechanisml目 录中文摘 要1Abstract 21、引言



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