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1、本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译及原稿译文题目:企业品牌战略研究 原稿题目:The rise and stumble of green marketing? 原稿出处:Ken Peattie.Green marketing:legend,myth,faree or prophesyJ.Qualitative Market Research, 2009:P357-370.学 院: 专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 日期:201 年 月 日 0The rise and stumble of green marketing?Despite some attention in the 1970s

2、, it was really only in the late 1980s that the idea of green marketing emerged. Early academic treatments of green marketing spoke of the rapid increase in green consumerism at this as heralding a dramatic and inevitable shift in consumption towards greener products (Prototroph, 1990;Handcraftsman

3、and cliff 1990). Like any (relatively) new marketing phenomena, it was soon the subject of a great deal of market research. Much survey evidence from republic research bodies was cited as identifying heightened environmental awareness, a growing consumer interest in green products, and a pronounced

4、willingness to pay far green features (Crop Organization, 1990; Mindel, 1991;Worcester, 1993). Practical evidence for this came in the form of the highly directive global consumer boycott of CFC-driven aerosols, and the international success Of publications such as The Green Consumer Guide (Ellingto

5、n and Hail cs, 1988). There were two key responses to this: one was a burst of corporate activity in the area of green marketing; the other was an upsurge in green business research and writing a mongst academics.Corporate interest in green marketing was indicated by early market research major chan

6、ges and Vandemere and survey found that 91 per cent of European multinationals claimed to have changed their products in response to green concerns, and 85 per cent claimed to have changed their production systems. Green product introductions in the US more than doubled to11.4 per cent of all new ho

7、usehold products between 1989 and 1990, and continued to grow to 13.4 per cent in 1991Ottrnan, 1993. Similar the voluble of green print ads grew 430 per cent, and that of green TV ads by 367 per cent, between 1989 and 1990 (Aotrnan, 1993). Stories of colonics such as the Body Shop, Recover, Volvo.3M

8、, and even MacDonald became ever more cited in the green business literature to illustrate how and why green marketing initiatives could pay. Eyer and Bancroft (1993) responded to these developments by pronouncing that“green is in, no question about it“ and throughout the 1990s writers continued to

9、aver that the appears to 6e real and growing”(McKinnon and McCanna, 1997), and “green market expanding at a remarkable rate”(Schlemihl ct a1., 1996).Despite this optimistic picture, by the mid 一 1990s new infarct research evidence began to emerge which was less unequivocal about the growth of green

10、consumerism. Mint-cl s(1995) follow-up report on the enlivenment recorded only a very slight increase in green consumers since 1990, and identified a significant gap between concern and actual purchasing一 a picture replicated in subsequent management research (along et al.,1996; Pc-attic, 1999; Cran

11、e 2000). The frequency and protocontinent of green claims was also found to be in decline (National Consumer Council, 1996), and green coproducts looked to have achieved 1only limited success (along ct al., 1996). Specialist brands such as Ecovcr and Down to Earth failed to sustain the growth they e

12、njoyed in the early 1990s, and the specialist green ranges of sonic major companies such as Lever Brothers and Salisbury were discontinued. Al thou green product growth continued strongly in certain markets, such as food, tourism, and semuncial services, across the majority of markets there was no l

13、onger talk about the impressive growth in green product introductions.So, has green marketing failed to change how businesses behave and to move the economy towards stainability Same of the research evidence can be interpreted either way Critics can point to a reduction in advertising claims as proo

14、f of its decline,while others might sec this as an improvement on the late 1980s when a wave of often ill 一 cudgel advertising campaigns were mounted companies in a way that drew widespread criticism. Similarly, a reduction in specialist products can be interpreted as a failure, or it can reflect th

15、e mainstream market improving its environmental performance to the point that reduces the demand for specialist green products.Perhaps the most damning market research evidence in the case for the decline of green marketing is the alarming cynicism being displayed by consumers about green products,

16、green claims, and the companies behind thein(Kan gun ct al,1991; National Consumer Council, 1996). The marketing philosophy and process is built around the customer and the relationship between the company and the customer. If this is characterism by cynicism and distrust, then companies are unlikely to be able to bring customers along with them through the changes needed to mo



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