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1、 外文文献译文设计(论文)题目:中小企业电子商务运营模式推进与管理研究专业与班级: 电子商务 0902 班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013 年 1 月 4 日指导教师评阅意见指导教师签字:年 月 日 Strategic Aims and Effectiveness of Traditional Companies Implementing E-Commerce: A Comparative StudyOzlem Sipahi and Ozgur DogerliogluDepartment of Management Information Systems, Bogazici Universi

2、ty, Istanbul, TurkeyAbstract: The aim of this study is to explore the factors affecting e-commerce in different sectors, compare the sectors and measure the relations of these factors with the effectiveness in company objectives regarding e-commerce In the scope of the research 75 firms from tourism

3、, finance and textile sectors were selected as the sample and a survey has been conducted to define major differences between these sectors Hypotheses have been defined and tested for 44 surveys received using t-tests and regression analysis in order to explore the factors influencing effectiveness

4、of e-commerce in organizations It was found that effectiveness is influenced positively by number of supplier activities performed online and top management support Number of parties using e-commerce has a negative impact on effectiveness.Key words: Strategic use of e-business, effectiveness of e-co

5、mmerce, e-commerce, e-business, B2B, B2C, company objectivesINTRODUCTIONOnline activities have been facilitating the living styles and working habits of many people and firms more and more every passing year and as the competition between the organizations increases, organizations become more and mo

6、re willing to catch up with the new technology in order not to be left behind the competitionThe aim of this study is to explore the differences between usage, importance and effectiveness values of different sectors regarding e-commerce .Three sectors; finance, tourism and textile are selected as t

7、he sample sectors and several analysis have been conducted in order to get an overview about the subject and make comparisons between the sectors.Internet is affecting everybodys life and living styles in the recent few years significantly, in a way that makes it possible for the companies to employ

8、 e-commerce to direct their business activities and to carry out electronic transactions (Chang et a/, 2006) Organizations are changing from a physical, supply-driven and disconnected structure to an intellectual, demand driven and interconnected type (Chang and 11, 2003). Many organizations conduct

9、 a detailed research before implementing such technology, whereas, others make investments based on the experience from the competition(Walden and Browne, 2006).THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDOrganizations prefer to use various strategies to increase their effectiveness. Some of these strategies are related

10、to using information technology resources to increase their competitiveness Resources support organizational success based on the management theory called as resource-based view of the firm ( Zhuang and Lederer, 2006) Transforming a traditional company to a digital one necessitates new investments i

11、n different processes within the firm Digital improvements in management of relations with suppliers, customers and other parties depend on financial resources of the organization.In a widely used term, e-commerce can be defined as, the process of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products

12、, services and/or information via computer networks, including the internet and technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic FundsTransfer (EFT), electronic mail (e-mail), internet activities such as web pages can be observed under the scope of e-commerce (Turbanet a/, 2004; Mu

13、staffa and Beaumont, 2004)Organizations can be classified into three basic types based on their usage of e-commerce such as brick-and-mortar organizations, click-and-mortar organizations and virtual (pure-play) organizations (Turban et a/, 2004; Bendoly et a/, 2006)B2B e-commerce is defined as perfo

14、rming business operations between an organization and its partners through the use of internet and online technologies (Teo and Ranganathan,2004). Information technology has a significant and major role for facilitating the interaction between the customer organization and its suppliers, as electron

15、ic connection between the supply chain members, provided by e-commerce leads to an improved relationship among business partners (Mclvor et al,2003).The improvements in B2B e-commerce brings new advantages for the organizations in the management of supply chain networks and e-enable procurement, dis

16、tribution, communications, sales and marketing and financial systems among business partners (Harrison and Waite, 2006). Among the effects of B2B e-commerce, the major benefit is the establishment of a new and more cost-effective supply chain network, which creates about 90% of all e-commerce by value and size (Nagurney et al., 2005). Hence, most organizations consider B2B e-commerce as a necessity to improve their performance



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