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1、Lecture08 Review,战略分析的基本框架,从战略性计划到战术性计划,环境分析,远景和 使命陈述,战略 选择,战术 选择,配置 资源,业绩度量 与评价,反馈,战略性计划,战术性计划,核心 能力,Core Ideology Core Values Core Purpose,Envisioned Future 10-to-30-year BHAG Vivid Description,Articulating a Vision,Core Values are a companys essential tenetsSony: elevation of Japanese culture and

2、 national status; being a pioneer, not following others, doing the impossible; encouraging individual ability and creativity.,Core Purpose is a companys reason for beingSony: to experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public,Vision-level BHAG: 10-to-30-year Goa

3、lBHAG: big , hairy, audacious goal.Sony, 1950s become the company most known for changing the worldwide poor-quality image of Japanese products (),Vivid Descriptiona vibrant, engaging, and specific description of what it will be like to achieve the BHAG. Sony: We will create products that become per

4、vasive around the world. We will be the first Japanese company to go into the U.S. Market and distribute directly. We will succeed with innovations that U.S. Companies have failed at such as the transistor radio. Fifty years from now, our brand name will be as well known as any in the world. and wil

5、l signify innovation and quality that rival the most innovative companies anywhere. “Made in Japan” will mean something fine, not something shoddy.,天,一般环境,行业环境,竞争对手,企业自身,知天知地 知利危,知彼知己 识长短,扬长避短 趋利避害 满足顾客,目标市场,地,彼,己,顾客,知天: PEST modelPolitical Factors Economic Factors Social-cultural Factors Technologi

6、cal factors,Threat of Substitutes,Industry Competition and Rivalry,Bargaining Power of Suppliers,Bargaining Power of Buyers,Threat of New Entrants,知地: Five Forces Model,What drives the competitor,What the competitor is doing and can do,Competitors Response Profile,Is the competitor satisfied with it

7、s current position?,Future Goals,At all level and in multiple dimensions,Current Strategy,How the business is currently competing,Assumptions,Held about itself and the industry,Capabilities,What likely moves or strategy shifts will the competitor make?,Where is the competitor vulnerable?,What will p

8、rovoke the greatest and most effective retaliation by the competitor?,Both strengths and weaknesses,知彼: Competitor Analysis Model,Firm Infrastructure,Human Resource Management,Technology Development,Procurement,Inbound Logistics,Support Activities,Primary Activities,Operations,Outbound Logistics,Mar

9、keting and Sales,Service,Margin,Margin,知己: The Generic Value Chain,知顾客: Model of buyer behavior,Outside stimuli market:1. Product2. price3. Place4. promotion environmental:1. economic,2. technological,3. political,4. cultural,Buyers black box buyer characteristics:1. cultural,social2. personal3. psy

10、chological buyer decision process:1. Problem recognition2. Information search3. Evaluation4. Decision5. Postpurchase behavior,Buyers purchase decisions1. product choice2. brand choice3. dealer choice4. purchase timing5. purchase amount,Whats a Core Competence? (1)An integration of skills,A core comp

11、etence is a bundle of constituent skills and technologies, rather than a single, discrete skill or technology. A core competence represents the integration of a variety of individual skills. It is this integration that is the distinguishing hallmark of a core competence.,Whats a Core Competence? (2)

12、not an asset,A core competence is not an “asset” in the accounting sense of the word. A core competence is not an inanimate thing, it is an activity, a messy accumulation of learning. A core competence will undoubtedly comprise both tacit and explicit knowledge.,HBR, 1990,Core competencies are the c

13、ollective learning in the organization, especially how to coordinate diverse production skills and integrate multiple streams of technologies. (an integration of skills)Unlike physical assets, which do deteriorate over time, competencies are enhanced as they applied and sharedPatterns of diversifica

14、tion and market entry may be guided by them, not just by the attractiveness of markets.,Whats a Core Competence? (3)customer value,A core competence must make a disproportionate contribution to customer-perceived value. Core competencies are the skills which enable a firm to deliver a fundamental cu

15、stomer benefit. The distinction between core and non-core competencies rests, in part, on a distinction between core and non-core customer benefits.,Whats a Core Competence? (4)competitor differentiation,To qualify as a core competence a capability must also be competitively unique. This does not mean that to qualify as core a competence must be uniquely held by a single firm but rather that any capability that is ubiquitous across the industry should not be defined as core unless the companys level of competence is substantially superior to all others.,



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