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1、中考必默词组复习,1、想出 2、思考,考虑 3. 拍照 4. 等待、等候 5. 穿上 / 穿着 6. 直到才 7. 为而准备 8. 扫走 9. 全年 10. 保持健康,think of think about take photos wait for put on / have on notuntil get ready for sweep away all the year round stay / keep healthy keep fit,11. 复习,温习 12. 野炊 13. 期盼做某事 14. 游览 15. 去观光 16. 去骑自行车 17. 砍伐,砍倒 18. 在某人的帮助下 1

2、9. 在将来 20. 和相比较,revise for have a picnic look forward to doing sth. do some sightseeing go sightseeing go cycling cut downwith the help of sb. in the future compare to / with,21. 变暖 22. 擅长 23. 带某人参观 24. 接通/断开(电器) 25. 出生于 26. 陷入困境 27. 朝四周看 28. 把变成 29. 在岁时 30. 穿过,get warm be good at show ( take ) sb a

3、round switch on / off be born be in trouble look around change into at the age of go through,31. 度假 32. 和玩 33. 向某人问好 34. 被称为 35. 迷路 36. 写下;记下 37. 互相 38. 过得快乐 39. 总是;一直 40. 起飞;脱下,卸掉 / 拿走,go on holiday play with say hello to be called get lost write down each other enjoy oneself all the time take off,

4、come true more than sell out get on well with sb. get on well with sth. hear about /of live on less and less for example / such as take place above all,41. 实现 42. 多于,超过 43. 卖完 44. 与某人相处融洽某事进展顺利 45. 听说 46. 以为食 47. 越来越少 48. 例如 , 比如 49. 发生 / 举行 50. 首先,最重要的是,take part in drop out of school find out on e

5、arth in addition to of course go off a bit shake hands stop from (doing) sth. prevent from (doing) sth.,51. 参加 52. 退学 53. 找出;查明(真相) 54. 究竟 55. 除以外 56. 当然 57. 熄灭;离开 58. 有点儿 59. 握手 60. 阻止做某事,from time to time hang on / hold the line do some cleaning do an interview with sb. tidy up take up (be) intere

6、sted in as well as as a result come out,61. 有时;偶尔 62. 稍等 63. 打扫卫生 64. 采访 65. 收拾 66. 占用 67. 对感兴趣 68. 并且,还 69. 结果 70. 出版,be able toin factagree with sb.feel likeby the wayfar awaybe afraid ofmake friends withworry aboutbe proud of,71. 能,会 72. 事实上 73. 同意某人的意见 74. 觉得 75. 顺便说 76. 遥远的 77. 害怕做 78. 和交朋友 79.

7、 担心 80. 为感到自豪,81. 提一些建议 82. 在结束时 83. 至少 84. 不管怎样,毕竟 85. 赶快 86. 面对面的 87. 以某人的观点,某人看来 88. 叫醒 89. 一就 90. 依靠,依据,give some advice at the end of at least after all hurry up / come on face to face in ones opinion wake up as soon as depend on,91. 一天天地 92. 倒数 93. 小心 94. 不客气。 95. 属于 96. 询问,要求 97. 停止播音,关闭 98.

8、打开 / 关上 99. 聚会 100. 帮克服困难,day by day count down look out ( for ) Dont mention it. belong to ask for close down turn on / turn off get together help out,save ones life so that / in order to see off come up give ones life to in spite of / even though in the end / at last go to college not at all on on

9、es own = by oneself,101. 挽救某人的生命 102. 目的是 103. 送别 104. 出现,发生 105. 献身于 106. 尽管 107. 最后 108. 上大学 109. 一点也不 110. 独自,自己,111. 注意听 112. 从内出来 113. 处于的边缘 114. 在的底部 115. 就来说,至于 116. 不再 117. 生某人的气 118. 逃跑 119.暂时,一度 120.成长,listen up get out of on the edge of at the bottom of as far as notany more = no more be/

10、get angry with run away for a time grow up,121. 代表 122. 建立 123. 负责 124. 浏览 125.一次 126. 用手工(制作) 127. 集中注意力于 128. 设法弄懂,计算出 129. 试用,试验 130. 顺便走访,stand for set up see to look through at a time by hand pay attention to work out try out drop in,131.对造成伤害 132.对有重大影响 133.张贴,挂起 134.组成,构成 135.许多 136.看一看 137.与

11、相似 138. 好像,仿佛 139. 扔掉,抛弃 140. 接某人 / 拣起某物,do harm to make a difference to put up be made up of a number of have a look ( at ) be similar to as if + 从句 throw away pick sb. up / pick up sth.,141. 和某人说几句话 142. 赢得.的心 143. 放弃 144. 碰见 145. 由于,多亏 146. 向增加 147. 取得很大进步 148. 结婚 149. 保持联系 150. 登记入住,办理登机手续,have

12、a word with sb. win the heart of give up bump into thanks to add to make great progress get married stay in touch check in,151. 入睡 152. 伸手去摸 153. 扮演角色 154. 在户外,在露天 155. 无论 156. 回报;偿还 157.(从)跌落 158. 过(某种生活) 159. 显示、显耀 160. 要么要么,不是而是,fall asleep reach out play the role of in the open air no matter pay (sb.) back fall(fell; fallen)off lead alife show off either or ,



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