sentence translation

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《sentence translation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《sentence translation(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Sentence Translation 1I.Interpret the following sentences from English to Chinese1 I am delighted to be here this morning to open the Canton Fair. I would like to thank the Ministry of Commerce for inviting us to attend this important event. 我非常高兴今天早上能够来到这里,宣布广交会的召开。我要感谢商务部邀请我们来参加这次重要的盛会。2. It is an

2、 honor to address you in this Great Hall. The ILO (International Labor Organization)is very pleased to partner with the ministry of Labor and social Security in organizing this event.我很荣幸能够在人民大会堂讲话。国际劳工组织非常高兴能够和劳动与社会保障部共同组织这次活动。3. I would like hereby to extend my admiration for your precise research

3、 style, serious discussion about the theory, and unremitting studying presented by all the participating experts and delegates.在此,我想对所有与会专家和代表的严谨的研究态度,严肃的学术讨论和不懈的研究工作表示深深的敬意。4. With our joint efforts, our discussion has realized its objective of communication and seeking future opportunities. We not

4、 only talked about the issue in our meetings but also exchanged opinions after those meetings and decided to have further cooperation. 在我们的共同努力下,讨论已经实现了交流和寻求未来机遇的目标。我们不仅在会上讨论了问题,在会后也交换了意见,并且决定将进一步合作。5. Finally, on behalf of the organizing committee, please allow me again to express my gratitude to a

5、ll the distinguished guests and delegates for your wonderful participation. Thanks to the support and help of you, our meeting reached a full success. 最后,请允许我代表组委会对所有尊贵的来宾和代表再次表示感谢,谢谢你们来参加此次会议。由于你们的支持和帮助,我们的会议取得了圆满成功。6. Thank you very much for the hospitality. But what I expect from our trip to your

6、 company is more than that. I understand there have been some misunderstandings between us. We hope with todays exchange, we can know each other better and overcome the barriers. 非常感谢您的盛情款待。但是我们这次访问贵公司所期望的还远远不止这些。我们知道我们之间有一些误解,希望今天的交流能够让我们更好地了解彼此,克服障碍。 7. I am so delighted that our visit has been a

7、great success. I believe the partnership we have established will lead us to a win-win situation. And I sincerely hope that our cooperation can last forever. 我十分高兴我们的访问取得了如此大的成功。相信我们所建立的合作关系将会带领我们实现双赢。而且,我也衷心希望我们的合作能够永远持续下去。8. I wish you all the very best in your endeavors, and in the months and yea

8、rs ahead. Thank you. 我祝愿你们的事业在今天、在未来的岁月中都能够蓬勃发展。谢谢。II. Interpret the following sentences from Chinese to English1.很高兴今天参加这样的一个盛会, 很荣幸有这样的一个机会与业界的精英相互交流, 共商合作发展的大计。 I am very pleased to take part in todays event, and I am truly honored to have this opportunity of exchanging with elites in this indust

9、ry and discussing the blueprint for development.2. 借此机会,我要衷心地感谢我们的行业协会以及整个业界的朋友们多年来对我公司的关心、支持和厚爱,并衷心希望这种合作和友谊能够地久天长,不断取得新的成果。Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank our association and all the friends in this industry for your concern, support and caring to my company. I sincerely hope that t

10、his cooperation and friendship can last forever and constantly make achievements.3. 我们真诚地希望与在座的朋友们继续加强了解,加强友谊,加强合作,共同发展。用我们更大的热情、更好的服务、更好的业绩回报大家,回报社会。 We sincerely wish that friends present today can continue enhancing understanding, friendship and cooperation as well as making joint development. Wi

11、th greater passion, better service and stronger performance, we can return to you and to our society.4. 很高兴会议的主办方为我们创造了这么好的机会,让我们能够有一个交流的平台。I want to express my gratitude to the host for giving us such a wonderful chance to have a platform for communication.5. 这是我首次访问这座美丽的城市,为此我深感荣幸。借此机会,请允许我代表代表团全体

12、成员,对东道主给予我们的盛情款待表示诚挚的谢意。 I feel honored to visit this beautiful city for the first time. Taking this opportunity, please allow me, on behalf of all my delegation, to extend our sincere appreciation to the host for the hospitality.6. 中国古代有一位诗人曾经说过:“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 ”今天我们能够聚到一起,是一件多么令人愉快的事情!There was a po

13、et in ancient China who once said, “long distances separate no bosom friends,” What a pleasure that we can get together here today!7. 最后我建议为总统和夫人的健康,为其他客人们的健康,为在座的所有朋友和同志们的健康,为我们两国之间的友谊,干杯! Finally, I would like to propose a toast to the health of Mr. President and his wife, our guests and all the f

14、riends and comrades present, and to the friendship of our two countries. Cheers!8. 组织一个大型的锦标赛需要投入大量的人力。为此,我们感谢主办方为比赛的胜利召开付出的努力,并向广州市政府和赞助此次比赛的企业一并表示感谢。To organize such a large-scale tournament needs a large amount of manpower. Therefore I would like to thank the great efforts that organizer has made for the success of the competition. And my thanks also go to the Peoples Government of Guangzhou and sponsors.



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