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1、Graceman wine Training : Basic Knowledge on French wine 戈斯曼法国葡萄酒培训,,Table of Content,1. Context2. The French appellation system : A.O.C. The A.O.C law The A.O.C factors The A.O.C categories3. The most famous AOC regions Bordeaux 波尔多 Burgundy 勃艮第 Rhone 罗纳河谷 Loire 卢瓦河 Alsace 阿尔萨斯 Champagne 香槟 The othe

2、rs,Context,The most famous country for wine 葡萄酒最出名的国家The motherland of :- most “noble grapes” use for wine (cabernet, Chardonnay, Merot, Pinot, Sauvignon, ) 大多数用作酿制葡萄酒的精贵葡萄的国土- Barrel (it was invented by the Gauls) 酒桶(高卢人的发明),2. The French Appellation A.O.C.,The A.O.C. law,What does A.O.C means ?法定产

3、区葡萄酒 Appellation dOrigine Contrle Set up in 1935 1935年建立Was then copied by other countries (Italy,) 于是被许多其他国家模仿(意大利)Nowadays, there are more than 400 A.O.C. : 当今,有超过400个法定产区葡萄酒- covering 385 000 hectares 覆盖了385000公顷- producing about 22 millions hectoliters 生产了大约两千两百万公升,The A.O.C factors (1/2),Geogra

4、phical 地理位置 Bordeaux, Burgundy, St Emilion,Grapes 葡萄 Chardonnay grapes will never be found in Bordeaux wine, otherwise the wine wine will not be called Bordeaux 霞多丽葡萄永远不会在波尔多葡萄酒中被发现,除非这酒就不能称为波尔多。,The A.O.C. law takes in consideration many factors : A.O.C包括要考虑的许多因素,The A.O.C factors (2/2),Percentage

5、of Alcohol, Ex: Bordeaux is minimum 12.5% 酒精含量,例如:波尔多最小的是12.5%Viticulture & viniculture technics 葡萄栽培酿制学和技术 Yield limitation (production/hectare) 产量限制(产量/公顷),The A.O.C categories,The A.O.C. system is sub-divide in 4 main categories : A.O.C体系细分成4个主要种类:A.O.C. : Appellation dOrigine Contrle 法定产区葡萄酒28%

6、of the production of French wines 法国葡萄酒产量的28%V.D.Q.S. : Vin Dlimit de Qualit Suprieure (usually after 10 years they become AOC) 优良地区餐酒(通常10年后他们变成AOC)1% of the production 产量的1%V.D.P.: Vin de Pays: 地区餐酒-can be regional (there are 5): ex: Vin de Pays du jardin de la France (loire) or vins de pays dOc (

7、Languedoc). 能被区域化(有5个)例如:如瓦尔河的餐酒,朗阁多克的餐酒-Departmental (around 40) 部门的(大约有40个)-Locals(当地的)15% of the production 15%的产量V.D.T. : Vin de Table 日常餐酒44% of the production 44%的产量,4. The most famous A.O.C. regions,Bordeaux,Grape varieties for red wine :红葡萄酒的葡萄种类: Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Cabernet Franc Pet

8、ite Verdot Malbec,Grape varieties for white wine :白葡萄酒的葡萄种类:Sauvignon blancSemillonMuscadelle,Most Famous appellation in France 在法国最著名的产区 57 AOC (St-Estephe, Pomerol, grave) Famous for red, but produces great white and sweat wines (sauternes) 以红酒出名,但是能酿制出最棒的白葡萄酒(苏特恩白葡萄酒) 3 main regions: right bank (

9、cabernet), left bank (merlot) and entre-deux-mers (mainly whites) 3个主要地区:右岸,左岸和两海之间(以白酒为主),Burgundy,Burgundy Grape varieties :勃艮第葡萄种类 For red wine : Pinot noir (where it expresses itself the best) For white wine : Chardonnay, Aligote,One exception, Beaujolais grape variety : 一个特别的,薄若来村葡萄种类Gamay,27,0

10、00 hectares 100% AOC有2700公顷100%的AOC Very dislocated vineyard: small parcels 一小块地 5 main regions: Chablis, Cote dOr (Cote de Nuit + Cote de Beaune), Cotes Chalonnaises, Maconnais and Beaujolais. 5个主要产区(夏布利次 产区,金丘次产区,夏隆奈次产区,马贡奈次产区,宝祖利次产区 ) Produces great red wines, but is also famous for its amazing w

11、hites生产出很好的红葡萄酒,但是也以很棒的白葡萄酒闻名。,Rhne,Grape varieties for red wine :红葡萄酒葡萄种类 Syrah: Hermitage, Cote Rotie, Chateauneuf Grenache, Mourvedre: Chteauneuf du Pape, Cotes du Rhone + other grapes use in blending (Chateauneuf and Cote du Rhone) 其他葡萄混合而成Grapes for white wines:白葡萄酒葡萄种类 Viognier: Cote Rotie, Co

12、ndrieu Roussane,90% of the production is red wine 产量的90%是红葡萄酒 50,000 hectare 50000公顷 2 main regions2个主要产地: North (Crozes Hermitage, lHermitage) and south (Chateauneuf du Pape, Gigondas),Loire,Grape varieties for WHITE wine :白葡萄酒葡萄种类 Sauvignon blanc白素维翁: Sancerre / Pouilly-Fum : Chenin blanc白仙农: Vouv

13、ray Melon de Bourgogne (=Muscadet): Muscadet,Grape varieties for Red wine :红葡萄酒葡萄种类 Cabernet Franc 佛朗 Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠,Famous for its whites以白葡萄酒著名: Sancerre, Puilly Fume, Muscadet 4 main regions4个主要产地: Pays Nantais(Muscadet), Anjou (Rose dAnjou, Saumur), Touraine (Chinon, Bourgueil), Centre (

14、Puilly fume, Sancerre),Alsace,Grape varieties for WHITE wine : Riesling : Riesling Gewurztraminer : Gewurztraminer Tokay Pinot Gris : Pinot Gris Pinot blanc (=Klevner) : Pinot blanc Muscat Sylvaner Grape varieties for red wines: Pinot Noir,15,000 hectares 15000公顷 Famous for its whites 以白葡萄酒著名 The on

15、ly French region where the grape is the name of the wine (varietal) 葡萄酒的名字是葡萄的唯一一个法国产区 They do SGN (selection de grains nobles) 他们精选葡萄 VT: vendange tardive (late harvest)(晚收型),Champagne,Grape varieties for Champagne :香槟区的葡萄种类 Pinot noir Chardonnay Pinot Meunier,The best sparkling wines in the world. 世界上最好的汽酒Produces Vintage Champagne, blanc de blanc (100% wite grapes) 制造上等的香槟(100%白葡萄),Other regions,Like Languedoc Roussillon, Provence 其他产区像朗阁多克 鲁西荣,普罗旺斯,1855Grand Cru,1855一级名庄,1855二级名庄,1855二级名庄,1855三级名庄,1855四级名庄,1855五级名庄,1855名庄,圣达米翁名庄,A级名庄:白马庄,欧颂庄 B级名庄:9个 其它名庄64个。,


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