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1、Peking University,The Untitled Lake learned tower,The Untitled Lake learned tower,library,North Pavilion,historic building,dormitory,stadium,Office buildings,The Life Sciences Buildings,The West Campus Bridge,Winter scene,kiosk,Antalya Archeology Museum,习近平访问北大图片,import,Chinese ten outstanding unive

2、rsity(2013),Introduction,Peking University is a major Chinese research university located in Beijing, and a member of the C9 League. It is the first established modern national university of China, founded as the “Imperial University of Peking“ in 1898 as a replacement of the ancient Guozijian. By 1

3、920 it had become a center for progressive thought. Today, Peking University is frequently listed as one of the top universities in China by many domestic and international rankings. In addition to academics, Peking University is especially renowned for its campus grounds, and the beauty of its trad

4、itional Chinese architecture.,Peking University is a comprehensive and National key university. The campus, known as “Yan Yuan“- the gardens of Yan, is situated at the northeast of the Haidian District at the western suburbs of Beijing. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.,北京

5、Peking University,校训:思想自由 兼容并包学风:勤奋 严谨 求实 创新校风:爱国 进步 民主 科学,Associations,There are more than 3000 associations in Peking University. Appropriation and support are important.,colleges and departments,There are six teaching organizations. There are about 50 colleges.,others,Continuing Education in Peki

6、ng University Campus life in Peking University,Research institutes and research centers,At present, Pecking University has 216 research institutes and research centers, and there are 2 national engineering research centers,81 key national key laboratories.,National School of Development,The Director

7、 of the National School of Development (formerly China Center for Economic Research), Professor of Economics of Peking University and Professor of the graduate school of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is Prof. Fan Gang. Dr. Fan had more than 100 academic papers published in both Chinese and Engl

8、ish academic journals, more than 200 articles in newspapers and magazines and had also published several books. Justin Lin, the founding director of the institute, is the World Banks chief economist. His appointment marked the first time the post went to a candidate outside Europe or the United Stat

9、es.,Peking University has produced many notable people, especially prominent thinkers in modern China. These include figures such as Hu Shih, Li Dazhao and Lu Xun. Peking University also has two Nobel Prize winners, Li Zhengdao and Yang Chenning, although both conducted their Nobel winning work at U

10、niversities in the US. Since 1948, 586 Peking University alumni have been selected into the renowned Academic Division of the Chinese Academy of Science, overshadowing any other universities in China. Another notable alumni includes Hao Ping current Vice President of the Ministry of Education.,Notab

11、le people,李克强,These famous people have been studied at Pecking University before,杨伟光,Principal,Wang Enge was born in a wealthy and highly educated family in Liaoning, Shenyang. During the Down to the Countryside Movement, he became a sent-down youth in Liaozhong County. After the Cultural Revolution

12、, he was accepted to Liaoning University in December 1977, obtaining a B.S. and M.S. in theoretical physics. After graduation, he went to study in America at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. from Peking University in July 1990. In January 1992, he attended the University of Lille Nord de

13、France. In 2007, he was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, at the age of 50.In 2009, he served as the President of School of Physics of Peking University. On March 22 2013, he was promoted to become the President of Peking University.,王恩哥,北京大学历任校长,孙家鼐(18271909) 字燮臣,安徽寿州(今寿县)人

14、。清咸丰状元。历任工部、礼部、吏部尚书。1898年7月3日以受命为首任管理大学堂事务大臣。,许景澄(18451900) 字竹筠,浙江嘉兴人。清同治进士。1898年7月任京师大学堂总教习。1899年7月至1900年7月任暂行管理大学堂事务大臣。,张百熙(18471907) 字盖铮,湖南长沙人。清同治进士。1902年1月受命为管学大臣,恢复因八国联军入侵而暂时停办的京师大学堂。1904年2月离任。,张亨嘉(18471911) 字燮钧,福建侯官(今福州)人。清光绪进士。1904年2月,受命为京师大学堂首任总监督。1906年2月离任。,李家驹(18711938) 字柳溪,清汉军正黄旗人。清光绪进士。1

15、906年2月至1907年7月任京师大学堂总监督。,朱益藩(18611937) 江西莲花人。书法家。清光绪进士。1907年7月至1907年12月任京师大学堂总监督。,刘廷琛(18671932) 字幼云,江西德化人。清光绪进士。1907年12月至1910年9月任京师大学堂总监督。,柯劭愍(18501933) 字凤孙,山东胶州人。清光绪进士。1910年9月至1911年11月署理京师大学堂总监督。,劳乃宣(18431921) 字玉初,浙江桐乡人。音韵学家,清同治进士。1911年11月至1912年2月任京师大学堂总监督。,严 复(18541921) 字又陵,福建侯官(今福州)人。思想家、教育家、翻译家。

16、1912年2月任京师大学堂总监督,同年5月,京师大学堂改称北京大学校,任首任校长。同年10月辞职。,何燏时(18781961) 字燮侯,浙江诸暨人。1906任学部专门司主事兼京师大学堂教习。次年,任京师大学堂工科监督。1912年12月至1913年11月,任北京大学校长。,胡仁源(1883?) 字次珊,浙江吴兴人。曾任京师大学堂教员、北京大学预科学长等职。1913年11月,代理北京大学校长。1914年1月至1916年12月,任北京大学校长。,蔡元培(18681940) 字孑民,浙江绍兴人。民主革命家、思想家、教育家。1916年12月至1927年8月,任北京大学校长。提倡思想自由、兼容并包,对北大进行了卓有成效的改革,促进了北大思想的活跃、新思潮的传播和学术的繁荣,众多革新人物和学术大师云集北大,倡导民主与科学精神,北大成为新文化运动中心,五四运动的策源地。,蒋梦麟(18861964) 号孟邻,浙江余姚人。教育家。曾任北京大学教授、总务长、代理校长等。1930年12月至1945年9月,任北京大学校长、西南联合大学常务委员会委员等职。,胡 适(18911962) 字适之,安徽绩溪人。哲学家、教育家。历任北京大学教授、北大研究所哲学门主任、英文系主任、教务长、文学院院长等。1945年9月至1948年12月,任北京大学校长。,


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