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1、1,ZHAO Jianping Nanjing University of Technology,How to Write and Publish Scientific Papers in English (2),Title Name,2,题名撰写的基本要求,题名应以最少的数量的单词来充分表述论文的内容。 题名最好由最能反映论文核心内容的主题词来扩展,要注意采用正确的单词顺序,形容词应与其所修饰的名词紧密相邻。 题名的作用主要有两个方面 (1)吸引读者。一般的读者是根据题名来考虑是否需要阅读摘要或全文。 (2)帮助文献追踪或检索。文献检索系统多以题名中的主题词作为线索,主题词必须要准确地反映论

2、文的核心内容,否则就有可能产生漏检。不恰当的题名很可能会导致论文“丢失”,从而不能被潜在的读者获取。,3,题名撰写的基本要求,在设计题名时,作者应思考一下“我如何检索这类信息” 为了方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉丁语)等。部分文体指南和作者须知中还特别规定题名中不得使用专利名、化工产品、药品、材料或仪器的公司名、特殊商业标记或商标。,4,题名撰写的基本要求,题名ABC 1、准确(Accuracy)题目能确切表达、切合文章的实际 2、简洁(Brevity)要以最少的文字,概括尽可能多的内容(15个词以内

3、,学位论文20字) 3、清楚(Clarity)反映文章的特色,5,Chapter 4 How to Prepare the Title,Importance of the Title In preparing a title for a paper, the author would do well to remember one salient fact: That title will be read by thousands of people. Perhaps few people, if any, will read the entire paper, but many people

4、 will read the title, either in the original journal or in one of the secondary (abstracting and indexing) publications. Therefore, all words in the title should be chosen with great care, and their association with one another must be carefully managed. Perhaps the most common error in defective ti

5、tles, and certainly the most damaging in terms of comprehension, is faulty syntax (word order).,6,Chapter 4 How to Prepare the Title,What is a good title? I define it as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper. Remember that the indexing and abstracting services

6、depend heavily on the accuracy of the title, as do the many individual computerized literature-retrieval systems in use today. An improperly titled paper may be virtually lost and never reach its intended audience.,7,Chapter 4 How to Prepare the Title,Length of the Title Occasionally, titles are too

7、 short. A paper was submitted to the Journal of Bacteriology with the title “Studies on Brucella.“ Obviously, such a title was not very helpful to the potential reader. Was the study taxonomic, genetic, biochemical, or medical? We would certainly want to know at least that much.,8,Chapter 4 How to P

8、repare the Title,Much more often, titles are too long. Ironically, long titles are often less meaningful than short ones. A generation or so ago, when science was less specialized, titles tended to be long and nonspecific, such as “On the addition to the method of microscopic research by a new way o

9、f producing colour-contrast between an object and its background or between definite parts of the object itself“ (J. Rheinberg, J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1896:373). That certainly sounds like a poor title; perhaps it would make a good abstract.,9,Chapter 4 How to Prepare the Title,Without question, most e

10、xcessively long titles contain “waste“ words. Often, these waste words appear right at the start of the title, words such as “Studies on,“ “Investigations on, and “Observations on.“ An opening A, An, or The is also a “waste“ word. Certainly, such words are useless for indexing purposes.,10,题名撰写可以省略的

11、多余词,论文题名中可以省略的多余的词: Analysis of, Development of, Evaluation of , Experimental, Investigation of (on), Observations on, On the, Regarding, Report of (on), Research on, Review of, Studies of (on), The preparation of, The synthesis of, The nature of, Treatment of, Use of, 等,11,Chapter 4 How to Prepare

12、the Title,The Title as a Label The title of a paper is a label. It is not a sentence. Because it is not a sentence, with the usual subject, verb, object arrangement, it is really simpler than a sentence (or, at least, usually shorter), but the order of the words becomes even more important.,12,Chapt

13、er 4 How to Prepare the Title,The meaning and order of the words in the title are of importance to the potential reader who sees the title in the journal table of contents. But these considerations are equally important to all potential users of the literature, including those (probably a majority)

14、who become aware of the paper via secondary sources. Thus, the title should be useful as a label accompanying the paper itself, and it also should be in a form suitable for the machine-indexing systems used by Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, and others. Most of the indexing and abstracting servic

15、es are geared to “key word“ systems, generating either KWIC (key word in context) or KWOC (key word out of context) entries. Therefore, it is fundamentally important that the author provide the right “keys“ to the paper when labeling it. That is, the terms in the title should be limited to those wor

16、ds that highlight the significant content of the paper in terms that are both understandable and retrievable.,13,如何写好一篇论文的题名 题名分析,名词性词组的形式由一个或多个名词加上其前置定语和或后置定语构成,题名中一般出现名词、形容词、介词、冠词和连接词,如出现动词,一般用现在分词、过去分词或动名词的形式。 主-副题名的形式,其目的是为了突出研究方法,研究对象或研究主题。 采用系列题名的形式 题名采用陈述句 题名采用疑问句,14,如何写好一篇论文的题名 题名分析,题名常用词 以目的为主。 如:Observation on , Comparison between, Improvement of 以对象为主。 如:Nuclear energy in China,AIDS in the United States 以方法为主。 如:Experimental study of, LASER processing of 以结果为主。 如:Results of , Verification of ,Follow-up of 以论点为主。 如:Realizing the importance of , Is regression analysis necessary for?,


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